Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • Jeanine_Colavecchi
    Jeanine_Colavecchi Posts: 185 Member
    Wow, this thread has been going on for a long time! It definitely helps to have support, especially from unbiased people on here. I've lost 50lbs so far but need to lose this last 30-40lbs to be healthy for trying for a baby.

    Does anyone on here have PCOS?
  • modacielo73
    modacielo73 Posts: 48 Member
    Wow, this thread has been going on for a long time! It definitely helps to have support, especially from unbiased people on here. I've lost 50lbs so far but need to lose this last 30-40lbs to be healthy for trying for a baby.

    Does anyone on here have PCOS?

    What's PCOS?
  • melkithall
    melkithall Posts: 75 Member
    Today was weigh in day for me and I've finally lost 10% of my body weight--that was my first goal! I'm still a long way off from being done, but it sure helps to have a great day to motivate you to journey on!

    @Jeanine_Colavecchi , I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and have been battling the symptoms a LONG time!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    @melkithall: Gratz on the 10% That's awesome!!!

    @ all the new peeps... WELCOME!!! We're happy you're here and feel free to add me if you haven't already!

    @helend78: I know it sucks when that happens... I've been there and my guess is that most of us here have also gone through it. What you need to do is remember that you are human and we all slip and slide through this crazy thing called life. I'd like you to do something for me... Go to a mirror and really look at yourself and who you are, not just what you see physically. Then tell yourself that you are worthy of the love and attention you are about to provide yourself. Then smile and say: tomorrow is another day. You can do this!!! HUGS!

    Luv you guys!!!
  • lylu73
    lylu73 Posts: 6 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'm new here and have 140 pounds to lose. I'm in my first week (started May 1) and would love to join this group. Not sure how? :)
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    Welcome to all the new folks and a HUGE congrats @melkithall !!! That's fantastic! For all of you starting just keep in mind that this is a journey. I've seen a quote in a few places this week that says (I'm paraphrasing here), 'whether you make progress or stand still, time will still pass.' I'm putting it on my inspiration wall because it's something I think we all struggle with. We cheat, slip-up, binge, whatever... and then we beat ourselves up and quit trying. Why? If you didn't do an amazing job cleaning your kitchen today you wouldn't quit cleaning it forever, right? We are surely more important than the tasks we do each and every day or week, and none of us can claim to be 100% at everything every single time. I started this journey with 121lbs to lose, and a month in I'm down 16lbs. Don't ask me why this time is different, but I looked at that scale the other day and FINALLY thought to myself, "You've got this, girl!" 5lbs, 10lbs, or even 1lb... if we do that every single month we'll get where we're going, and as much as we'd love this to be a sprint it is actually a marathon. So put one foot in front of the other and let's head for that goal line! Ok, off my soap box! :wink:

    Hope everyone had a winning day!
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Just wanted to say Hello to all the new people and welcome!

    Congrats to everyone who had NSV and SV!! Good job!!!

    I am trying to be extra good this week because it is my Birthday Sat and we are going to a winery. And Ice creme cake. So yeah.....trying to get to the gym a for an extra day this week! Hope everyone is well. Allergies are killing me but the weather has been great for walking and swimming!
  • LetstrythisagainJo
    LetstrythisagainJo Posts: 8 Member
    I am also needing to lose over 100lbs :( Add me :)
    I actually was inspired by someone on facebook to start my own page to hold myself accountable so started that yesterday, if anyone else is on facebook too and wants to follow and join me :)https://www.facebook.com/pages/Acountable-for-365-Days-Weight-Loss-Journey/387082344814369
  • lae721
    lae721 Posts: 2 Member
    @Jeanine_Colavecchi I have PCOS and have been battling symptoms for a long time.
  • kesha12
    kesha12 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm trying to lose about 100 lbs too please add me.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Hello to all you new folks and welcome to the thread! You've joined a fantastic group of people!

    @lylu73: That's how easy it is to join us! :)

    @MischelM: Love that saying and I love the example you used of cleaning a kitchen. The other thing people sometimes don't realize is that this marathon will never end. Like alcoholism... for some of us, food is an addiction. That means that one bite of cake or unplanned meal can derail a lot of progress. It's so easy to slide back into bad habits. But like MischelM said... DON'T GIVE UP! This is OUR time! There is no deadline to getting this done because for some of us it will never be done. I think I really needed to admit that to myself to be able to get back at it after gaining back 40 of the 80 pounds I'd lost. I will battle addiction to food for the rest of my life... and I'm at peace with that.

    My turn to get off the soapbox! LOL

    Have an awesome day everyone!
  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member
    @MischelM Happy Belated Birthday!! Smarta$$ as a profession?? Hilarious!! CONGRATS on the great loss! What a great way to celebrate! I love that your response/reward was to run (as opposed to food...which would have been mine! :/ )
    @bregalad5 Wow! That makes it more official that you're staying put for a while, huh? :) Congrats on your new digs!
    @PTkat28 That has happened to me more times than I'd like to recall! It's disappointing, but you'll see that loss again...don't worry! :)
    @keezo1 So, did you weigh in officially? Good! Now, get your focus OFF the scale and work on your NSV's (non-scale victories) Many NSV's = weight lost.
    @heland I so get the guilt feelings...but they get us nowhere! So, brush yourself off and begin again. Figure out how you were derailed and make up a plan so you won't make the same mistake. And if you do make the same mistake, get up again, and figure out another plan so you can learn from your mistake! And how do I know this? This is my life!! :) You've got this. Keep going! We're all here to support you and let you know we've all done the SAME EXACT THING!
    @sjbruno, @happystep, @modacielo, @jeanine, @lylu, @letstry @kesha--- Welcome! Great NSV for posting on here and interacting with a community! My experience has been that the more I interact, the more I realize we ALL are challenged by similar experiences. It really helps to have a group of friends that understand the struggles. :)
    @melkit 10% is a milestone!! Congrats! High five!
    @Hippychick Happy Birthday a little early! I think you're smart to be planning ahead with some extra exercise. But, don't stress over the day. Enjoy it and then keep on riding this pony! (or should I say bronco? ha ha!)
  • modacielo73
    modacielo73 Posts: 48 Member
    I lost 5lbs in three days!!!! Im SUPER excited...just wanted to share
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    I lost 5lbs in three days!!!! Im SUPER excited...just wanted to share

    WOOT! WOOT!!! That's awesome!!
  • shannon_andreoli
    shannon_andreoli Posts: 5 Member
    Seems like our goals are are on the same page! I want to loose round 100 pounds as well, and it's really tough! Feel free to add me!
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    Well, 1 lb and 4 inches!! Thanks to that lovely monthly visitor, grrr! I love this thread and am so happy for everyone's progress! Add me if ya want! :smiley:
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    I lost 5lbs in three days!!!! Im SUPER excited...just wanted to share

    THAT my friend is FANTABULOUS!!! :)

    @ptkat: That is still a wonderful result! I keep thinking about a pound of butter when I lose a pound. That's a lot of butter!!! :)

    Welcome to our newest friends, please feel free to add me as well!
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Congrats @modacielo73 !!! That is wonderful!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    shirayne wrote: »

    @ptkat: That is still a wonderful result! I keep thinking about a pound of butter when I lose a pound. That's a lot of butter!!! :)

    That's a great way to look at it! I always see that visual representation of a pound of fat, that blob of jaundice yellow looking goo... I also like picking up a 5lb bag of sugar to remind myself exactly how much weight that number represents! If you want to have fun, put that 5lb bag of sugar in a bag and carry it around the house with you when you do odd chores (tie it to your belt loop or just hang it around your arm. It's always swinging and getting in the way, helping to keep itself at the forefront of your thoughts. It really helps to show you just how much of a burden just 5lbs can be!
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    Y'all crack me up and make my day!! I just got back from skating!!! Woo Hoo! Burned over 600 calories for 1 hour! I am dying now tho! My feet! My feet! LOL Not too bad for a 45 y/o :wink: