Still overweight by BMI standards?

Has anyone reached their goal, look and feel great, but are still considered overweight by the BMI chart? If so, how many pounds over are you?


  • forever28
    forever28 Posts: 374 Member
    Good topic! I cannot wait to see the responses!
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    I wanna see too :smile:
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I feel good at where I am, but I am still considered 4 pounds overweight...I know that's not a lot, but the label drives me crazy lol
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,245 Member
    No for me. I am currently now in a normal BMI. BMI is only so useful though. If you are muscular you could be in an overweight BMI yet still be at a healthy weight. I however, am not particularly muscular, just average, so my goal was to get out of the overweight and before that obese categories of BMI. I still have some weight to lose to get to where I want to be, but that is just further into the healthy BMI range.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    BMI is a completely WORTHLESS way of measuring fitness. I would suggest taking it with a grain of salt (I don't even give it that much consideration.) Go get a body fat test done (a real one by a professional), and that will give you a much more accurate picture of where you're at.
  • Jessaamine
    Jessaamine Posts: 111
    I started out at 5'5" 150 lbs, which is BMI obese, but I still wore a size 8 and a size S shirt. I've since lost 17 pounds and I still wear a size 8 and a size S shirt.

    EDIT: sorry, not obese, overweight
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    According to the BMI chart I am obese (5'1" and 166lbs), but I am a size 10 with lots of muscle. At my healthiest I was 140lbs and was technically overweight. At that time I was a college soccer player running 8 miles a day and teaching aerobics (kickboxing and step). I was a size 6. According to the BMI chart I should be at the highest 132.9 lbs. I would look SICK at that weight! I put very little weight into the BMI chart considering when it was created women didnt play sports nearly as much therefore they did not have the muscle mass we have now days. I set my goal at 130, but I highly doubt I will ever see that, nor do I really want to see that!
  • jmacaroni
    jmacaroni Posts: 243 Member
    I haven't reached my goal yet, but in college I weighed 180 lbs (I'm 5'11). I felt great, looked great, and definitely did not think I had to lose any weight. I was over my BMI. I did not care though. I don't think I would have been healthy if I was any lighter. That's deifnitely the lightest I would ever want to weigh.
  • BethE36
    BethE36 Posts: 11 Member
    Have you seen this BMI Flickr set before? Pretty illuminating! Google Flickr Illustrated BMI Categories or go to the link below.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I started out at 5'5" 150 lbs, which is BMI obese, but I still wore a size 8 and a size S shirt. I've since lost 17 pounds and I still wear a size 8 and a size S shirt.

    EDIT: sorry, not obese, overweight

    5'5" and 150 is actually the lower limit of overweight NOT obese
  • angeldavila08
    angeldavila08 Posts: 9 Member
    According to the BMI chart I am obese (5'1" and 166lbs), but I am a size 10 with lots of muscle. At my healthiest I was 140lbs and was technically overweight. At that time I was a college soccer player running 8 miles a day and teaching aerobics (kickboxing and step). I was a size 6. According to the BMI chart I should be at the highest 132.9 lbs. I would look SICK at that weight! I put very little weight into the BMI chart considering when it was created women didnt play sports nearly as much therefore they did not have the muscle mass we have now days. I set my goal at 130, but I highly doubt I will ever see that, nor do I really want to see that!

    I agree in HS i played softball and i weighed 140 and had lots of muscle and im only 5 foot. It depressed me for a while until i figured out that it was mostly muscle.
  • ammonwiese
    ammonwiese Posts: 3 Member
    This is a great topic and something the really frustrates me. I Just switched from body building to Triathlon training this month. I'm 6'0" 210 lbs. My BMI is calculated at 25-28% however, I now for a fact my BMI is more in the 12-18% range. My weigh is high because I have more lean muscle from the body building. What you need to remember is that if you want TRUE BMI calculation you must base it on measurements, not just weight vs. height.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Please remember BMI does not take into account Muscle Mass. Not everyone falls into this "window." For instance What is considered Obese is 20% or higher BF. My BMI says I am obese but my BF% is 17% and this is due to having a higher level of muscle mass then the average human being.

    Also do not think because this is the case that you are not overweight or not fat. I love when people say OH WELL I HAVE A LOT OF MUSCLE but not true accurate study to back up this statement.

    Go by bodyfat% not by BMI also have the proper body fat tests done. Calipers vary a lot do to water retention and other varying factors. Best way to find out what your real BF is, is to get a hydrostatic test done.
  • Trovan
    Trovan Posts: 133 Member
    I don't even think it's possible for me to get into the 'normal' BMI range. I have too much muscle. I just barely got out of the 'obese' range and don't have that many more pounds to lose.
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    BMI - Bit Misguided Information. BMI is really some standard that really isn't standardized. It is based on very few parameters and does not take into account build, muscularity, wrist size (all things that should be used to determine your true BMI) and a number of other things. I've had numerous discussions with numerous highly respected medical professionals and they all consistently tell me the same thing. Don't use that as your definitive guide. It is fairly accurate for some and mostly a best guess for the rest. Apparently years ago it was used as a standard. If you look and feel good, if your other medical numbers (blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar, etc) are good, then that's what's important. My supposed ideal weight range is (104-141). I would look like a corpse. I was originally shooting for 160 (the last weight I was at that I looked good) but have since decided to make it an even 100 lbs lost and go for 153. My Doc said that 160 would be absolutely fabulous and to NOT feel like I need to shoot for the unrealistic range I mentioned above. I think the best I would get is in the "overweight" category as far as BMI is concerned, but it would be nice to get out of the obese category.
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    I am within in my BMI. A lot of people say that BMI is worthless, but I don't think so. If you're in shape, you don't have any fat hanging over your belt buckle, I don't think the BMI chart is a major concern. If you're over your BMI, you have fat hanging over your belt buckle, then I think BMI should be a concern, especially if you suffer from diabetes, heart disease or some sort of obesity related problem.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    if a man is muscular, BMI does become invalid as a measurement tool. My husband has about 20 lbs of fat he could lose, but according to the BMI scale, he is "obese" they aren't taking into account that his 54 inch chest is solid muscle.
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    My goal weight (140 pounds at 5' 2") is still in the overweight range. If I happen to get below that without "trying," so be it. But given my muscle base, I don't think it will happen, and I will look great at 140. Even when I weighed 180, people truly thought I was in the 130's. BMI isn't the be all and end all. Composition counts for a lot.
  • Jessaamine
    Jessaamine Posts: 111
    Have you seen this BMI Flickr set before? Pretty illuminating! Google Flickr Illustrated BMI Categories or go to the link below.

    Love it!