Why am I not losing anymore?



  • slp51
    slp51 Posts: 201 Member
    How much water do you drink daily? At least 8 cups?

    I also wonder if you need to switch out your exercise routine. Maybe your body is used to this routine and has gone all "ho hum" on you. Maybe trade one of your run days for an extra day of strength training, and either lower or up the miles you run, or get your cardio on the elliptical rather than the treadmill. Shock your body this way and maybe that will knock it into submission?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    At this point, I don't think we're going to be able to add much without seeing your diary.
  • shifterbrainz
    shifterbrainz Posts: 245 Member
    Its has nothing to do with what you are eating. It is a fact of weight loss that as you lose weight, your daily calorie deficit will get smaller. Simple math. The smaller the daily calorie deficit, the more days it takes to lose any remaining pounds. At 253 lbs, eating 1200 calories per day, your deficit was approx 750 calories a day. 750 calorie deficit adds up to losing 1 lb every 4.6 days. Now, at 152lbs, your deficit is about 300 calories. Losing 1 lb every 11.6 days. Stay with what you are doing. The weight will come off as long as you stick to your eating plan. It just slows down the closer you get to your goal weight.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    My weight loss seems to have come to a complete halt no matter how healthy I eat or how much I exercise. I try hard to stick to a 1200 calorie per day diet (have a food scale and weigh EVERYTHING religiously), work out 6 times a week which includes 5 7.5 mile runs and 1 9 or 10 mile run. Strength training 2x per week for about 30min. I do allow myself to drink on the weekends, something I am not willing to give up.

    How much do you want to lose weight?

    please, drinking on the weekend is not going to result in a long term plateau …

    I drink on weekends and have no issue with losing….

    You might not, but the OP is having trouble losing weight. If she/he is correct that she/he weighs and logs "everything religiously" ... then we've got to look at the obvious.

    So back to the OP ... TerraThomas ... do you log what you drink?

    I do! I drink vodka, no wine, beer, any of the added sugary stuff. I account for the approx. 1000 calories worth of acohol I consume weekly and put in workouts every day I drink. Fridays & Sat consist of a 7.5 mile run, then a long run on Sunday of 9 to 10 miles.

    Could this really be the reason I am stalling????

    Just for 2 or 3 weeks, you could try dropping the alcohol and see if it makes any difference.

  • brocej
    brocej Posts: 24 Member
    You've damaged your body metabolically by doing too much steady cardio, not lifting heavy weights, and eating too few calories. It's the perfect storm to becoming fatter in the long run.

    Watch this video:

    Then watch it again. And again. Then put into practise the principles it explains.

    Good luck! You can do it.
  • jorinya
    jorinya Posts: 933 Member
    Increase your water, carb and protein intake see if that works. Someone who is a nurse here advised me to drink a gallon to a gallon and a half of water a day.
  • coffeebean1988
    coffeebean1988 Posts: 15 Member
    Not sure if you are a drinker or not, but I gave up alcohol for the month of April because i too was dealing with a pretty mean plateau... I didn't change anything else (except maybe I missed couple of workouts due to a crazy busy schedule) and lost an additional 10 pounds! Hope this helps :)
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    the point is not the alcohol itself...the point is that you get to much calories. and approx 1000 calories is a lot when you have a small deficit.

    You dont lose weight when you consume to much calories, however you look at it.
    So you eat or drink to much.

    All up to you how you solve it.

    I agree and wish I could solve it more easily, but here is what my weekly calorie intake consists of including food and exercise:

    Sunday - 1200 calories consumed....9 or 10 mile run. 30 min strength training. Sunday is my long day at the gym
    Monday - 1200 calories consumed...7.5 mile run
    Tuesday - 1200 calories consumed....7.5 mile run
    Wednesday - 1200 calories consumed...7.5 mile run. 30 min strength training
    Thursday - 1200 calories consumed...no workout
    Friday - 1200 calories of food, 500-600 calories of alcohol...7.5 mile run
    Saturday - 1200 calories of food, 500-600 calories of alcohol...7.5 mile run

    I do not eat back any of my burned calories. I just do not get it, it is very frustrating!! if you see something shining out that I do not let me know. But you would think with the amount of exercise and keeping strictly at 1200 calories I would see a loss, even if I do drink 2x a week.

    You're not losing anymore because you aren't eating enough. I've been on this same cycle as you are on. I lost 100 pounds in a year, then stalled out for 3 LONG YEARS eating at 1200 calories, hard workouts and nothing lost. Then I educated myself on EM2WL. I am now eating at 2,000 calories and the scale is going down again, my body appreciates more food to fuel my active life. I posted the link to EM2WL and my suggestion is you go take a look and get off the VLCD you're on.