Those last 15 pounds



  • sukkara
    sukkara Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you everyone!
    Shell girl thank you for this group, and bgail thank you for the document!
    Today, my loss has come to a total of 4.4 pounds. I think this is the first time I've achieved this without being on a fad diet, and I've tried a lot! The loss is slow but I feel good and I know I can continue on it. I understand that being petite and sticking to only 1200 calories makes it harder to lose. I will not be hard on myself :)
    I definitely haven't been following "the plan" perfectly, there are several days where I've exceeded my calorie intake (so many happy occasions and cake), and I haven't exercised regularly for 2 weeks, but I'm still losing! Probably b/c the accountability of this group and looking forward to the weekly weigh-in haven't made me blow it. I'm usually good at following short plans but don't stick to long ones, so joining this group is making me stick to it. I've developed a few healthy habits over the past few weeks. I'm trying to sleep earlier, and I'm not skipping breakfast (I know, duh), and I'm starting to know what 1200 calories is like without calculations.
    I'm understanding my body more. For example, beginning my day with fat & protein makes me crave less fatty and sugary food at night. Moderation without deprivation! Knowing that I "can" eat it if I want to instead of "cannot" made me skip many things happily. What a mind game!
    For the next weeks, I'll be walking again, doing some arm exercises for toning (very conscious about), and including more greens in my diet.
    I'm happy with my progress, want to continue on this road. I have received several compliments at work :)
    No more crash diets and feeling miserable! Slow and steady does it!
    Sorry for the long post..
    Happy losing everyone!!
  • whittanywood0224
    whittanywood0224 Posts: 11 Member
    I would love to be added to the group. I want to lose 15 pounds by June, in time to attend a wedding and I need some encouragement!
  • lian27chime
    lian27chime Posts: 50 Member
    I'm in, add me please.
  • MegletRamblesOn
    MegletRamblesOn Posts: 17 Member
    Whoops, I forgot to check in last week, so I'm making up for it by checking in a day early this week. :) The first week was tough, it was my birthday week + some stress eating so I was WAY over my calorie goal most days. Luckily I was also way over my FitBit step goal, so that helped a little. This past week was somewhat better, especially the last few days so despite my rough start I've managed to lose almost 2 pounds in those two weeks. Hooray!

    Sukkara, as you said, 1200 calories and being petite is pretty tough. I just keep reminding myself that "slow is better than nothing" and try to make sure that when I am going over my 1200 goal, it's with "real" food not junk food like chips & candy (not that I've entirely cut out junk food, I'm just trying to be better about it.)
  • sgjohnson92
    sgjohnson92 Posts: 17 Member
    Unfortunately I got injured around 4-5 weeks ago and completely fell off the wagon! At my lowest I was 79.8kg, this morning I weighed 83.1kg :'(

    I'm feeling 85% ok so the last week or so has been positive. I plan on making the new goal 1st June. (My mothers birthday)
  • Bobbiezilla
    Bobbiezilla Posts: 157 Member
    Well I didn't hit the target of 15 by May 1st, but I'm happy to be back on track and back in the 150s :):)
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    A Big THANK YOU !! to all who set this up.
    It truly did help me stay motivated to eat less so I could show a loss !!!!
    I did lose 7 lbs. during this time.