James ducal diet aka grapefruit



  • saramartinez966
    saramartinez966 Posts: 36 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
  • saramartinez966
    saramartinez966 Posts: 36 Member
    Love it
  • saramartinez966
    saramartinez966 Posts: 36 Member
    Runmama411 that's very ture thank u ❤
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    Lol grapefruit dose not burn fat :D so what's the point and all the fuss about grapefruit. ....well anyway that's good cuz I hate grapefruit

    You hate grapefruit but want to go on the grapefruit diet. Makes sense.

    I hate brussel sprouts. I think I'll try that diet. LOL!

  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    OP~ Congrats on your new baby. I totally know the feeling. Stick with MFP and eat at a deficit. You can do it and you will get tons of support here. Best of luck!
  • saramartinez966
    saramartinez966 Posts: 36 Member
    Ok thanks everyone I guess I'm not going ahead with the grapefruit hype I'll stick to eating less moving more
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Sorry, it's a public forum. If you get opinions you don't like, that's too bad.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    Ok thanks everyone I guess I'm not going ahead with the grapefruit hype I'll stick to eating less moving more

    Good idea! Whenever you do see something promoted as "fat burning", particularly something as common as grapefruit, just ask yourself, "If this really worked, why isn't everyone doing it and losing weight?" If there really WAS a magic solution most people would already be on it.
  • pdank311
    pdank311 Posts: 137 Member
    cico BUT this post reminded me I haven't had grapefruit in over a year. Added to my grocery list, so thanks!
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    Ok thanks everyone I guess I'm not going ahead with the grapefruit hype I'll stick to eating less moving more

    THIS! Good, OP.

    Eat grapefruit if you enjoy it (which you've said you don't...so...there you go).

    Really, just track the food you eat and the beverages you drink. Log accurately and find activity you enjoy. Above all, be patient with your weight loss. Weight loss isn't linear and you will see weeks where you lose more than others - it's not going to happen overnight but the best thing IMO to do is to find something that is sustainable in the long term.

    Good luck, OP!
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    pdank311 wrote: »
    cico BUT this post reminded me I haven't had grapefruit in over a year. Added to my grocery list, so thanks!

    My grandparents live in Arizona and have several grapefruit trees. I should bother them to send me a box or two. Thanks!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    SconnieCat wrote: »
    Ok thanks everyone I guess I'm not going ahead with the grapefruit hype I'll stick to eating less moving more

    THIS! Good, OP.

    Eat grapefruit if you enjoy it (which you've said you don't...so...there you go).

    Really, just track the food you eat and the beverages you drink. Log accurately and find activity you enjoy. Above all, be patient with your weight loss. Weight loss isn't linear and you will see weeks where you lose more than others - it's not going to happen overnight but the best thing IMO to do is to find something that is sustainable in the long term.

    Good luck, OP!

    Oh goodness. Glad the OP has decided against this. I tried it, oh maybe 20-25 years ago. I thought it died off way back then. LOL
  • saramartinez966
    saramartinez966 Posts: 36 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    Sorry, it's a public forum. If you get opinions you don't like, that's too bad.

    Errm excuse miss maidentl yes it is a public forum but every other person gave supportive or helpful comments yours was just rude nasty and uncalled for ...listen people come to this forum looking for support and some stuggling with certain issues I've been really down and stressed about my weight gain after my son I already feel like *kitten* about my image I'm certainly not looking for someone to make me feel stupid as well ....ur obviously on here because u have weight issues of some sort would u like it if someone posted a nasty remark to your question ....I'm not gonna insult u in anyway but think about next time before u post it was unnecessary if u don't have anything nice suportive or helpful to say then SHUT UP
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Lisa1971 wrote: »
    maidentl wrote: »
    Lol grapefruit dose not burn fat :D so what's the point and all the fuss about grapefruit. ....well anyway that's good cuz I hate grapefruit

    You hate grapefruit but want to go on the grapefruit diet. Makes sense.

    I hate brussel sprouts. I think I'll try that diet. LOL!

    I could go for that, I love Brussels sprouts!

    OP, I made an extremely mild sarcastic remark. I've seen a whole lot worse on here, you're going to need to grow a thicker skin if you want to stick around. I wasn't nasty at all, you could argue rude if you want, although it was mostly meant to be funny. ;)
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    OP, I'm glad you decided not to go with the grapefruit diet, and opted for a more sensible plan.

    As for maidentl's comment: you have to admit....someone who hates grapefruit wanting to do the grapefruit diet is pretty funny.
  • saramartinez966
    saramartinez966 Posts: 36 Member
    Well to be honest I'm a firm beliver in the fact that u can train your taste buds into liking anything you set your mind to its how I trained my taste buds to like certain veggies I never liked before and drinking tea with no sugar your taste buds take 2 weeks I think ? To adjust to a new flavor when I wanted to eat more iron because of my low red blood cell count I hated spinach but made myself eat it every evening with my meal and now I love spinach I still eat it almost most days in the evenings with a meal or I have a spinach apple and lemon smoothie yummy delicious
  • saramartinez966
    saramartinez966 Posts: 36 Member
    Maidentl that's fine no harsh feelings taken and good luck on your weightloss journey <3
  • jorinya
    jorinya Posts: 933 Member
    Sara, congrats on your baby and your starting your weight loss journey. One good thing I used to do when my four were still babies is take them out for a long walk. It helped get them to sleep and helped me lose the baby weight. Maybe you should see if there are any mother and baby exercise class in your area, that can help too. If you eat less calories than normal that should be fine. Oh, its not recommended for nursing mothers to go on a diet but you can exercise too keep weight under control. Just thought I should let you know.
    Good luck in your weight loss journey. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • saramartinez966
    saramartinez966 Posts: 36 Member
    jorinya wrote: »
    Sara, congrats on your baby and your starting your weight loss journey. One good thing I used to do when my four were still babies is take them out for a long walk. It helped get them to sleep and helped me lose the baby weight. Maybe you should see if there are any mother and baby exercise class in your area, that can help too. If you eat less calories than normal that should be fine. Oh, its not recommended for nursing mothers to go on a diet but you can exercise too keep weight under control. Just thought I should let you know.
    Good luck in your weight loss journey. Add me as a friend if you like.

    Thanks jorinya
    Yes I've started all of the above I try to take my son out on a 2 hour walk everyother day and I go to a gym class for an hour 6 days a week and then we all walk to church on a Sunday which is up and down hills I obviously push him in the buggy. ..I put on 3 and a half stones since I had him he's now 8 months old and I've lost 2 stones so far so I've got a stone and a half left I'm down to 11 stone 10lbs now but need to get back down to 10 and half stones it's soo depressing cuz I can't fit into any of my clothes but I don't want to throw away any of my previous pregnancy clothes my baby 8 months now just feel like I'm miles away and it's never gonna happen I don't go out to see any friends and family anymore cuz I'm ashamed of how much weight I've gained and I feel like everyone is gonna juge me especially when my sister and brothers wife also gave birth recently and they fit stright back into there skinny jeans and my brother keeps telling my husband he needs to send me back to the gym ....everyone thinks it's a joke but they can't see how insecure I've become ......sorry just needed to let this out

  • jorinya
    jorinya Posts: 933 Member
    Sometimes family can say things that hurt. Unfortunately that's how the cookie crumbles. Don't let the comments get under your skin or make you turn to comfort eating. You are beautiful the way you are no matter what weight you have or haven't. Did you think that maybe your brother is jealous of you??? Jealously makes us say funny things. My brother-in-law's wife has always been jealous of me to the point that she took some of my clothes when I went home to have my daughter. Last time I saw her she commented that I didn't lose weight and was bigger than her. I was wearing a UK size 16 while she was wearing a UK size 18-20. Now I fit into a UK size 14. She hasn't seen me in just under a month so I wonder what she will say when she sees me next time lol. Just let their comments roll off your back and continue in you determination to lose weight.