364 pounds ..Help x

:( just starting my journey ..would love any tips please I am 39 and 5 feet 8. I am disgusted in myself but looking forward to getting my life back xx hop :( e yr all great xx


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    All that's required is a caloric deficit, so eat less and move more. One of the most import tips one could offer is to buy and use a food scale.
    You've got this!
  • lynnpertle
    lynnpertle Posts: 34 Member
    I started in January. Two key factors I had trouble wrapping my head around. Patience is the key. Also, do not give up if you have a bad day. Log it and get back on track the very next day.
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    eat less and move more first of all. Secondly, I would suggest that you don't give up any food that you love, including sweets and chips, or whatever the case may be. I've done that, and when I got to my goal weight, I went wild with the foods that I missed and gained all my weight back. Just have a little instead of a lot and log log log those calories. Good luck! You can do it and you WILL do it, just don't give up ever!
  • resectowoman
    resectowoman Posts: 5 Member
    I started close to your weight and lost 93 pounds in ten months. It all came back a few years later when I got a chronic illness. But, my best advice to you is slow and steady wins the race. You will lose a lot and then it will stop for a week or two. That's the most frustrating thing and you will feel tempted to give in and eat. But, if you stick it out, you will start losing again. Honest. It does happen. You just have to trust the universe and not give up. All good wishes for success on your journey. Also, don't think because I gained it all back you will. I was very, very sick and the weight gain is a "normal" part of my illness. Now that I'm cured, I am back at it again to lose the weight. I just had a week where I ate perfectly and didn't lose an ounce. It took every bit of strength I had today not to call Pizza Hut for lunch, but I trust that my weight loss will catch up to my effort eventually because it always has before!!!
  • minkeemoo
    minkeemoo Posts: 33 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    All that's required is a caloric deficit, so eat less and move more. One of the most import tips one could offer is to buy and use a food scale.
    You've got this!

    Thank you very much for your reply x
  • minkeemoo
    minkeemoo Posts: 33 Member
    I started close to your weight and lost 93 pounds in ten months. It all came back a few years later when I got a chronic illness. But, my best advice to you is slow and steady wins the race. You will lose a lot and then it will stop for a week or two. That's the most frustrating thing and you will feel tempted to give in and eat. But, if you stick it out, you will start losing again. Honest. It does happen. You just have to trust the universe and not give up. All good wishes for success on your journey. Also, don't think because I gained it all back you will. I was very, very sick and the weight gain is a "normal" part of my illness. Now that I'm cured, I am back at it again to lose the weight. I just had a week where I ate perfectly and didn't lose an ounce. It took every bit of strength I had today not to call Pizza Hut for lunch, but I trust that my weight loss will catch up to my effort eventually because it always has before!!!

    Thank you very much for your reply x I am glad your feeling better you have done amazing xx thanks for the advice ...It is nice to not be judged good luck xx
  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    Don't give up foods you love, just eat them in moderation. I've lost and kept off 40 lbs for a year and a half so far but I still let myself eat chips/junk. Just not nearly as often as before.
  • greenlizard72
    greenlizard72 Posts: 76 Member
    Negative motivation like disgust and anger can be great initiators of action. They worked for me. But try and shift to positive motivation like an image of how you will look and feel when you reach your goal or think about the activities you want to be able to do. Mine is rock climbing.

    Motivation doesn't create results of course, that's where the effort comes in. Do the math, create your plan and stick with it for the long haul. Be patient with yourself as you figure stuff out.
  • minkeemoo
    minkeemoo Posts: 33 Member
    eat less and move more first of all. Secondly, I would suggest that you don't give up any food that you love, including sweets and chips, or whatever the case may be. I've done that, and when I got to my goal weight, I went wild with the foods that I missed and gained all my weight back. Just have a little instead of a lot and log log log those calories. Good luck! You can do it and you WILL do it, just don't give up ever!

    Thank you for your help. I am going to try my best x really appreciate the tips xx
  • minkeemoo
    minkeemoo Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for the
    lynnpertle wrote: »
    I started in January. Two key factors I had trouble wrapping my head around. Patience is the key. Also, do not give up if you have a bad day. Log it and get back on track the very next day.

    Thank you very much for the advice and good luck to u xx
  • exstromn
    exstromn Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome to the best decision you will ever make, taking control of your health! MFP has been a great logging tool and source of group support. I'm 44 and 5'4" tall, I started at 281 pounds on 10/3/14 and am down 51 pounds as of today. I have never lost this much weight before and am very happy that its finally coming off after years of slow and steady gaining.

    Some tips from me to you:

    1. HONESTY - If you haven't already, get honest with yourself and the process.
    2. WATER & FIBER - Make water and fiber your new best friends:)
    3. MEASURE - Portion control and using the scale are my best tools.
    4. SLEEP - Get enough sleep and figure out how to destress in a healthy way for you.
    5. MOVE - Move at least 30 minutes per day in a measurable way with room for improvement.
    6. FRIENDS - Find people on here that are POSITIVE and SUPPORTIVE and make some friends.
    7. POSITIVITY - Don't listen to the haters or react to the snarky sarcastic comments, they are miserable people.
    8. CONSIDER - Take everyone's advice with a grain of salt, you are gonna have to figure it out for yourself anyway.
    9. FORGIVENESS - When you slip up acknowledge it, forgive yourself, and MOVE ON.
    10. HOPE - Remember, everyone is unique and travels their own path, but they don't have to do it alone:)

    Good luck!
    - Nancy
  • minkeemoo
    minkeemoo Posts: 33 Member
    exstromn wrote: »
    Welcome to the best decision you will ever make, taking control of your health! MFP has been a great logging tool and source of group support. I'm 44 and 5'4" tall, I started at 281 pounds on 10/3/14 and am down 51 pounds as of today. I have never lost this much weight before and am very happy that its finally coming off after years of slow and steady gaining.

    Some tips from me to you:

    1. HONESTY - If you haven't already, get honest with yourself and the process.
    2. WATER & FIBER - Make water and fiber your new best friends:)
    3. MEASURE - Portion control and using the scale are my best tools.
    4. SLEEP - Get enough sleep and figure out how to destress in a healthy way for you.
    5. MOVE - Move at least 30 minutes per day in a measurable way with room for improvement.
    6. FRIENDS - Find people on here that are POSITIVE and SUPPORTIVE and make some friends.
    7. POSITIVITY - Don't listen to the haters or react to the snarky sarcastic comments, they are miserable people.
    8. CONSIDER - Take everyone's advice with a grain of salt, you are gonna have to figure it out for yourself anyway.
    9. FORGIVENESS - When you slip up acknowledge it, forgive yourself, and MOVE ON.
    10. HOPE - Remember, everyone is unique and travels their own path, but they don't have to do it alone:)

    Good luck!
    - Nancy

    Thank you Nancy ..excellent tips I will follow x and very well done on ur achievement xx
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    Nancy said it better than I could.

    You can and will do this! We have your back. :)
  • minkeemoo
    minkeemoo Posts: 33 Member
    Negative motivation like disgust and anger can be great initiators of action. They worked for me. But try and shift to positive motivation like an image of how you will look and feel when you reach your goal or think about the activities you want to be able to do. Mine is rock climbing.

    Motivation doesn't create results of course, that's where the effort comes in. Do the math, create your plan and stick with it for the long haul. Be patient with yourself as you figure stuff out.

    Thank you very much for your reply and your so right ..I am just at a loss at the min and am frustrated I have let myself get so out of hand BUT onwards and upwards I am really looking forward to a fresh start x well done to u and I hope u enjoy ur rock climbing x
  • minkeemoo
    minkeemoo Posts: 33 Member
    Don't give up foods you love, just eat them in moderation. I've lost and kept off 40 lbs for a year and a half so far but I still let myself eat chips/junk. Just not nearly as often as before.

    Thanks for your reply xx very well done on your achievements I hope I can achieve like you have x I'll sure try my best xx
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    It might help to make your goals not pounds lost, but changes made. Instead of worrying about how quickly the scale is moving (and it will move fast, slow, up and down over the course of your journey), consider changing habits for the long term. Make a small change first. Over the course of time, these changes will add up to better habits. The side benefit will be pounds lost. Add in exercise to improve your fitness. Think of it as working toward a strong and healthy body, rather than a number of pounds that you need to lose. As you lose weight and feel successful with a healthier way of living, then you can look more closely at numbers and where you want to be. You can do this. Give yourself time. What would you tell a friend in the same situation? Listen to that advice.
  • minkeemoo
    minkeemoo Posts: 33 Member
    It might help to make your goals not pounds lost, but changes made. Instead of worrying about how quickly the scale is moving (and it will move fast, slow, up and down over the course of your journey), consider changing habits for the long term. Make a small change first. Over the course of time, these changes will add up to better habits. The side benefit will be pounds lost. Add in exercise to improve your fitness. Think of it as working toward a strong and healthy body, rather than a number of pounds that you need to lose. As you lose weight and feel successful with a healthier way of living, then you can look more closely at numbers and where you want to be. You can do this. Give yourself time. What would you tell a friend in the same situation? Listen to that advice.

    Thanks very much for the fab advice. .I shall definitely try and get in this mind set ..It really makes sense x thank you x
  • minkeemoo
    minkeemoo Posts: 33 Member
    aimeerace wrote: »
    Nancy said it better than I could.

    You can and will do this! We have your back. :)

    Aw thanks hun ..good luck to u too x
  • ruggedshutter
    ruggedshutter Posts: 389 Member
    edited April 2015
    My advice, buy a food scale and use it every time you eat something. It will save you a headache later if you are going through all of the effort of logging your food with inaccurate devices or worse guessing. Oh and food scales are less than $20 on amazon. Find one that's rated high.
  • ncsunset1998
    ncsunset1998 Posts: 11 Member
    you will be just fine! You may go up and down but you will lose!!!
    minkeemoo wrote: »
    It might help to make your goals not pounds lost, but changes made. Instead of worrying about how quickly the scale is moving (and it will move fast, slow, up and down over the course of your journey), consider changing habits for the long term. Make a small change first. Over the course of time, these changes will add up to better habits. The side benefit will be pounds lost. Add in exercise to improve your fitness. Think of it as working toward a strong and healthy body, rather than a number of pounds that you need to lose. As you lose weight and feel successful with a healthier way of living, then you can look more closely at numbers and where you want to be. You can do this. Give yourself time. What would you tell a friend in the same situation? Listen to that advice.

    Thanks very much for the fab advice. .I shall definitely try and get in this mind set ..It really makes sense x thank you x
    minkeemoo wrote: »
    It might help to make your goals not pounds lost, but changes made. Instead of worrying about how quickly the scale is moving (and it will move fast, slow, up and down over the course of your journey), consider changing habits for the long term. Make a small change first. Over the course of time, these changes will add up to better habits. The side benefit will be pounds lost. Add in exercise to improve your fitness. Think of it as working toward a strong and healthy body, rather than a number of pounds that you need to lose. As you lose weight and feel successful with a healthier way of living, then you can look more closely at numbers and where you want to be. You can do this. Give yourself time. What would you tell a friend in the same situation? Listen to that advice.

    Thanks very much for the fab advice. .I shall definitely try and get in this mind set ..It really makes sense x thank you x