No support when I could use it. :(



  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Do you have an iPod or similar device? Take that with you and listen to music that makes you happy while you're at the gym. You will not hear anyone's remarks. I use that same bike too a lot of the time because it is more comfy for my gigantic butt. LOL

    My gym must be weird because everyone pretty much keeps to themselves. My fear is that I will see someone I know and then we'll end up getting in a chat session and I'll have to scramble to get my workout done, lol

    That 13 lbs you lost leads to 15 lbs to 20 22....25....28....30... you should not be ashamed at ALL! That's awesome!!!

  • Jenkorp72
    Jenkorp72 Posts: 103 Member
    That's a fabulous accomplishment! If you need support I'm here. Feel free to add me. I still have around 70-75 lbs to lose. I love encouraging others and getting encouragement.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    It's a fact of life that there are people out there who just do not know how to act. Why should that mess with YOUR goals? Let it be their problem, trust that that kind of behavior has consequences for them just like your own actions have consequences for you.

    I've lost 15 pounds in about 7 months here. But I will tell you that I have lost more inches than that represents, and because I have been exercising on the regular, I feel so much better - better posture, better balance, better ability to carry heavy stuff and climb up stairs and all that jazz that doesn't come just from losing weight. Focus on what you want to achieve, give your haters the finger and make it happen.
  • apennock
    apennock Posts: 49 Member
    Seconding the headphones suggestion. I'm in my own little world at the gym and if people want to give me looks or make snide comments, I don't notice!

    It sounds like the other people in your life giving you a hard time about your diet are scared that you are going to succeed and they would rather have you stay with them eating unhealthy stuff all the time. It makes them feel guilty that they aren't eating better, and instead of following in your footsteps, they'd rather drag you back down. Just remember when someone you know makes these kind of remarks, it's a reflection on their own issues.

    God bless!