When you were 17....



  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    Oh my goodness...reading all your post , just brought so many memories...LOL

    When I was 17 I was a pothead
    When I was 17 I moved out of home , my parents asked me to go back- I did but it would be under new terms- No curfew ever.

    I was not the best daughter :ohwell: But I asked them to forgive me when i was 21 for all the things I had put them through . I ca'nt believe I made it through alive with no injuries..lol .
  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    When I was 17..

    -Weighed 160 lbs (183 lbs less than I did in January of this year)
    -I met the love of my life
    -Drove a 1963 dodge dart which I hated because it was so old and uncool...
    -Graduated High school
    -Lost my virginity (see bullet point above)
    -Became a father (a pattern perhaps?)
    -Proposed to the woman above and married her just after I turned 18

    Next year on March 27th, we will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.

    Wish I still had the car though...
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    When I was 17: I was an effortless size zero, (I ate SO much junk food and barely exercised!) so thin that my friends later told me their parents were convinced I was anorexic.
    When I was 17: I lost my virginity to my boyfriend simply because I was so flattered that he would actually want to sleep with someone as gross as me. (So sad.)
    When I was 17: I drove a sapphire-blue 1985 Mercedes-Benz 380 SL convertible that my family and I always referred to as "Baby". I loved it, and people constantly told me I had the coolest car in school...but I was still very shy and had only a few friends.

    I would never want to go back to being 17. For me and many others, it's just such a hard phase of life in some ways. But man I wish I could tell my 17-year old self a thing or two, like, "Hey! You're beautiful and awesome and capable, and you should NEVER settle for anything less than you deserve, which is a lot!"
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    there are like 45,000 things I could put here...44,998 of them would be things I would NEVER do now..It's amazing how a few years can change your life...Here's a few:

    When I was 17, I.....was "in love"...
    When I was 17, I....was mad at the world...
    When I was 17, I....broke up and got back together with my boyfriend that I was "soo in love with" probably 363 times in 365 days...
    When I was 17, I...went to college, got my first taste of freedom and did stupid college things...
    When I was 17, I...thought I was the shiz because I was in college and had older roomates that could buy alcohol...
    When I was 17, I...was probably one of the most selfish people I knew, but didnt know it back then....

    And of course...I realize now, my mom was right...and i say, "If I knew then what I know now..."...lol
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member

    oh and when I was 17 I went away to college to get a degree in music education.

    Heh, me too! I taught for 2 years and decided it wasn't for me. I've worked in health care ever since. ;)
  • cszammit
    cszammit Posts: 26 Member
    When I was 17 I met my husband :heart:
  • LeanaJo
    LeanaJo Posts: 85
    When I was 17:

    1. I was a hot size 5 then.

    2. Could run 1 mile in 5:45 (less than 6 minutes)!

    3. I had long, light brown hair (down to my waistline).

    4. Owned at least 6 different types of bikinis.

    5. Swam like Esther Williams, famous swimming movie star (I could copy all her moves when I was at the pool).

    6. Had my first long-term relationship (by the time I was 17, we were on our 3rd year together, but I broke up with him after I graduated).
  • 24_jaycee
    24_jaycee Posts: 4
    When i was 17 i thought people in their 30's were way to old and boring.... lol I'm turning 34 this year.
    When i was 17 i thought i had all the time in the world to accomplish all my goals.
    When i was 17 i was 120lbs. ...played sports and worked out because it was fun!
    When i was 17 i begun my first year at SDSU.
    When i was 17 i had way to much energy!