Anyone ever lose a very close pet?

RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
edited April 2015 in Motivation and Support
Its been the worst week of my life. I lost my rabbit just this past monday at 3-5 is when he passed. He was alone in his last moments and scared probably. he was our family and he was 9 years. I hear from people had a good long life. We were friends, buds. I miss him so much and the grieving is burdening me and need some help from the community? I eat sporadically. For example,*I haven't eaten breakfast today, and I can eat but i don't feel like eating nothing. I just want to hang out in his room and pretend he is still here because I don't want to forget how his fur felt and how nice his fur smelled. Im a huge mess. I don't want to be by myself and when i am i cry. One may not understand and think I'm sound* like a kid crying over his puppy. I took care of this bunny, I was his mom-ok not his real mom it was a figure of speech but hope you understand. I have all these milestones without him like going to the grocery store for the first time and not having to worry to get him his pet grass :s which was his FAVORITE, Going to class yesterday for the 1st time without checking his water levels and petting him just catching up with him and him licking my hand to tell me he loves me or coming home from classes yesterday knowing his bedroom light won't be on was really surreal everything is so surreal. He was there during holidays when know one even called on me to wish me well just him and i so caring for him to make sure he was never sick and always comfortable took energy and it was pure joy to be there for him-he listened when know one did, he reacted to my touches and welcomed my presence. He was a kind and curious animal that always had to scope things out-it was his personality and i miss it to death </3 . Any support, thoughts and prayers are very welcomed. I can't stop crying. My lil bud is gone forever-I don't feel like logging my food even though i should-just lost the care to do stuff now, and worried it won't pass. Im told it will but will it really? Its going to be months I'm afraid to really get over this and worried that my weight will be affected. Not really caring about it though because i miss him so much AK this stinks so damn much.


  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    edited April 2015
    He was ;..( he really was ak crying lol can't see keyboard. um he was a blessing. I actually have been doing just that yesterday i without though was kissing the top of his back and his neck was the best kissing spot-he had baby fur (colic?) between his ears(holland mix rabbit with a flat dark brown face and dark brown floppy ears. He resembled a little bear cub almost and he was just the coolest darn rabbit. I won't be surprised the vet office and staff won't miss him.

    Vet said he doesn't see older rabbits much. which says a lot and I'm sure we helped him gain better experience with our bud.
  • tri_bob
    tri_bob Posts: 121 Member
    People who haven't experienced this often don't understand how wrenching and painful this can be. I swear, I'm having difficulty maintaining my composure at my desk, remembering when we had to put down Maxie, our fat old (13 years old? 14?) that we adopted when she was maybe 10, and who to her last days still acted like a puppy.

    The pain eventually becomes less acute, but never quite goes away, and the hole in your heart never quite fills in. But in time, the happy memories crowd out the pain you're feeling right now. Here's hoping you heal soon.
  • MamaJ1974
    MamaJ1974 Posts: 443 Member
    Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like he was part of your family. Take the time you need to grieve, and remember your happy memories. He had a long, happy life with you.
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,153 Member
    YES. It's a horrible experience. I find I rarely even talk about it because even just typing this, I automatically tear up. Pets are such a huge part of us. I always like to think they will be around forever, but, sadly, not the case. Losing my dogs (two Dalmatians who made it to ages 13 and 15) helped me become a more gracious person. I make every effort to find the good in things and be thankful for all the good things. I am soooo glad I had the time I had with them and would not trade it for the world.

    I have two kitties now (easier to travel with than the dogs) and one of them is just like one of the dogs (personality-wise). He just reads me and makes these cute little noises when he comes up to me or just sees me down the hall. Love those little furballs.

    So very sorry for your loss. I can really say it gets better with time, I think you have to make a conscious effort to make yourself feel better. Best wishes - my heart definitely goes out to you.
  • 2BaNewMe2
    2BaNewMe2 Posts: 102 Member
    We just had to put down our dog about a month ago. The picture I am using is her in the Vets office on that day. (She was a shy old pup and this is the only picture I have of her) She was 16 years old and I miss her dearly. I have 2 other dogs that have helped me through the loss, but it still hurts. So I know what you are going through and I am sorry for your loss. I hope the coming days and weeks find you are remembering all of the good times with less hurt.
  • Ribena145
    Ribena145 Posts: 201 Member
    Give yourself one says you have to stop are mourning the loss of a loved one. Remember him, he was a big part of your life for 9 years! I still miss all the animals in my life, they have been my children. You'll know when you are ready to move might even consider another rabbit in memory....when the time is right. Remember the good times :)
  • Dube11
    Dube11 Posts: 93 Member
    Losing a pet is the worst =(
    I lost my beagle a while back and it was so hard. It took a while but eventually the memories that caused such sadness brought smiles. I still tear up thinking about her. Be thankful for the time you had with your precious pet. Sounds like he lived a good long life thanks to you.
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    My heart goes out to you. I am in tears reading your description of him. I lost my Rottweiler Sam in 2001 when he was 12. Until then I was a dog person who had cats and when he went I became a cat person who has dogs. I am just now thinking about the next dog who will be "mine" and have all my heart. But you will heal; give yourself time and don't let anyone else decide for you how long it will take. Regarding food? I am also like you in that when I'm depressed I don't feel like eating. Just eat what you can, but try to make your choices healthy ones so that you get optimum nutrition until your appetite picks back up. Good luck to you!
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    So sorry....I can't imagine. I have two wonderful dogs who are my children and I know I'll be a basket case when they go. Take your time, you can't put a time limit on your grief.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    First, I'm very sorry for you loss. I hope you find healing soon.

    I lost my first horse in a barn fire so I know how you feel about not being able to say goodbye and when you say your little bud must have been scared. It has been five years for me and the pain and guilt when I let myself think about it is the same as it was the day that he passed. That being said, it does get better. Not easier but better.

    I would recommend you have a little funeral for your bunny so you can say goodbye. My friend who also lost a horse in the fire and I did this and it gave us closure.

    Eventually you will start to focus on the happy times you had with your little bud and what you learned from him. Think about all the years you had with him instead of your loss.

    Losing anyone you love is never easy so don't let anybody minimize your feelings, especially if they've never lost a pet.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I had a puppy that my mother let me have (she has links to dog breeders). I was living with my parents over a summer between college semesters and this little puppy really, really bonded to me. We started doing everything together and I started bringing her to training classes.

    At the end of summer, when she was only 10 months old, we entered an obedience competition and ran away with first place in the beginners class. No one even came close to us.

    She did everything I asked her to, and made a huge fuss whenever I left her alone.

    A year later, when I was working the following summer, she suddenly passed away during the day while I was at work. I forgot my phone at home, so when my flatmate called me to tell me she was acting strange I didn't get the message. It was a perfectly normal day, but when I got home she was gone.

    We determined she had a cerebral hemorrhage and even if I were there, or got the message, there would have been nothing we could have done.

    She was only 19 months old.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    I had a dog that we had to put down about 8 years ago. She was an awesome pet/companion. She was with me through some very tough times and a period where knowing she needed attention was the only reason I got up in the mornings.
    We have three dogs now that we love and knowing that someday we'll have to deal with the loss of each of them can be overwhelming.
    I'm sorry you're going through this. It will get better, it just takes time.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss. Your buddy sounds like he was a big part of your life. Take your time and grieve, and don't pay attention to anyone who tells you to just get over it. *hugs*

    I agree with the above saying that people who haven't gone through it just don't get it. I lost my cat I had for 15 years a couple of years ago, and I still get a little teary-eyed when I think of him. He was a cranky fella who made Grumpy Cat look like Pollyanna, and could count on one paw the number of people on this earth he liked. I was lucky enough to be one of them.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    It's heartbreaking to lose someone we love and that loves us unconditionally.

    Sending you healing hugs <3
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Yes its the similar to a bereavment, so plenty of us understand how devastating it can be. Hang in there and think what a fantastic life you gave your companion.
  • tmoser05
    tmoser05 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm sorry for you loss. I have lost 2 dogs, they were both part of the family and like my own children. They all have unique personalities that you will never replace or forget, try to think of all the happiness they brought you. You will never forget them, but it will get better.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    You lost a member of your family, of course you will be upset for a long time. I am so sorry for your loss.
    You can never replace him, but maybe, when you feel you are ready, you can rescue another animal in his honor. I'm sure he would like that. *hugs*
  • yourradimradletshug
    yourradimradletshug Posts: 964 Member
    Oh this makes me so sad for you! I am so sorry for your loss. I lost one of my dogs when I was 14 and we had her since I was 6 so I was pretty devastated. The only thing I had to remember is just because they are gone in body, they are never gone in spirit. I'd sit in my room and close my eyes and imagine her there and I would just talk to her. Tell her I miss her and love her and that one day I'll see her again. When I found out she had passed I remember it was raining and I told my mom "It's raining because Nikki is crying because she sees us sad and doesn't want us to be sad" and it made my mom cry but also made her feel good at the same time.

    It's never easy to loose a pet you are close to but in time it will heal. If you need anyone to talk to please feel free to message me. You got us all here for you!
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    I teared up a little. I would be so heart broken if my cat Monty died.
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    I know just how you feel. When I lost my late pug I was in such distress that my mother actually flew across the country to be with me. She let me express my grief as much and as long I needed to. I was so sad for you reading your post, but it's such a good thing to let it out. I thought I'd never get over my pug dying--and I probably never totally will--but I've recovered and the pain has transformed into good memories of when she was alive, and that makes me happy. Your loss is very real and profound. Try to eat a little and take care of yourself; it's so easy to neglect ourselves when we are in pain. But most of all, give this time. It might hurt for a long time, but it will ease, I promise you. Your love for your pet is a beautiful thing, and it makes sense that you feel overwhelmed. Hang in there and take care.