Nothing works! Please help.



  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Lose the fad diets and diet plans and just count calories. Buy a food scale and weigh and measure every single thing that you eat. Do that every day for 6-8 weeks and then come back here and tell everyone what happened.

    I can almost guarantee you you will see a difference.
  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    Whoever told you not to count calories is a farking idiot. Be very diligent in logging all your food. Everything. It gets really easy and fast to do so w/ the app/ web here. I can log a day ahead in a couple minutes now. Initially it takes more time but you'll get the hang of it.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    emdeesea wrote: »
    Lose the fad diets and diet plans and just count calories. Buy a food scale and weigh and measure every single thing that you eat. Do that every day for 6-8 weeks and then come back here and tell everyone what happened.

    I can almost guarantee you you will see a difference.

    Or you see a lot of red on the daily logs. Either way we would know what is happening.

  • dannb65
    dannb65 Posts: 3 Member
    If you are only eating 1200 calories per day and exercising most days, you may not be getting enough calories. Can't say for sure because that depends on your height and current weight. I am 5'1" and currently weigh 131 and I have to eat 1300 calories, and that's the days I don't work out.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I have been trying to lose weight for the past 6 months. I switched from being Vegetarian to Vegan but I was constantly ill.
    I've tried giving up wheat and sugar. I don't eat processed foods, I keep a very close eye on how much sugar I eat. I don't eat junk and I don't eat huge portions.
    7 weeks ago I joined a gym. I go three times a week and do HIIT classes, I exercise at home and during work breaks so I exercise most days and I walk as much as possible.
    I have tried nothing but raw food, Jane Plan [gained 1.5lbs in first week] and have just joined slimming world. The first week I gained 0.5 lbs. The consultant looked at my food diary and couldn't find any reason why I hadn't lost.
    I have just had my thyroid checked and there is nothing wrong.
    I'm getting really down and disheartened and having just spent 18 months being clinically depressed, this is not a road I want to go back to.
    I have literally tried everything but I just cannot lose weight.
    Any advice would be hugely appreciated.
    Thank You

    Wow, this is like a microcosm of everything people do wrong trying to lose weight. I'm almost wondering if you're a troll.

    If you are serious, stop trying to lose weight with crash diets or restrictive eating plans. Even if you did lose weight going vegan etc., you'd just gain it all back and then some once you got sick of never eating cheese (or whatever). And please run away from Slimming World as fast as possible!

    Losing weight is actually pretty simple. Figure out your TDEE (lots of posts here to help you do that), and then eat 500 less calories per day in a way that you can sustain for a long period of time. Eating plenty of protein and doing resistance training (or perhaps some types of HIIT) will make sure you're losing mostly fat. Otherwise don't over analyze it or try thinking too hard about it.

    Once have become proficient at counting calories and eating at 500 cals below your TDEE, you can then try and do other things to improve your diet and health like making sure you're getting plenty of fiber, veggies, potassium, etc. However, if you want to lose weight you have to first focus on CICO.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    dannb65 wrote: »
    If you are only eating 1200 calories per day and exercising most days, you may not be getting enough calories. Can't say for sure because that depends on your height and current weight. I am 5'1" and currently weigh 131 and I have to eat 1300 calories, and that's the days I don't work out.

    Nobody's metabolism is so low that they could gain weight eating only 1200 calories per day while exercising regularly. The law of thermodynamics doesn't care about "starvation mode" or hormones.
  • BlueSkyShoal
    BlueSkyShoal Posts: 325 Member
    About "listening to your body"--

    I had a lot of unhealthy eating habits, one being that I would have two or even three donuts as a mid-morning break every day. I wanted to lose weight and decided to drop the donuts. This was the first change I made, before counting calories or reducing my other meals or anything else. Just--no more donuts.

    My body had something to say about this. It was "YOU NEED DONUTS." And, "WHY AREN'T YOU EATING DONUTS?". And, "IT'S MID-DAY, OMG YOU ARE STARVING ME, I'M SO HUNGRY."

    The first week was hell, and then I went through that hell again when I started reducing the calories / portions of my other meals. My body was used to a certain amount of food filling my stomach at certain times. It was not a good indicator of how much I should be eating, only how much I was used to eating.
  • TwigQueen
    TwigQueen Posts: 3 Member
    Ok, so don't count calories then. But put everything in MFP. You can make a choice to not care if you go over or under your calorie count, but if you notice a week or two in that you're majorly over every day then you can do something about it.

    Fruits are high in sugars. Some vegetables are high in carbs. Just because it's healthy doesn't mean you can eat as much of it as you want. I'm currently doing WW, and like my leader says "You can eat as much fruit as you want. Just know if you eat 5 bananas a day, you're not going to lose weight".

    If you are honestly writing down all your foods along with portions, and the Slimming World people are honestly stumped at how you're not losing weight - get a second opinion on the thyroid thing. And have a full blood work done up. If I was honestly trying everything and nothing was working, I'd be seeing every doctor I could make an appointment with until we found out what was wrong.

    Hope you find your answers!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I tried Diet Chef about 2 years ago and recently Jane Plan both of which are calorie counted...and I gained weight on the Jane Plan.
    I had a nutrionist advice session when I joined the gym who also told me calorie counting isn't the best way as it doesn't guarantee a healthy diet. I'm vegetarian and limit diary as it makes me ill. Most of my diet is vegetables, salad, pulses and fruit

    Calorie counting doesn't guarantee a healthy diet. That's up to me and as a grown *kitten* woman, I am perfectly capable of eating a decent diet every day. OP, it does work, I hope you'll try it.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    I tried Diet Chef about 2 years ago and recently Jane Plan both of which are calorie counted...and I gained weight on the Jane Plan.
    I had a nutrionist advice session when I joined the gym who also told me calorie counting isn't the best way as it doesn't guarantee a healthy diet. I'm vegetarian and limit diary as it makes me ill. Most of my diet is vegetables, salad, pulses and fruit

    Calorie counting doesn't guarantee a healthy diet. That's up to me and as a grown *kitten* woman, I am perfectly capable of eating a decent diet every day. OP, it does work, I hope you'll try it.

    Agreed. MFP's system combining calorie counting and macro targets is a really good, easy way to combine both for those who need help making good nutrition decisions.

  • harpsdesire
    harpsdesire Posts: 190 Member
    I think people have given you some good advice already, now I want to give you some encouragement!

    I've also tried every fad and plan and name-brand food system it seems, and none of them worked for me, but I'm losing weight on MFP with a minimum of stress and agony. It's not going quick, but it's working and fits into my life.

    I know if I can do this, you can too! You might find your weight loss is slower than you like, and you might fluctuate a lot, but you have all the tools you need to succeed if you're willing to keep going and be diligent. Go get it! :)
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    I think people have given you some good advice already, now I want to give you some encouragement!

    I've also tried every fad and plan and name-brand food system it seems, and none of them worked for me, but I'm losing weight on MFP with a minimum of stress and agony. It's not going quick, but it's working and fits into my life.

    I know if I can do this, you can too! You might find your weight loss is slower than you like, and you might fluctuate a lot, but you have all the tools you need to succeed if you're willing to keep going and be diligent. Go get it! :)

    Me too, I promise you I've been where you are and you can do this. I've done slimming world, weight watchers, replacement milkshake diets, low carb, you name it I've done it and yes some of it helped me lose weight. BUT it came back on or I got sick
    Since using mfp properly, properly measuring and logging all my food and drink, I have been losing steadily, both pounds and inches. I don't feel deprived as I fit treats into my calorie allowance, I feel healthy and strong and I know this is something I can stick with

    There are some great people on here that offer some valuable advice and support you and cheer you on along the way

    I promise you, if you were to ditch sw and use mfp you will lose

    Good luck on whatever you decide
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hey Julie! I'm glad you're here.
    Don't lose faith.

    I always try to develop what I call my ADHD

    First things first: How accurately are you measuring EVERYTHING you consume? I don't mean guesstimating, rounding off, forgetting condiments and leaving off liquids.

    Are you being diligent and staying on your goals every day?

    Are you being honest with yourself?

    Are you trying to become more disciplined?

    If you don't have a food scale, get one. They are like $15. It helps. Grab a few glass measuring cups while you're there. And a set of measuring spoons and cups. You can get all of this stuff for less than $30. It makes a huge difference.

    You have a good goal set. It's important to you. You are going to accomplish this goal---but it's going to take the work.

    And that's ok, because you're good for it!

    I wish you the best of luck.

    Great advice! I hope you take it! I have a feeling Slimming World is a bit more than $30 that would buy you all the above. ;)

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I have been trying to lose weight for the past 6 months. I switched from being Vegetarian to Vegan but I was constantly ill.
    I've tried giving up wheat and sugar. I don't eat processed foods, I keep a very close eye on how much sugar I eat. I don't eat junk and I don't eat huge portions.
    7 weeks ago I joined a gym. I go three times a week and do HIIT classes, I exercise at home and during work breaks so I exercise most days and I walk as much as possible.
    I have tried nothing but raw food, Jane Plan [gained 1.5lbs in first week] and have just joined slimming world. The first week I gained 0.5 lbs. The consultant looked at my food diary and couldn't find any reason why I hadn't lost.
    I have just had my thyroid checked and there is nothing wrong.
    I'm getting really down and disheartened and having just spent 18 months being clinically depressed, this is not a road I want to go back to.
    I have literally tried everything but I just cannot lose weight.
    Any advice would be hugely appreciated.
    Thank You

    Please do yourself a favor and give calorie counting a shot for 6 months. MFP is a great tool and it is free. You can lose weight using it.
    The only thing you have to do is log honestly and as accurately as you can. You can eat whatever food you like that fits in your calorie goal. If you decide not to eat any processed food or foods that start with p that is up to you but you don't have to cut any foods out. The calories are the important part for losing weight.
    IME, counting calories has been the easiest and sanest way to lose weight. I resisted doing it for almost 15 years trying other things I wish now that I had not wasted my time and money on those things.
  • pmg2000m
    pmg2000m Posts: 44 Member
    Please listen to the suggestions above & start counting your calories. Also remember - Calorie counting will help you lose the weight... but it's also helpful to keep track of your recommended amount of carbs, fat, & protein. For example, if you fill your calories with mostly carbs, and not enough protein & healthy fats, it may not be as effective for keeping muscle while losing weight & feeling less hungry. This is how this site really helps, and it works great! Eating the right balance has helped me lose 17 pounds in 3 months, and I never feel hungry. Just log honestly, and accurately, and keep within your goals... and try not to get disheartened.
  • Varamyr38
    Varamyr38 Posts: 258 Member
    You don't need any specific diets. All you need to do is have a calorie deficit. You lose one pound when your calorie deficit is, roughly, 3,500 calories. Stay away from those diets and just keep accurate account of what you eat. I recommend a food scale. It works well for me and I've went from 297 to 247.
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    If you're on slimming world you should already have and be using a food scale. A lot of foods on SW need to be measured.

    I disagree with the SW hate, it is a good programme for people who have £5 a week to spare, who were eating crap or ln stipid diets before and who don't like dealing with the maths of calorie counting.

    don't keep chopping and changing what you do. Pick a programme and stick to it PROPERLY for a month.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Eating intuitively is what got most of us here trying to lose weight. It does not teach you proper serving sizes, or the calorie counts of specific foods.

    Here is my standard MFP advice:

    Buy a food scale, weigh and log everything.

    Do cardio if you want, and if you do, only eat back 50% of your calories (if you are losing faster than expected after logging for a few weeks, then up the % you eat back). Lift weights and hit your protein goal to help maintain muscle mass while losing.

    Cheat meals that take you over maintenance will sabotage your efforts. Log the cheat meals too (falls under the 'log everything' rule).

    Eat anything you want in moderation, keeping in mind that your diet will be easier to stick with if you chose foods that make it easier to stay under your calories without feeling hungry.

    Also it would be a good idea to read some of the stickies at the top of the various forums such as:
    Calorie Counting 101
    Logging Accuracy, Consistency, & You're Probably Eating More Than You Think
    A Guide To Get You Started on Your Path To Sexy Pants[/quote]
  • TheLegendaryBrandonHarris
    Yeah, no idea what Slimming World is, but if it helps you creates calorie deficit, it'll work.
    Burn more calories than you consume, you'll lose weight. It works! You, yes YOU can do it!

    I believe in you.
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    Slimming world is basically calorie counting. You are just paying for someone else to count it for you.

    If after 4 weeks on SW you haven't lost weight then I bet you were doing it wrong. Also they'll give you your money back.