starting INSANITY



  • CoachGena
    CoachGena Posts: 13
    I just started Insanity: Asylum. I feel like a newbie all over again. Let me know when you are ready to graduate to the next level. After 60 days of the first Insanity you will see your abs, move faster. lower your heart rate and feel like you can take on any fitness challenge. It's not easy but so worth it!
  • rucks20
    rucks20 Posts: 711 Member
    Hey all!

    I'm new to the site! I joined mfp to track my meals/calorie intake after starting Insanity on the 14th and didn't realize there were boards until now. After doing P90X for 6 weeks and not losing weight, I decided to switch to doing more cardio and sticking to a meal plan. I hope this gets the ball rolling, b/c the workouts are killer and I love how quickly they go by (compared to P90X).

    I'm not sure how this site works yet, but feel free to add me.

    Here are my 1st fit test results:
    sk: 60
    pj: 42
    pk: 83
    pj: 27
    gj: 8
    sj: 12
    puj: 21*
    lpo: 38
    *I can't do many real push ups, so these were mostly knee versions

    Do any of you add any other type of workout on the midweek recovery days? I didn't burn as many calories as I would have liked ;)


    Welcome rhow,
    The only other activity I do during any of the weeks is walking on breaks/lunchtimes at work. I think the recovery days are there for just that reason so you have time to rest your muscles/body. I'm not an expert though. :smile:

    I'm in week 4 so I am still trying to figure it all out myself. I love these message boards for the tips/hints/suggestions. They really help!
  • rucks20
    rucks20 Posts: 711 Member
    I just started Insanity: Asylum. I feel like a newbie all over again. Let me know when you are ready to graduate to the next level. After 60 days of the first Insanity you will see your abs, move faster. lower your heart rate and feel like you can take on any fitness challenge. It's not easy but so worth it!


    I look forward to seeing my abs!! :happy:
  • rhow
    rhow Posts: 10
    I just started Insanity: Asylum. I feel like a newbie all over again. Let me know when you are ready to graduate to the next level. After 60 days of the first Insanity you will see your abs, move faster. lower your heart rate and feel like you can take on any fitness challenge. It's not easy but so worth it!


    I look forward to seeing my abs!! :happy:

    ^^Me too!

    Thanks for the welcome rucks. I think you're right! I should be greatful for the break :) I might only add some more stretching.
  • msualum10
    msualum10 Posts: 2
    I just started Insanity May 16. I just completed Day 2!!! It is intense!!!! I am going to need some tips/inspiration when I do not think I can get through it anymore!!! =)))
  • rhow
    rhow Posts: 10
    I just started Insanity May 16. I just completed Day 2!!! It is intense!!!! I am going to need some tips/inspiration when I do not think I can get through it anymore!!! =)))

    Wohoo! Another Insanity buddy!!
  • rucks20
    rucks20 Posts: 711 Member
    I just started Insanity May 16. I just completed Day 2!!! It is intense!!!! I am going to need some tips/inspiration when I do not think I can get through it anymore!!! =)))

    Wohoo! Another Insanity buddy!!

    LOL! It's an epidemic! Welcome!! I am almost through week 4. Trust me, these message boards help get you through the tough times! I am looking forward to next week (recover week). Although from other boards, I see it's not like P90X recovery week. A little more intense....:noway:
  • msualum10
    msualum10 Posts: 2
    I just started Insanity May 16. I just completed Day 2!!! It is intense!!!! I am going to need some tips/inspiration when I do not think I can get through it anymore!!! =)))

    Wohoo! Another Insanity buddy!!

    LOL! It's an epidemic! Welcome!! I am almost through week 4. Trust me, these message boards help get you through the tough times! I am looking forward to next week (recover week). Although from other boards, I see it's not like P90X recovery week. A little more intense....:noway:

    I am excited to have buddies to help me through!!! How is everybody doing with this? Like with weight, and seeing results?? :ohwell:
  • DanceMomCG
    DanceMomCG Posts: 47 Member
    Add me to the list as well.

    My husband and I did first Insanity last August. He made it through the whole thing while I got busy with the kids and back to school stuff. Hubby did a month of it back in March and now we are both re-visiting it to get in shape before heading to the beaches of Bermuda in July!

    Alot of the jumps kill my knees (years of cheerleading/dancing/teaching dance has done me in!) so I need to modify things a bit here and there but I still break into a good sweat and can feel the burn!!!

    BTW - Started on Monday - today was day 3 for me. Looking forward to the recovery tomorrow. ;-)
  • rucks20
    rucks20 Posts: 711 Member
    I just started Insanity May 16. I just completed Day 2!!! It is intense!!!! I am going to need some tips/inspiration when I do not think I can get through it anymore!!! =)))

    Wohoo! Another Insanity buddy!!

    LOL! It's an epidemic! Welcome!! I am almost through week 4. Trust me, these message boards help get you through the tough times! I am looking forward to next week (recover week). Although from other boards, I see it's not like P90X recovery week. A little more intense....:noway:

    I am excited to have buddies to help me through!!! How is everybody doing with this? Like with weight, and seeing results?? :ohwell:

    I have not lost 1 lb so far, but do not let that discourage you! I have done different versions of P90X for 2 years now so I am not sure how much more weight I can actually lose. BUT and here is the cool pants are looser and I can totally tell in my trouble spots (abs, butt, hips)!! :love: And I do not always eat as well as I should because I absolutely LOVE to eat. :ohwell:
  • rucks20
    rucks20 Posts: 711 Member
    Add me to the list as well.

    My husband and I did first Insanity last August. He made it through the whole thing while I got busy with the kids and back to school stuff. Hubby did a month of it back in March and now we are both re-visiting it to get in shape before heading to the beaches of Bermuda in July!

    Alot of the jumps kill my knees (years of cheerleading/dancing/teaching dance has done me in!) so I need to modify things a bit here and there but I still break into a good sweat and can feel the burn!!!

    BTW - Started on Monday - today was day 3 for me. Looking forward to the recovery tomorrow. ;-)

    Welcome to the group DanceMom! :smile:
  • rhow
    rhow Posts: 10
    I just started Insanity May 16. I just completed Day 2!!! It is intense!!!! I am going to need some tips/inspiration when I do not think I can get through it anymore!!! =)))

    Wohoo! Another Insanity buddy!!

    LOL! It's an epidemic! Welcome!! I am almost through week 4. Trust me, these message boards help get you through the tough times! I am looking forward to next week (recover week). Although from other boards, I see it's not like P90X recovery week. A little more intense....:noway:

    I am excited to have buddies to help me through!!! How is everybody doing with this? Like with weight, and seeing results?? :ohwell:

    I have not lost 1 lb so far, but do not let that discourage you! I have done different versions of P90X for 2 years now so I am not sure how much more weight I can actually lose. BUT and here is the cool pants are looser and I can totally tell in my trouble spots (abs, butt, hips)!! :love: And I do not always eat as well as I should because I absolutely LOVE to eat. :ohwell:

    msu - I'm planning on breaking my habit of daily scale watching (yikes, i know!) and weighing myself only on Saturday mornings. I will keep you posted for sure.

    rucks - I love to eat too! The only thing getting me through the meal plan is that I feel like I'm eating all day.. it's pretty nice :) And, I'm so glad you're seeing a difference even after all of your P90Xing. That's awesome! My husband and I took measurements before, so we'll see in a couple of weeks.. hopefully I'll see some changes then.

    DanceMom - Welcome!!
  • nicmar9697
    nicmar9697 Posts: 3
    My husband and I started Insanity on 5/7/2011. Tonight was first night of Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. Ouch! I started to try to lose weight 3/15/2011 and dropped 15 lbs quickly. Then, massive plateau. Started tracking calories on MFP and realized that I was only getting between 800 and 1100 a day and really working out. Trying Insanity to hopefully get me off this plateau. Mentally, it is harder to consume more calories and still work hard. Noticing the change in muscles and need to quit weighing myself every day. Turned 41 today and need to lose another 15 lbs. Wish me luck! I know I can do it. It just gets frustrating when I am trying so hard and not getting the results I was hoping for. Need perspective change! LOL!

    SW= 155
    CW= 140
    GW= 125

    Best wishes everyone and hope everybody achieves their desires!
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    good luck nic and everyone else aboard this challenge!

    i have stopped logging my insanity workouts bec u burn an insane amount of calories, and i just cant eat them back!
    i try, really i do, but even without logging the 600+ calories of insanity i fall short of my daily goal.....
  • rucks20
    rucks20 Posts: 711 Member
    My husband and I started Insanity on 5/7/2011. Tonight was first night of Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. Ouch! I started to try to lose weight 3/15/2011 and dropped 15 lbs quickly. Then, massive plateau. Started tracking calories on MFP and realized that I was only getting between 800 and 1100 a day and really working out. Trying Insanity to hopefully get me off this plateau. Mentally, it is harder to consume more calories and still work hard. Noticing the change in muscles and need to quit weighing myself every day. Turned 41 today and need to lose another 15 lbs. Wish me luck! I know I can do it. It just gets frustrating when I am trying so hard and not getting the results I was hoping for. Need perspective change! LOL!

    SW= 155
    CW= 140
    GW= 125

    Best wishes everyone and hope everybody achieves their desires!

    Welcome Nic!

    I wish I found it hard to eat back all my calories! But it is really important to feed your body so it doesn't think you're starving it and refuses to burn the fat. :(
  • rucks20
    rucks20 Posts: 711 Member
    good luck nic and everyone else aboard this challenge!

    i have stopped logging my insanity workouts bec u burn an insane amount of calories, and i just cant eat them back!
    i try, really i do, but even without logging the 600+ calories of insanity i fall short of my daily goal.....

    Don't worry, I'm eating some of your calories back too. I am always over...
  • nicmar9697
    nicmar9697 Posts: 3
    Thanks so much for the motivation!!! It really helps to know that there are many people like me working hard and doing their best! Fixation on my numbers is not in my best interest, and I truly am proud of my achievements so far! Losing weight at 40 has not been the same as losing weight at 30. Thanks again, I am truly blessed!
  • rucks20
    rucks20 Posts: 711 Member
    Last day of week 4 PCC. I rocked it w/no breaks!! I must be getting stronger. Still no weight loss but have lost inches in my hips/but/belly. Yeah! :) Next week is recovery week but from what I have read from everyone is from from a recovery week. Watched first Max workout this morning and I have to admit I'm a little nervous!! But I will dig deep and do my best to push, push, push!!

    Everyone have a great rest of your weekend!!
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