Summer of Change: Student Edition (New Group)



  • hope007
    hope007 Posts: 8
    i can see it :D Omg i've been loosing weight I can weight for the official weigh in! :D Guys keep adding me because it wont let me do so many at a time .
  • forJupiter
    forJupiter Posts: 45
    I think the percentage lost is a great idea except I also don't know much about spreadsheets and how difficult that could be.

    When will the first competition start? And when are we going to have weigh ins and what not?
  • kayladiane5
    kayladiane5 Posts: 94
    Everything is in the Week 1 topic.
  • kew736
    kew736 Posts: 28
    Name: Kim
    Age: 20
    Major/minor: Double major in psych and biochem
    Why you want to join this group?: need some general but, Who are like me!
    Goals for summer: to get a leaner bikini bod
    SW: 150
    CW: 150
    GW (for August 30th): Whatever I look the best at..TBD.
    Any suggestions/comments:
  • imfittted
    imfittted Posts: 73 Member
    I have a few suggestions for challenges! :-)

    - Do something active every single day of the week for (at least) 20-30 minutes for a week or something
    - A health 'scavenger hunt' where the things on the list are like... try one new recipe, get involved in discussions on the message boards, try a new way to relieve stress, etc.
    - Find at least one alternative for a more processed food (whether that be a recipe or another food) - for example - making your own trail mix at home as opposed to sugary energy bars; half a banana with natural peanut butter as opposed to a 100 calorie pack of something or other (that's my personal values coming through though... processed food isn't my favorite...)

    I like these suggestions too!

    I've been doing a burn x number of calories this week challenge, which has been pretty motivating because I really want to meet the goal i set and we can definitely push each other in that way
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    Name: Krystle
    Age: 20
    Major/minor: Astrophysics
    Why you want to join this group?: Some new amigos! And summer is notoriously a trouble time for me, so this will keep me motivated.
    Goals for summer: Losing weight and inches--especially toning up!
    SW: 161.8
    CW: 152.4
    GW (for August 30th): 143
    Any suggestions/comments: Noppppe. (:
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