Nothing works! Please help.



  • lol,
    And I think this is the last thing I'll say:

    If you're wanting folks to tell you it's not your fault, you've tried everything, you just can't help it---you have definitely come to the wrong place!

    We'll support you, encourage you, guide you with our own experiences, but coming to a pity party? Ain't gonna happen on MFP. The people on here will not pity you or feel sorry for you. I don't.
    You know why?
    Because they know YOU are the one who is in control.

    Get a scale, get some liquid measuring cups, some measuring spoons, and monitor your calories accurately, regularly, honestly, and adjust your diet based on the number of calories you need to eat or not eat to lose weight.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited May 2015
    SconnieCat wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    I'm now on Slimming World so not calorie counting. I volunteer for a food and nutrition charity and every one of their dieticians has told me counting calories is out dated and they no longer advise it. I'm beyond confused,

    Well I have heard that too from someone in school studing dietitian major. We debate a lot :lol: They are starting to preach intuitive eating and listen to your body.

    Sometimes my body tells me I want pizza and beer.... ;)

    Her face was priceless when I bought my food scale over and was weighing out my dinner.

    Now does your body know when it is full is the real question?
  • If I listened to my body I'd weigh 600 pounds.
  • InsanityForMe
    InsanityForMe Posts: 73 Member
    Hey Julie! I'm glad you're here.
    Don't lose faith.

    I always try to develop what I call my ADHD

    First things first: How accurately are you measuring EVERYTHING you consume? I don't mean guestimating, rounding off, forgetting condiments and leaving off liquids.

    Are you being diligent and staying on your goals every day?

    Are you being honest with yourself?

    Are you trying to become more disciplined?

    If you don't have a food scale, get one. They are like $15. It helps. Grab a few glass measuring cups while you're there. And a set of measuring spoons and cups. You can get all of this stuff for less than $30. It makes a huge difference.

    You have a good goal set. It's important to you. You are going to accomplish this goal---but it's going to take the work.

    And that's ok, because you're good for it!

    I wish you the best of luck.

    This is great advice! Well said Brandon! :-)
  • BlueSkyShoal
    BlueSkyShoal Posts: 325 Member
    edited May 2015
    Eating nutritiously and eating to lose weight are two separate things. You could eat nothing but junk food and lose weight. (I've had weekends where I ate nothing but brownies, but since I was at a calorie deficit, I still lost some ounces.) And you can eat nothing but organic raw veggies and gain weight.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    And I think this is the last thing I'll say:

    If you're wanting folks to tell you it's not your fault, you've tried everything, you just can't help it---you have definitely come to the wrong place!

    We'll support you, encourage you, guide you with our own experiences, but coming to a pity party? Ain't gonna happen on MFP. The people on here will not pity you or feel sorry for you. I don't.
    You know why?
    Because they know YOU are the one who is in control.

    Get a scale, get some liquid measuring cups, some measuring spoons, and monitor your calories accurately, regularly, honestly, and adjust your diet based on the number of calories you need to eat or not eat to lose weight.

    OP, the part I bolded is great advice. I recommend getting the things Legendary recommended, find your TDEE (the amount of calories your body burns in a 24 hour period while sleeping, working, exercising, etc.) and also finding your macro levels. Track your calories and macro amounts (protein, fiber, fat, carbs., etc.) and give it some time.

    Be patient as weight loss isn't linear and won't happen overnight.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    If I listened to my body I'd weigh 600 pounds.

    "It's all part of the journey". Is what she told me when she asked why I count calories. I was like well clearly listening to my body did not work.

  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    If you've tried everything and nothing has worked, then why not try counting calories? You have nothing to lose.

    I suggest you set your goals here on MFP, aiming for a half pound a week loss, and then weigh and measure everything you eat and drink and accurately log everything in your food diary. At first don't worry too much about being over or under your calorie goals, or whether you're losing weight. Use the first week or two to log what you would normally eat and drink and have a look at how close that gets you to your goals. Once you're in the habit of logging you can start to look at what sort of changes you need to make to your diet to meet your calorie target.

    Give it a try. It's worked for many, many people on this site!
  • wils5150
    wils5150 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm now on Slimming World so not calorie counting. I volunteer for a food and nutrition charity and every one of their dieticians has told me counting calories is out dated and they no longer advise it. I'm beyond confused,
    yeah fads and gimmicks are "IN" you really need to get a scale. weighing food works! I am down 40 plus and just bought size 32 pants. I was a size 38 back in November.

  • racingislife97
    racingislife97 Posts: 40 Member
    And I think this is the last thing I'll say:

    If you're wanting folks to tell you it's not your fault, you've tried everything, you just can't help it---you have definitely come to the wrong place!

    We'll support you, encourage you, guide you with our own experiences, but coming to a pity party? Ain't gonna happen on MFP. The people on here will not pity you or feel sorry for you. I don't.
    You know why?
    Because they know YOU are the one who is in control.

    Get a scale, get some liquid measuring cups, some measuring spoons, and monitor your calories accurately, regularly, honestly, and adjust your diet based on the number of calories you need to eat or not eat to lose weight.


  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    edited May 2015
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    I'm now on Slimming World so not calorie counting. I volunteer for a food and nutrition charity and every one of their dieticians has told me counting calories is out dated and they no longer advise it. I'm beyond confused,

    Well I have heard that too from someone in school studing dietitian major. We debate a lot :lol: They are starting to preach intuitive eating and listen to your body.

    If I listened to my body for diet advice, this is what I would hear:

  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    google PALEO and do it.... my loss is130 pounds in one year...oh im type 2 it worked for me
  • Yep, my body's attitude towards food:

  • mohawkRN
    mohawkRN Posts: 40 Member
    When I reached a plateau, I looked at my macros and discovered that my carbs were way too high in proportion to my fat and protein intake. I added lean proteins, and then eventually found a way to work in healthy fats. This is the problem I had on a vegan diet - yes, you can get your protein, but it's usually from sources higher in carbohydrates. People are on vegetarian/vegan diets for many reasons, so I won't tell you to quit, but just try playing with your ratios and see if that works. Our bodies eventually break. carbohydrates down into sugars (some faster than others).

    As far as counting calories being "outdated", I think you're only getting part of the message. What most people are saying these days is "a calorie isn't just a calorie", meaning that many people try to diet by eating low calorie foods that still lack nutrients. You are better off getting calories from nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, avocados, nuts and lean meats than you are from, say, Lean Cuisine frozen meals. But you still have to count calories. It's the only thing that really works.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    First off, when I am trying to lose weight it often takes 3-4 weeks for ANYTHING to show up on the scale. That's just how long it takes my body to adjust and start showing losses. The key for me is to remember this and not get discouraged. Perhaps something similar is going on with you.

    Second, you need to stop with the fad diet plans and learn real nutrition and how to eat healthy. You need to learn how to eat healthfully for the rest of your life. It's not a "diet," it's a healthful eating habit. Ditch all those plans whose main goal is to sell you something and begin educating yourself, using unbiased sources who don't have an ulterior motive of making a profit off you.
  • abigailfeldman
    abigailfeldman Posts: 1 Member
    Unless you are one of those blessed people who doesn't feel the urge to shove lots of food down your gullet, eating 'intuitively' is just not in the stars for many of us. It's all comes down to calorie counting and moving your butt. This will never become outdated - it's fact. You gotta do what you gotta do, but when you come here, you WILL hear this.

    PS - After years of poo-poo'ing scales, I finally bought one at Costco a few months ago...... whoa! What a help. And the FitBit Surge is just beyond fantastic. <3
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    If nothing you have done has worked so far, it's time to try the old fashioned method of tracking what you are eating. Counting calories may not be the only way to reduce food intake enough to lose weight, but it does provide A way, and since you haven't tried it yet, what is there to lose (besides weight :P)
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Did you try running? Until you do, I've nothing further.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I would say to put back all the food groups you tried eliminating. You need them for complete nutrition. *then* start counting calories. It isn't obsolete; it works. As you've found by trial and error, other methods minus knowing calories eaten and calories burned have not worked for you.
  • JessNelson_
    JessNelson_ Posts: 38 Member
    You have received the same advice over and over again, so i don't feel the need to repeat but i would like to add. Your profile says your doctors and nutritionists can't understand why you can't lose weight.....If they are baffled then i think its time to find a new doctor. Weight loss is honestly simple. calories in less than calories out. You are probably guessing on the portion sizes and/or not tracking everything. if you ate nothing but fruits and veggies all day every day you can still gain weight.

    STOP with the fad diets and just monitor your food intake and exercise more.