When people question weighing your food?

What do yiu guys tell people when they ask why you weigh your food? Weighing everything you eat seems obsessive to some people and it's honestly a little bit of an embarrassing question to answer. What's something I can say?


  • PudgyToPrincess
    PudgyToPrincess Posts: 24 Member
    I usually weigh my stuff and when asked, I explain that I'm trying to be healthier but packages LIE about how many calories/how much nutrition is in a cup (or whatever the serving size is) and I have to weigh it to make sure I'm getting the proper amount. If they continue to question (or if they questioned in a ridiculing way), I just don't answer... I'm trying to better myself and I don't have to answer questions about it. Unless they are legitimately curious and want to know more, I won't entertain it.

    Don't feel embarrassed about taking the necessary steps to eat better and thus live healthier. :)
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Weighing food is important for accuracy. If someone asks, that's what I tell them. I'm not too worried about finding it embarrassing. Since I weigh my food at home and take it packaged with me elsewhere, it's not usually an issue. However, if someone asks me for advice, I always tell them they need to weigh all solids. Again, I tell that person that it's about accuracy in calorie counting and tracking.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Accuracy. That's why I weigh my food. I want to be as accurate as I can be.

    And to people who won't let it go: Why on earth does it bother you so much? Is your world going to end because I weigh my food? No. Thought so.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    The older I get the less concerned I am what other people think of about my choices.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Calories is per gram - carbs about 4, protein about 4, fat about 9.

    Not per spoon or cupful.

    Ask them what "about 2 servings" really means for range?

    Show them a package where the weight stated on the front is no where near 2 when divided by the weight per serving, and if serving size is 100-150, how easily that adds up.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    edited May 2015
    I've cultivated a dead-pan stare and employ it until they get uncomfortable and go away.
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    If it's a genuine question by someone who really wants to know, I explain how portion control works, calories in/out and that I need to count, at least for now.
    If it's someone who was set to judge from start, I just say that "I'm weird that way" with the smile and move on.

    Anyway, since the pounds started to obviously drop, the question is not "why do you do it" anymore. I get the "HOW can I do it, too?"
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    First I explain that I need to be accurate and why. If they ask again or say anything I just leave it at "Because Science!" with a crazy grin and wide eyes. My cousin is the only person who has actually given me a hard time about it so far and he takes and sells advocare so I can't take him seriously.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    What do yiu guys tell people when they ask why you weigh your food? Weighing everything you eat seems obsessive to some people and it's honestly a little bit of an embarrassing question to answer. What's something I can say?
    I liken it to being precise with my bank account. I could guess how much I spend each month, or KNOW how much I spend each month. Which one would be much more accurate and give me an accurate balance?
    People will pay attention to things that are important to them. If a guy is losing his hair, he looks for each hair growing back or getting lost. Same with a female looking for stretch marks. People who need to ask why aren't that concerned about their own intake. No biggie.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I tell them I just do it to make sure my portion sizes are accurate.
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    Unless it is a legitimate question from someone who wants to lose weight and wants to know more about how I am doing it, I give a smart azz answer like "because I can" or "because I'm the mom". They usually laugh and never ask me again.
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    I would say "for science!"

    but all my friends are science nerds of some sort so they wouldn't even bother to question.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    Knowledge is power. How can i actually know what I'm taking in if I'm just guessing.
  • kickassbarbie
    kickassbarbie Posts: 286 Member
    I just say "curiosity" or "I like to know how much this great food weighs" and laugh.

    Make a joke out of it and don't take offence, or try to turn it into a positive about how much you love said food and would eat too much if didn't weigh it. I'd avoid launching into epic debates and lectures about diet, that really does make people think your obsessed and creates a big issue when it need not be.
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    Let me preface by, maybe I'm just being *itchy this morning. .but why be embarrassed by anything good you do for you and who is anyone else to question it?
    "Why you weighing that?"
    "Because I want to"
    End of discussion
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    I don't like when people mention anything im doing regarding food, it makes me really uncomfortable and anxious.

    But when people ask I just say because I suck at portion control. That's why, and then it's over.

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    The only person who has asked has been my daughter. I told her it's because I used to eat too much and want to be sure I don't do that anymore.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    I don't generally weigh my food in public...I weight things out at home. The only one whom is really aware that I weigh things out is my wife. Nobody has ever commented because nobody knows.
  • jhamptonsleboda
    jhamptonsleboda Posts: 23 Member
    The older I get the less concerned I am what other people think of about my choices.


    I've had houseguests before who were aghast when I got out my scale to measure out my morning cereal. I've heard the word "obsessive" used to describe weighing food multiple times. I kindly explained to my guests that if I had the amount I really wanted, versus the serving size, there'd be none left for them--that quieted things down quickly :)

    But really, it's your body, your health, your life. What works for you may not work for them, and vice versa.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    I just tell them I want to know exactly how much I'm eating. But I don't find questions like this embarrassing. Usually they're asking because they don't know and usually end up trying it themselves.