Drinking while running??



  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    Squish the cup once to make a slit, the fold the slit in half to make a (\/) shape. I can fit almost the whole "V" into my mouth, so there's very little room for spillage. Also, take your time. There's cups scattered down the road for 200 yards for a reason. You don't need to drink it all in the 25 feet worth of tables. Keep going, the volunteers will pick up the cups (but still, try to make it into a can if it's at all possible. Just don't tailor your drink times for the sake of the volunteers, they're used to it, it's okay. Do thank them, tho.)
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    simplycindy07 -- I am actually in northwestern Wisconsin, so it would be quite a commute for us to run together. :) Good luck on your 5K -- and my bet is that you will inspire your friends to run with you eventually. When I started running 2 years ago I was a lone wolf, now my whole family and a couple of my friends have picked it up and run with me on occasion.

    Running is contagious!!

    Do you use Dailymile.com?? You can track your mileage (I am up to 271 miles this year, it's fun and motivating to track!) and you can also find other users who are registered for the same races as you and 'friend' them for a local support group.
  • simplycindy07
    simplycindy07 Posts: 13 Member
    Moving up north is something that we are hoping for in the next 5 years. We both hate it down here... I long for the peace and quiet. My grandparents lived in Winter for my entire childhood... every summer I was up by them. LOVED it.

    I have not tried that website... I'll have to check it out. Since I KNOW my family won't run with us, elderly, disabled, and just plain out laugh at me when I suggest any form of exercise, hopefully I can find someone on there that is close to us. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    It's better to just walk through the water stop to drink water/gatorade. You don't lose as much time as you think. Believe me it's no fun to be coughing for a half mile because the water you consumed on the run went down the wrong way.