Body Shamming and Shark Fitness



  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    BTW, that churro dog he's bashing looks mother f'ing delicious!
    I dunno about the bun though, seems like the texture would be wierd. :smiley:

  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    edited May 2015
    I don't know who you are B. but I salute you! Way to go and better yet, way to stand up and tell it like it is. I am so impressed. xoxo
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    Just as an FYI, the "response" isn't a response from the woman at the game, but a blogger writing from her point of view. It's still a powerful message. If you go to the Anti-Jared facebook page, he explains it.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Just as an FYI, the "response" isn't a response from the woman at the game, but a blogger writing from her point of view. It's still a powerful message. If you go to the Anti-Jared facebook page, he explains it.

    That is why I don't like that blog. He puts himself in the position of others, this time using images of a woman from West Virginia and the associated Woman's Health story ... it's fiction presented in a way that leads others to believe it is written by the person inolved.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    Afura wrote: »
    BTW, that churro dog he's bashing looks mother f'ing delicious!
    I dunno about the bun though, seems like the texture would be wierd. :smiley:

    It looks like a long donut... I'm not entirely sure. We'll have to get one to be sure. Official sampling. :p
  • JRO2685
    JRO2685 Posts: 23 Member
    The trainer might have been a dick for posting the image but he is not wrong... you are not dipping your fingers in nacho cheese if you are trying to get healthy.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    OMG, I have been reading his Facebook page. This guy is really pissing me off. Although, I can see I am not the only one. From what I can see he is getting a majority of negative posts right now and not positive responses.

    I mean, what is wrong with a Blood Mary with a meat Slim Jim and bacon? Yummy!!! As long as you plan for it, what is the big deal? He has so much hate for food on his page I am starting to think he might might need some professional help to deal with them. I am wondering now if he might have been over weight at one point in his life and is now over compensating.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Just as an FYI, the "response" isn't a response from the woman at the game, but a blogger writing from her point of view. It's still a powerful message. If you go to the Anti-Jared facebook page, he explains it.

    That is why I don't like that blog. He puts himself in the position of others, this time using images of a woman from West Virginia and the associated Woman's Health story ... it's fiction presented in a way that leads others to believe it is written by the person inolved.

    Interesting, I know you mentioned that yesterday that you didn't think she wrote it. I just took it at face value that it was her response.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    JRO2685 wrote: »
    The trainer might have been a dick for posting the image but he is not wrong... you are not dipping your fingers in nacho cheese if you are trying to get healthy.

    You ain't know I log my finger dipping. I don't know how you think that finger dipping in cheese means your not trying to get healthy. That not how losing weight works unless you restrict food because of a bad relationship with food.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I prefer whiskey over wine, but I agree, my alcohol calories are very important. I'd be lost without them.

    In for whiskey calories! Need to go pick up some sugar free lemonade... I wonder if I can find some.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Afura wrote: »
    BTW, that churro dog he's bashing looks mother f'ing delicious!
    I dunno about the bun though, seems like the texture would be wierd. :smiley:

    It looks like a long donut... I'm not entirely sure. We'll have to get one to be sure. Official sampling. :p
    It's for science!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Just as an FYI, the "response" isn't a response from the woman at the game, but a blogger writing from her point of view. It's still a powerful message. If you go to the Anti-Jared facebook page, he explains it.

    This makes a lot more sense. Finally I understand how this woman has an "after" picture that is 150 lbs. less by the next day (originally I believed it could have been a "before I gained all that weight" picture). It also makes sense as to why some of the writing sounds like hypotheticals of a "typical" struggle of someone trying to lose weight (for example, she does crossfit or zumba, but doesn't sound like she knows which she is doing).

    So then I have to think that the person who wrote the response was probably giving much more credit than is deserved to the obese woman. She may be thinking about losing weight, but is taking some missteps by eating so much. Also, that explains the generously low estimate of 1,400 calories. There seems to be a lack of understanding from both sides... the 'trainer' and the 'responder.' Nobody really knows all the details, so they can't really comment at that level. However, the 'responder' invented a lot more 'facts' than the 'trainer.'
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    JRO2685 wrote: »
    The trainer might have been a dick for posting the image but he is not wrong... you are not dipping your fingers in nacho cheese if you are trying to get healthy.

    Not necessarily. If I'm eating nachos it's because I've budgeted it into my allowance. And since nacho cheese is delicious, you can pry it from my cold, dead hands.

    People are making assumptions based on this woman's size and from one the asswipe from Shark Fitness posted on Facebook. No one would bat an eye if a thin woman went HAM on some nachos, but homegirl in the Cardinals shirt does and people are losing their *kitten*.

    Did she really eat that much or is douchecanoe exaggerating? Did she get one serving of nachos and a pretzel and did her seating companion get another serving? Did she eat the ballpark out of nachos and cheese? No one knows. And quite frankly - no one should give a *kitten*.

    What I put in my mouth is my business (giggitty). What she puts in her mouth is hers and so on.

    There were several ways the trainer could have gone about posting his message - I'm not one for sugarcoating things or hugging everyone and singing Kumbaya around a damn camp fire, but the way he went about things wasn't really necessary.

  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    From what I can tell the author of the Blog, Tony Posnanski, where her "response" is knows her. She has written to him a bunch of times. She was featured in another interview about a year ago here as well. In this interview she talks about how she reached out to the blogger.

    I still think it is a beautiful response even if she didn't write it but that is just my opinion. :)

  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    I'm healthy and fit, and while I'm currently carrying a little excess body fat, even when I'm at > 20% BF (I don't like how I look leaner than that), I can pound down nachos and pretzels like it's nobody's business. As well as pancakes, bacon cheeseburgers, pizza, donuts, candy bars, ice cream, yadda yadda yadda.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    From what I can tell the author of the Blog, Tony Posnanski, where her "response" is knows her. She has written to him a bunch of times. She was featured in another interview about a year ago here as well. In this interview she talks about how she reached out to the blogger.

    I still think it is a beautiful response even if she didn't write it but that is just my opinion. :)

    If that person is even in fact the one involved here. Beverly Cutlip, the person watching salt intake eating two salt laden pretzels at a ballgame doesn't add up. Beverly Cutlip of West Virginia at a Friday game in St Louis, while possible, is not likely given the highly regional fanbase of the Cardinals. The fact Posnanski has done so many of the "I was the (insert media hyped incident here) ... " blogs makes believing him a stretch.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Anecdotally I went to the Cards-Pirates game at Busch stadium last week and I enjoyed the heck out of some of the Supreme Nachos. They have them with taco meat, pulled pork, or chicken on them now. That order is fairly manageable - I split it with my husband and think it is comparable calorie wise to nachos bell grande at Taco Bell. Tubes of sour cream run you an extra $0.50 though - kind of a ripoff. They also have a GIANT serving of nachos which is served in a baseball helmet, and one that is served on a platter the size and shape of home plate. :)

    They also now have delicious beverages served in plastic barrels about the size of a mason jar. I had one with bourbon, lemonade, iced tea and bitters. It was delicious...

  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    Anecdotally I went to the Cards-Pirates game at Busch stadium last week and I enjoyed the heck out of some of the Supreme Nachos. They have them with taco meat, pulled pork, or chicken on them now. That order is fairly manageable - I split it with my husband and think it is comparable calorie wise to nachos bell grande at Taco Bell. Tubes of sour cream run you an extra $0.50 though - kind of a ripoff. They also have a GIANT serving of nachos which is served in a baseball helmet, and one that is served on a platter the size and shape of home plate. :)

    They also now have delicious beverages served in plastic barrels about the size of a mason jar. I had one with bourbon, lemonade, iced tea and bitters. It was delicious...

    Now you're just making me hungry.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    And this is why you shouldn't pass judgement on someone just because they're obese (let alone post their pic on social media)- you don't know anything about them, or if they've already lost a good bit of weight as this lady has. Good on her for her response and her losses to date!
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    So I write stories for the people on my page and most people know what I do. I love bringing awareness to obesity and making people think differently.
    This morning I was presented with a story about a woman in St. Louis who was shamed on Facebook by a trainer. I saw it and the woman who sent it to me asked me to help. So I posted the story and got no responses.
    I thought more and did something I have done before with the Fatty On The Westview Track and The Obese Man On A Jetstar Plane. I put myself in the story.
    The woman in the picture never came out but her story was similar to a friend named Beverly who I have written about before. I put her in the story for the people on this page.
    The story got big. So big that reporters were harassing Beverly which is not fair. So I called the news station to tell them that although Beverly's story is 100% true, she was not at the game.
    I apologize to the new people on the page who might not know what I am about. I am a former 400 pound man who HATES Fat shaming and any judgment. I fight it every day for the people around me.
    But the story was big and more and more the reporters called.
    Beverly was not the woman in the picture. I put her there to make people realize that judging an overweight person is ridiculous. If I could do it again I would.
    Because I will always fight people who shame others.