Where are all the coffee lovers?



  • Loooove coffee. I have an espresso machine at home and use it daily. Most of the time I add sugar-free vanilla syrup to it. Skim milk in coffee tastes like death to me so I use sugar-free half&half. Whenever I'm craving something sweet, an iced coffee is my go to. Limited calories & fat. Heaven in a glass.
  • Love coffee and tea. I get mine supply from World Market.
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    When you make it home try buying flavoured coffee - we get a caramel in Canada which is a nice change. Creamer can also be artificial or powdered (ie coffeemate) but you probably dont get that in Ireland either:smile:
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    Whenever I'm craving something sweet, an iced coffee is my go to. Limited calories & fat. Heaven in a glass.

    OMG how did I forget iced coffee!!! :love:
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    Believe it or not...I LOVE McDonald's Coffee!!!!
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    Local coffee shop by me has the best french roast ever.. so good i buy the beans and use in ,my grind and brew at home.. dark magic by green mountain is also highly desireable <3. O coffee how i couldn't make it through my work week without you.
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    Believe it or not...I LOVE McDonald's Coffee!!!!

    The newmans organic coffee they have there is awesome!
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    LOVE COFFEE!! I just drink what I make at home. I like all the liquid coffee creamers. I'v switched to the sugar free ones though since they have less calories in them. I used to drink a whole 10 cup pot of coffee everyday but I cut back to half a pot. I know too much caffeine is bad for you, so I'm trying to do the right thing. I NEED coffee in the morning or else I feel like crap.
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    I love coffee. I'm not a coffee snob, though. I like to keep it simple, no fancy latte drinks or anything. I do like flavored coffees like french vanilla and hazelnut.

    At home, I use Splenda and liquid creamer. Liquid creamer is a non-dairy, totally artificial product that is white and cream-like. I don't really like to think much more about it! :P

    I do prefer half & half, but creamer lasts longer and my husband is trying to stay away from dairy, so it's just easier to buy only one. Half & half (in the US) is half cream and half skim milk I think. I actually don't really know. But it's delicious.

    When I get coffee out, like at Dunkin Donuts, I just have them do it "regular," which is cream and sugar.
  • JJeMitchell
    JJeMitchell Posts: 160 Member
    White mochas are VERY good...but they have a LOT of calories. A tall (12 oz) , skimmed milk NO whipped cream white chocolate mocha from Starbucks has almost 300 calories. With 2% milk and whipped cream, it is 450 calories. It is definitely a treat...

    If you get a "skinny" flavored latte....espresso, skimmed milk and sugar free syrup (vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, etc.) it has 130 calories for 12 oz. I would highly recommend trying something like that.

    As for me, I LOVE coffee and drink Starbucks light bottled mochas/vanilla lattes almost every day. They have 100 calories and put me in a great mood instantly!

    When I go out for coffee, I get a grande (16 oz.) nonfat decaf (nursing mother) mocha no whipped cream (170 calories) but I only get that once a week or so...
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Believe it or not...I LOVE McDonald's Coffee!!!!

    The newmans organic coffee they have there is awesome!

    Which is also packaged by Green Mountain Coffee! Woot! :smile:
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I used to not drink much coffee but now, I have to have it in the morning to wake up. The only problem is that I have to have it white (lots of creamer) and sweet (lots of sugar.) I never drink the whole cup so I do not feel terribly guilty.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Hey Guys,

    This isn't a moaney post like I usually post or asking for help post, this is simply a social post from me (For once lol!)

    Who out here is a big coffee drinker? I know for one I am, I have an espresso machine at home, so I'm constantly drinking coffee when I'm not in my favorite coffee house here in Cork, Ireland (MoJoes Coffee House!).

    Love having the MoJoes special from here, (Flat White with an Extra Shot!) also Love having my skinny lattes and skinny cappuccinos, sometimes an Americano with a dash of low fat or fat free milk!

    I've been wanting to experiment with different coffees and stuff but usually end up getting the same thing, and don't know what else would be a healthy alternative to try, I'm tempted to try a Chai Latte or White Mocha (never had one of these) but I'm not sure lol!

    We only have one starbucks here in Cork, which is at the airport so parking is a nightmare and its not worth the three euro parking for ten minutes of starbucks, and the security guys will have the car clamped if put in the set down area unless you have someone sitting in it for you!

    Also, I notice quite a lot of people mention they have coffee with "Creamer", I dont quite understand what this is, we dont have this in Ireland (Not that I dont think anyway, unless this is just whipped cream) we normally just use Whole, Semi-Skimmed or Skim (Non-Fat) Milk.


    'Creamer' is artificial half & half, sometimes in the form of a powder but can also be purchased in a liquid form. Creamer is awful stuff, so be glad that you don't have it there!

    Half & half is often referred to as cream here in the US when we're talking about coffee, although it's only half cream. (The other half is whole milk.)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Hello! RIght here. It's been about 3 weeks since I've had coffee though, yay me! I love iced and regular caramel macchiatos as well as just plain coffee filled with lots of sugar, little milk or creamer. This is why I have to stay away. So much sugar!
  • pannacottayum
    pannacottayum Posts: 96 Member

    Also, I notice quite a lot of people mention they have coffee with "Creamer", I dont quite understand what this is, we dont have this in Ireland (Not that I dont think anyway, unless this is just whipped cream) we normally just use Whole, Semi-Skimmed or Skim (Non-Fat) Milk.


    consider yourself fortunate you don't have creamer. in America, that extra "er" at the end of "cream" basically means "not cream, and probably not even dairy". I mean, they used to call it coffee "whitener"...mmmmm, appetizing. I sometimes still see packets of "whitener" at ball parks and such.
  • CherrySunday
    CherrySunday Posts: 301
    I LOVE me some coffee!!! I stick mainly with Americanos now, since they're the lowest in calories. Occasionally though, I splurge on a cafe au lait (or starbucks lingo: Misto. low fat or non fat). It's a great jolt, and an awesome alternative to the constant downing of water.
  • Nharah
    Nharah Posts: 42 Member
    I am a coffee fiend. Because of my coffee habit and those of my husband and brother, we bought a 42-cup urn coffee pot. It is always going. But.. since all of us are trying to get healthier... we have made a rule that since you have to pass the treadmill on your way to the coffeepot, you must pay a toll of a minimum of 1/8 of a mile per cup. I am up to "paying" 10 minutes for my cuppa.
  • sceck
    sceck Posts: 219
    Love coffee...but drink mine black.
  • Luthorcrow
    Luthorcrow Posts: 193
    ...Also, I notice quite a lot of people mention they have coffee with "Creamer", I dont quite understand what this is, we dont have this in Ireland (Not that I dont think anyway, unless this is just whipped cream) we normally just use Whole, Semi-Skimmed or Skim (Non-Fat) Milk.

    Creamer is pretty nasty stuff. Usually if some says "creamer" they are referring to non-dairy creamer which is mainly sugar, vegetable oils, preservatives and some nasty substances designed to take the edge off of coffee like dipotassium phosphate. The most common brand is Coffee Mate and in comes flavors like Irish Cream, French Vanilla, Hazelnut, etc.

    As for me, it's half and half or I just drink it black. As for sweeteners it's either raw sugar, brown sugar or honey or straight black.

    Starbucks brews are OK. The best I can say for them is I rarely get a cup of burned coffee. But when comes to chains I prefer Peet's Coffee. But my favorite roasters are Blue Bottle and Ritual Rosters. I prefer a good french press because the coffee has bolder yet smoother finish that regular drip.

    The thing I think is funny is most people think espresso or dark coffees have the most caffeine but actually the lighter blends have far more caffeine.
  • Whenever I'm craving something sweet, an iced coffee is my go to. Limited calories & fat. Heaven in a glass.

    OMG how did I forget iced coffee!!! :love:

    I will drink iced coffee in a blizzard! Love love love it! Regular hot coffee I have to be in a specific mood for it.
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