Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • I have over 100 to lose as well. Started just over a month ago to become healthier and have lost about 20. No idea how many inches. Add me and we can support each other.
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    Good morning all! I am with you @MischelM, I have only been working out like 5 days maybe, and I am definitely not that "into" it yet! Just walked 40 minutes and burned 246 calories, which is a good thing, but I will be glad when I WANT to go walk! :smiley:
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    I just signed up for the gym the other day and will be going for the second time tonight. I have no stamina either for the machines yet! LOL! But we will get there! Today though I want to go swimming finally!
  • vschwgrt1
    vschwgrt1 Posts: 86 Member
    I just signed up for the gym the other day and will be going for the second time tonight. I have no stamina either for the machines yet! LOL! But we will get there! Today though I want to go swimming finally!

    Swimming is wonderful. I do aerobic exercises for an hour a day. Working hard enough to get
    my heart pounding good.. That with keeping my calories at the recommended level does wonders. I usually don't eat my exercise calories back. They are the bonus.
  • vschwgrt1
    vschwgrt1 Posts: 86 Member
    vschwgrt1 wrote: »
    I just signed up for the gym the other day and will be going for the second time tonight. I have no stamina either for the machines yet! LOL! But we will get there! Today though I want to go swimming finally!

    Swimming is wonderful. I do aerobic exercises for an hour a day. Working hard enough to get
    my heart pounding good.. That with keeping my calories at the recommended level does wonders. I usually don't eat my exercise calories back. They are the bonus.

    All my workouts are in water. I LOVE IT!!!
  • vschwgrt1
    vschwgrt1 Posts: 86 Member
    Just found something I really loved, thought I'd pass it on:

    To be wholly alive is to be grateful -- for every breath we take, every song we sing, every person we love, every day we discover. Just being grateful helps us to notice and appreciate all the blessings and opportunities around us.

    Each day, take a moment to just be. To love a person, a place, or an idea that has touched your heart. Cherish those blessings through all the seasons of a year -- and all the seasons of your life.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Hello everyone and welcome to all the new folks! What wonderful achievements and affirmations I am reading here! I hope it keeps you as motivated as it does me.

    I'm hoping to start walking again soon. My knees have been acting up and it's a pain in the... knee. :)

    Happy Tuesday to you all and congrats on being you!
  • keezo1
    keezo1 Posts: 204 Member
    Hi i am new to mfp,i gained about 130 lbs in the last two years.I want to lose atleast 100 of those pounds.Still figuring out the app so please add me i could use some motivation from experienced members.thanks
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    well it's going to be an early night for me. I didn't get half as much sleep as I needed last night, and I've been battling that "dozing off" feeling all day. I'm making up for it tonight! See you all tomorrow!!
  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member
    @mischelM @ptkat28 @Hippychick5983 : When I recommited myself to better living in January, I could barely manage 10 minutes on the elliptical. It was T.O.R.T.U.R.E. I had a lot of the "used to be better" demons to fight, but I determined to accept where I was at the moment and exercise with grace and gratitude. I can't say the machines are "easy" for me now, but I can be on the elliptical for 45 minutes and have a good workout. Be patient and kind with yourselves. Don't set the bar too high that you don't want to go near the machine. If 5 minutes is all you can bear, so be it! Another thing I did: I would do 3 machines for a short period of time. It broke up the chore of it. You can clear this hurdle! :)
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    thanks for all the encouragement! :smiley:
  • bloodewine
    bloodewine Posts: 29 Member
    Starting back up again with exercise and food tracking tomorrow. Took a break to go on vacation with my boyfriend and his family (my first real vacation in almost 4 years), and just elected to make good choices and allow myself the occasional indulgence. Spent a lot of the trip walking, so hopefully I didn't end up doing any significant damage. Think I managed to do pretty well, but the scale will tell me tomorrow. My NSV, if it counts, is that I didn't just let myself eat whatever I wanted after dropping my boyfriend off at the airport to go back to CA. Usually I'm a major stress eater, and him leaving after not seeing him for 5 months would normally have been a huge trigger. I'm still really sad, but at least I'm not feeling disgusted and disappointed with myself as well.
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Thanks @2run2ski ! Yesterday I got my swim in and it was soooo good. In fact, when I put my bathing suit on, it was a little loose around the middle! Yay for that! :p I do need to get some good googles though.

    Tomorrow I go and will try to get weights and cardio in again. I am determined to use those machines!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Good morning!

    @2run2ski: That is great advice! I can't do more than 5 minutes on the elliptical and that's based on 1 attempt. I gave up on the elliptical after that... It's important to understand our limitations but not to just accept them! We can do this and we need to work at it and it will be a lifetime battle! But we are worth the effort! Give yourselves a break when you can't walk for more than 10 minutes or you can't lift more than 20 pounds! You WILL get there... in time. :)

    @bloodewine: I hope you had a fabulous vacation and I'm so excited for you that you were able to make smart choices. It's never easy when you aren't in your own environment. Regardless of what that scale says, you've got the right attitude and you're going to be ok. I can't imagine how difficult it is having to say goodbye but feel free to lean on me (or us... just don't want to speak for the whole group lol) when you're feeling down. I have emotional triggers as well and unless you've got someone who can relate, it's so hard to fight those triggers. The ice cream calls (or in my case, the potato chips) to you and sometimes you don't have the strength to fight it off. Come and talk to people who know what you're going through first and see if you can't distract yourself from the trigger. If that doesn't work, measure a portion of whatever it is you're going to eat, eat it, enjoy it, count the calories... AND MOVE ON! It's ok to stumble sometimes we just need to learn to control the fall. :)

    Have an awesome day my friends!
  • Directen
    Directen Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, I purchased 5 introductory sessions with a trainer and I start tonight (I'm excited!). If you have used a personal trainer before, did you get good results? Would you do it again or did you learn enough during your time with him/her to be able to fly solo after a few months?
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    Good morning all! Just finished my walking!! Burned 269 calories.... I am slowly increasing my speed! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • lae721
    lae721 Posts: 2 Member
    Good afternoon to you all. I have slowly been reading through this thread and find the all the support given incredible. I have been on MFP since about August 2014, never really taking the time to log any food. In October I started on my dedicated weight loss journey and began logging my food into the site. I was never good at keeping a food journal in my prior attempts, but being able to do it electronically really appealed to me! So far I have lost 50 pounds, and have quite a bit more to go. I would love to be a part of this group. I have been reading posts in the forums for quite some time but never had the courage to post anything. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18 and for the most part it did not affect my life with the exception of fertility issues. After having my children, however, the symptoms began! On the advice of my doctor and nutritionist I am following a low carb diet that has been successful for me. I am finding that it is a lifestyle change that I can stick with. Basically eating the way I ate while growing up! I will turn 58 in July and want to be able to keep up with living life! I am one of the lucky ones whose employer has a gym right in the building. I also have a fitbit zip and love it! Looking forward to warmer weather and getting out for long walks after work. I will also be starting the C25K program soon. Can't wait!!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    @directen: I enjoyed my time with my personal trainer but going to the gym never became a part of my routine. I've tried so many times and I just can't motivate myself to do it. *sigh*

    @lae721: Welcome! Congratulations on your loss, that's fantastic! I wish I could live on a low-carb diet but knowing myself, I don't think it would be sustainable. I envy you! :)

    @ptkat28: Walk it girl!!! :)
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    2run2ski wrote: »
    but I determined to accept where I was at the moment and exercise with grace and gratitude. I can't say the machines are "easy" for me now, but I can be on the elliptical for 45 minutes and have a good workout. Be patient and kind with yourselves. Don't set the bar too high that you don't want to go near the machine. If 5 minutes is all you can bear, so be it! Another thing I did: I would do 3 machines for a short period of time. It broke up the chore of it. You can clear this hurdle! :)

    With grace... that how I need to approach this because right now my gracefulness looks like a turtle stampeding thru molasses! LOL I'm not beating myself up, though I did look myself in the mirror and say, "See, that's what the I'll-do-it-tomorrow mentality gets you! Now suck it up and prepare to sweat like a recovering shark at a chumming festival! I did end up hitting the bike for 20 and the treadmill for an additional 15 so I feel like I had a respectable workout. Luckily I am maintaining my incredible sense of humor and targeting myself quite well :wink:
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    Directen wrote: »
    Hi all, I purchased 5 introductory sessions with a trainer and I start tonight (I'm excited!). If you have used a personal trainer before, did you get good results? Would you do it again or did you learn enough during your time with him/her to be able to fly solo after a few months?

    I've used an personal trainer before, and that cute little guy nearly worked me to death! LOL It was good though. He was sweet and personable on the outside, and evil like Jillian Michaels on the inside! But we got CRAZY good results, and I was soooooo proud when I was able to do what he demanded because I didn't believe I could do it and he knew better :smile:

    @bloodewine Great JOB!! Vacation is always a temptation, but I'm with you, emotions are a huge trigger for me, though mine is more anger/stress. Still, working around that is a monumental step!

    @lae721 Nice work on losing those 50lbs! I can't WAIT to say I've lost 50lbs! I have been tossing around the c25k, but really need to lose that 50 first, because my knees hardly love me now, and I don't want to do any real damage to them, but message me or keep the whole group posted on your progress. I want to keep being motivated to do it through vicariously living through you :smile: