Rock Star Weight Loss Challenge Week 3 (Already in Progress)



  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    I see tons to Yeah's!!! Big Congrats to Ang sp711 on the rock star of the week. :smile: Of course Huge yeah's to Team DMB!!! and TDGEE who apparently carried my anchor *kitten*. :bigsmile: LJSpady a big thankyou for charts etc plus congrats to a great individual week loss. :heart:

    Well if water makes a differerence, i have made it over a hump. Last week, 8 was tough. This week i"m hitting 8 by noon and wanting more. HUH? So far, it continues to be no weight on the scale, but i feel like a freaking whale. I'm thinking just cutting the water back at weigh in will net me at least 20-30 lbs now. That could be perio-menopause talking though.
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    Ted's effin fired!

    ok, no, not really... but he's definitely takin a pay cut, or getting extra duty, or SOMETHING.

    Don't be sad, I'm here now and all is right in the world again. And even better, I've burned my *kitten* YET AGAIN in the tanning bed. so y'all have days of jokes to crack at my expense again lol.
    Fired? FIRED?? Is it NOT enough I've carried you on my back for this whole challenge?! Sure, Tami gets to run off to Chicago and eat real deep dish pizza, while we're all stuck at home, breathing through rice cakes to get our nourishment!!!! AND you can't drink water without me reminf=ding you? WTF? Are you a baby???!!
    smiley-finger007.gifFire THIS!!

    In all seriousness, I'm sorry I haven't been around as much, been working my butt off trying to rehab my leg so I can go back to work.. Progress has been amazingly slow and little. I keep thinking that if I work it a little harder, the nerves will respond... Well anyway, back to it MFers, oops! I mean MFPeeps!

    lmao i love Ted for posts like this. hahaha And techinically, if we were drinking the amount of water we should be....we WOULD be MFPers! hahaha

    I am still at the same weight (decided to look when I was at the gym today) but it WAS the we'll see! GO TEAM DMB!!!!

    I missed my lovely MFPeeps.....with clinical and the gym and house cleaning...and a case study...ive been SWAMPED! and havent had my usual amount of time to hang out on here!!
    Keep up the good work everyone! Im glad to see the positivity on here lately!!:flowerforyou:
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member

    This really is a great group of people, who could ask for anything more. Even my wife is now getting into the swing of using MFP. Of course now I have to watch what I post with Tami and Laina, those two will get me in trouble...LOL.

    moi? I am always onmy best behavior! Not my fault you and Ted are dirty old men!

    *dies laughing* :laugh: :wink: :laugh: :wink:

    KIDDING!!! Yo know I love y'all! :flowerforyou:

    lmao i ALWAYS get blamed for people getting in trouble!! wtf?! hahahaha then again...i AM kind of a trouble maker....*wink wink* LOL
  • Gonzawr
    Gonzawr Posts: 25
    Congrats DMB!!! Great job by everyone!!!
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    I must admit that I had never heard of Paramore until this thread....but now I can't get enough of them. I watch them on YouTube and have them downloaded to my phone to play while walking/running. They F@%*&N rock!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I do love Paramore. I kick butt on the drums when we play their songs for Rock band. Look at me. I AM a rock star. Bahahahahaha!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    That was the first time I heard of Paramore, was when playing rockband. I am stricly lead guitar and vocal... yeah I'm a superstar baby....
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Wow, I missed a few digs from my teammates. Oh well, Like we say in the 'hood; "*****es be *****es" smiley-cool09.gif

    ANYWAYS, I posted this as my status this morning, but have since remembered that not everyone looks at my status first thing in the am, smiley-sleep024.gifI thought I would post it here as well, I consider all of you my friends, I am just too lazy to add you all. Feel free to add me if you, like so many of my teammates,smiley-taunt008.gif crave my attention and entertainment... And five points to the first person who correctly identifies the movie quote.

    I have decided it's Share The Love Friday. Take a moment and let people know what they mean to you. For my part, All of my MFPeeps: Thank you so much for your motivation and your active participation in my fitness journey. I honestly believe that I would not have had the successes I've had without you guys. I love you all and "I treasure your friendship"
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Wow, I missed a few digs from my teammates. Oh well, Like we say in the 'hood; "*****es be *****es" smiley-cool09.gif

    ANYWAYS, I posted this as my status this morning, but have since remembered that not everyone looks at my status first thing in the am, smiley-sleep024.gifI thought I would post it here as well, I consider all of you my friends, I am just too lazy to add you all. Feel free to add me if you, like so many of my teammates,smiley-taunt008.gif crave my attention and entertainment... And five points to the first person who correctly identifies the movie quote.

    I have decided it's Share The Love Friday. Take a moment and let people know what they mean to you. For my part, All of my MFPeeps: Thank you so much for your motivation and your active participation in my fitness journey. I honestly believe that I would not have had the successes I've had without you guys. I love you all and "I treasure your friendship"

    Ted, I adore you.

    It's a good thing you went ahead and professed your love to us today, cuz the world is ending tomorrow you know lol
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member

    I am feeling the love all the way over here in Texas!!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member

    I am feeling the love all the way over here in Texas!!
    You should!! And BTW, your new profile picture is nice! And I mean that in the most straightest of ways! You know how the pervs like to gather with any scent of sexual innuendo. I feel so used sometimes! *DRAMA!* HAHAHAHAHA!!
    Seriously, Thank you for being you!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member

    I am feeling the love all the way over here in Texas!!
    You should!! And BTW, your new profile picture is nice! And I mean that in the most straightest of ways! You know how the pervs like to gather with any scent of sexual innuendo. I feel so used sometimes! *DRAMA!* HAHAHAHAHA!!
    Seriously, Thank you for being you!

    Thanks for the very hetero non sexual compliment. I know what you mean though, if we don't clarify our hetero meaning, Tami and Laina will jump all over it talking about guy on guy action, they are such pervs, those two. They treat us like pieces of chocolate flavored meat pops. LOL

    Have a great weekend. I will only be here to poke my head in and out on occasion... lets see what they have to say about that..
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Yes, I am a STRICT Vagaterian!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Boys, boys... You 2 are such a cute couple! I love how open you are!

    Shawn... Watch where you poke that thing!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Boys, boys... You 2 are such a cute couple! I love how open you are!

    Shawn... Watch where you poke that thing!

    See, I knew she couldn't resist making some kinda perv comment. Tsk Tsk.. I know her all too well.
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member

    I am feeling the love all the way over here in Texas!!
    You should!! And BTW, your new profile picture is nice! And I mean that in the most straightest of ways! You know how the pervs like to gather with any scent of sexual innuendo. I feel so used sometimes! *DRAMA!* HAHAHAHAHA!!
    Seriously, Thank you for being you!

    I think you two are having a goatee competition.....that is all. Which trimmers do you use?
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    Weiging in for Foo(d) Fighters.
    CW 194.8
    LW 198.

    Heck Yeah! Lets go Foo(d) Fighters and kick some rock star butt this week!
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    mmm meat pops...HAHAHA

    I love my teammates... you guys ALWAYS make me laugh!!

    I worked pretty hard making dinner for 35 firemen tonight and their wives...going bowling in a minute. Ate a pretty high cal dinner...including coconut cream pie...and will prob drink 3 beers at bowling. Overall...a pretty bad day!!! I will make up for it tomorrow though!!!!

    Been pretty good this week, but only monday will tell the truth!!
  • rorosaw
    rorosaw Posts: 360 Member
    Checking in early for Team DILIH. Won't be near a scale tomorrow. Off to NYC today for work.

    So, I'm down 2.5 pounds this week. Looks like zigzagging is starting to work. I ate MORE this week and still lost. Wow! Yay me! haha.

    Good luck to my teammates and everyone else as we do this together.

  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Checking in early for DMB! 238 a two pound lost. Woot! :bigsmile:
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