Look at my food diary....and let me have it.



  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Lots of people have given lots of great advice about the processed foods, salt and sugar levels, I would cut down to 2%,1% or skim milk if you can, I would never add fast food just to boost calorie intake. Tonight I wanted to add a hundred calories, so I went for an oz of cheese instead of the wheat thins I really wanted. Cheese has protein, calcium, and of coarse, has a great variety, colby-jack, jack, cheddar, mozzarella, swiss.

    I would also eat something solid at breakfast, even if it's just a piece of toast and some spread with your ensure. You shouldn't make it a habit to drink your meals if you can avoid it, unless you're in a pinch or a time crunch. It is said that the liquid meals digest faster, which will cause you to be hungry sooner.

    Do you like ham? The low fat ham has about 1g of fat, 30 calories per slice, but lots of protein. Would you sub tofu for the meats that you don't want to eat? Some teriyaki seasoning on sauteed tofu is pretty good, mix it with some peas, broccoli, bamboo shoots and water chestnuts and you have a nice stir fry.

    Definitely up your protein, bulk fiber (veggies) WATER to at least 64 oz, and cut your sodium, sugars and processed foods. Not sure of your access to the kitchen, but the recipes threads have some great ideas!

    Best of luck!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Strength training! And get off the crap carbs!
  • ali06013
    ali06013 Posts: 24 Member
    So your BMR is roughly around 1360. You have your cal intake at 1330 and you are eating your exercise calories back.

    Being that close, you may want to have even smaller deficit. You aren't 50 pounds overweight, so your body is not going to be so willing to let go of a few pounds. So you might want to eat a little closer to maintenance since you are so close.

    The above is right, your body isn't willing to lose the weight - I have a similar height/weight ratio to you, and I struggle to lose even a few pounds because I am, frankly, a healthy weight. I just want to shed the excess trouble spot fat.

    What worked for me is cutting out all the processed foods and keeping my diet close to raw fruits and vegetables, only whole wheat carbs, and lean meats. Easier said than done, I know.

    You are eating quite a bit of sugar, and unfortunately, high sugar diets make it extremely difficult to lose weight. Maybe start by significantly lowering your sugar and see if that helps. No expert, but it helped me.
  • afirecracker4
    afirecracker4 Posts: 5 Member
    Holy Cow you eat nothing but what I try to stay away from! Milk, Shakes, Sugar, French Fries = all turns to fat with no exercise.

    I think you must be whats called "Skinny Fat" . You keep saying how you never eat enough because your never hungry. All you used to eat were apples and carrots. If you always ate less than 1200 calories before your diet, you really don't need to lose weight.

    What you need to do is get in the gym and do strength training and reshape your body! Also, by reducing all the sugar and carbs in your diet, you can transfer the "skinny fat" that you are seeing to curves.

    I drink a protein drink every morning. Go to GNC. You can make this in a blender bottle - shake it up with skim milk for meal replacement. My daughter hates vegetables so she has been trying green monster smoothies, adding yogurt and spinach and fruit to this. There are many recipes for it on the internet She says its the only way she can eat vegetables.

    Also, you can buy protein shots at GNC.

    Its time to grow up and broaden your taste buds! Just make a small change at a time. You can learn to like anything. My 3 year old daughter wouldn't eat veggies so I added cheese to her brocolli. I served it several times a week with cheese melted on top and made her taste it every day. Eventually, she got to where she could eat it and even requested it. Her taste buds changed after the first two weeks.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    The thing that pops out to me is how many empty calories there are. While just calories are the big thing for weight loss, your body is going to have a hard time keeping going if you're not getting all your vitamins, calcium, iron, etc. The best source is from real food, rather than supplements (although adding a supplement in might not be a bad idea either). For sure, the ensure for breakfast and fortified cereals for lunch won't get you everything you need. Since you only want to loose 10-15 lbs, I would suggest that you focus on the quality of the food as well as the basic calories.

    Some suggestions - add at least one fruit and one veggie into each day. It could be a banana or strawberries or raisins with your cereal. It could be carrot sticks for a snack. Or a baked yam at dinner. I know you said you're picky, but a lot of it can come with not being exposed to enough foods, or them being prepared wrong. (I HATED peas and bananas growing up because my mom only served them how she likes them, super ripe. Once I tried baby peas and all yellow bananas, I realized how good they were). Just keep trying things, you'll find a variety of what things you like. Colors is the key - all those natural colors in fruits and veggies have chemicals so good for you.

    Also make sure you're getting enough calcium. Repeated studies have shown that women who have at least 2 servings of fat free dairy products a day lost weight better than counterparts who didn't, when all else was pretty much the same. Are you putting milk on your cereal? If not, that's an easy way to get some more calcium. Fortified OJ is good too, but only 1 cup a day and get calcium from other sources.

    Watch your fat and sodium intake. While the body doesn't differential fat calories from other sources of calories as far as weight gain/loss, diets with a lot of fat can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. Some unsaturated fat is necessary, but even too much of that can be a problem. Sodium can cause water retention and can contribute to other health issues.
  • sizehealthy
    sizehealthy Posts: 13
    I know you say you're picky, but you can't eat the same foods you've always eaten and expect change. Many times people are picky because they just think themselves into it. For example my boyfriend used to gag at my tofu and veggie brown rice bowls, and now they are what he orders. Sometimes we take a little coaxing into trying new things.

    On to your food diary, I think what you really need to work on is the idea of eating things your great grandparents would have eaten. That mentality really helps to realize how much processed crap we tend to mindlessly enjoy. Would our great grandparents have eaten a toaster strudel? No. Whole wheat bread with jam? Probably.

    A great breakfast instead of your usually processed stuff is to make a smoothie as some others suggested. However, you should go one step further and add some spinach to it. I 100% promise you will NOT taste the spinach, but it will give you such a boost. Here's my favorite recipe.

    -frozen berries
    -handful of spinach
    -skim milk
    -greek yogurt
    -honey or sugar to taste.

    Blend that up and you'll have a delish breakfast filled with nutrients and protein.
  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    Eat fewer carbs and sugar and up the protein! Try protein shakes, you can make them to taste just like a regular shake, lots of ideas and recipes on this site.