New group for anyone doing The Body Fat Breakthrough!



  • Okay, ready to start...any advice?
  • akdz12
    akdz12 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm new to MFP and I JUST started Body Fat Breakthrough on Monday. The diet seems really limited and impossible to follow. Any advice?
  • horrorlady
    horrorlady Posts: 12 Member
  • mdaniellew
    mdaniellew Posts: 2 Member
    I'm starting the BFB program today. I'm a little worries because I'm used to running about 25-30 miles a week (running helped me lose 60lbs), but I really want to lose body fat to get down to a better running weight begore training for my next half marathon (or marathon some day). Any other endurance athletes trying this?
  • hi everyone! I am in the process of deciding to purchase this book and begin the program- i have one quick question- do you have to have gym membership to do this workout?
  • mdaniellew
    mdaniellew Posts: 2 Member
    No, the book shows you how to do body weight exercises, so you don't even need weights at first... I vuess it depends on your current fitness level and weight use. I just did the workout for the first time and I definitely did not need extra weights and I consider myself pretty fit.
  • Can someone send me the name or invite to any groups that are doing the body fat breakthrough? I don't want to search through 10,047 pages!
  • hilaryetta
    hilaryetta Posts: 6 Member
    I'm looking for the Group as well and can't find it. I'm reading the book now and starting the plan soon.
  • same - how do I search for a particular group?
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    Today is day 1 for me. Did anyone find any groups? If not please feel free to send me a friend request on here!
  • bbinoa I see you started not too long ago. How's it going? I plan to start in mid May, hopefully. I'm a fitness instructor and in order to do this I have to give up teaching, something I've done for over 20 years...not easy. I'd like to get the hours that I spend at the gym back and I need to get a real grip on the calorie intake. I've never counted before.
    I know the workouts will be a challenge but I think I can get through them.
    The book is very motivating because it makes good sense.
    How's it been for you? Do you have someone going through it with you? My husband will do it with me. Poor guy, I always drag him into whatever I'm dying to try next!! LOL!
  • DanielleYR
    DanielleYR Posts: 1 Member
    bbinoa - I just got the book and read through it.. I am starting tomorrow.. how is it going? I could not find a group either.
    bbinoa wrote: »
    Today is day 1 for me. Did anyone find any groups? If not please feel free to send me a friend request on here!

  • korseth
    korseth Posts: 2 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hello all!
    I have been a fan of Dr. Darden for a long time. I trust his information and am looking forward to starting this program- "The BF Breakthrough".
    I have an Associates Degree in Sport & Fitness Management and was previously a personal trainer. I understand the concept of his book and understand why the cold shower/bath needs to be done. Eccentric training causes a lot of muscle soreness and the cold decreases that effect. Otherwise not many people would stick with the program. I dont have a spotter and am going to have to improvise some of these workouts to ensure I dont get hurt.
    I am short 5'3" and will probably take a little longer to lose some BF (bodyfat) but Im excited. I lost 50# about 5 years ago (BF was 18%) by working out daily for 3-4 months with a PT and basically starving myself and not eating well when I did eat- not a good idea! I kept off about 30 of those pounds but my BF has increased. Im 51 and have tried numerous programs but have time constraints. I am 5'3.25" and weigh 143.4 pounds today 4/28/15. My BF is around 30.3%
    I start my first workout this morning and have my menu plan in place. The cold bath or shower is going to be the hard part along with drinking all that water.
    Who is along for this ride with me? Woohoo!
  • AshDF7
    AshDF7 Posts: 1 Member
    About to start day one tomorrow! I have about 35lbs to lose so I am hoping this can kick my *kitten* into gear! Does anyone have any suggestions and or personal experiences they would like to share?
  • An1tra
    An1tra Posts: 1 Member
    I have just begun this week. So far I like it. Anyone else currently doing this?
  • ionmrav
    ionmrav Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I started at my local gym 2weeks ago. Its exciting!
  • ionmrav
    ionmrav Posts: 2 Member
    *I started the bf breakthrough at my gym two weeks ago!
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    Hi all... just saw this group here and could never find it before!! Oops sorry I've missed out!
    Anyways.... update. Yes, I've been following the bodyfat breakthrough. I stuck w it for 4 weeks and had amazing results. Literally every day I would notice a change. I had lost 5# but alot of inches. Unfortunately I ended up with a back injury (not related to the workouts) and was off a few weeks. I'm back on what I call a modified version of BF breakthrough. Also took some of the principles from "power of 10" I honestly missed working out more. Power of 10 is still the slower training. I'm eating similar to the BF breakthrough program except I tend to make my own dinners instead of frozen meals (too much good fresh stuff available this time of year ). I still do the super hydration, and daily walk after a meal. Just a few more exercises mostly

    Results have been fantastic though. It's been 3 mos since I started. I was feeling a little bummed because the scale weight hadn't moved that much... 9 lbs. Alot of people have commented I looked smaller though. Last weekend I redid my pics and measurements and I'm SO glad I had done it. I've lost a total of 36 inches! Have gone down 2 pants sizes. I'm now even more committed and I'm kind of going back to more of the BFB basics.

    How's everyone else doing? I really think it's pretty easy. My biggest issue is wanting to do more bc I can't get over that mindset. Oh, and I'm doing it alone. My husband does his own thing ;)
  • acarr214
    acarr214 Posts: 6 Member
    I just got the book and will be starting this Monday. I'm super nervous about the diet portion, I've been trying to stay away from carbs as much as possible but I have hit a plateau after 25 lbs.
    @ Ionmrav
    ionmrav wrote: »
    *I started the bf breakthrough at my gym two weeks ago!
    how have your results been?

  • acarr214
    acarr214 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi is a link to the group that was started a while ago: