*vent* camping

kdz526 Posts: 210 Member
We go camping alot in the summer and for the last 2 weekends have gone and will be going for several more weekends in the next few weeks. Every week I get down to just below 160, then on monday after camping, have poped back up to 162 or 163. By the end of the week, I am back down again but ugh. Its frustrating, I do try to save up calories over the week so i don't go over for my weekend, but end up going over by several 100 calories. The beer, smores and all the tasty bbq just do me in. I do fix veggies and load up on those instead of chips, but never fails. Its frustrating! I just need to avoid the smores (i don't do them the first night, but the second night I partake)...but the beer...camping and beer just go together!!


  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    So your temptations are in the way of getting down in weight. Also you could try to be more active during camping trips. I sure you could hike or walk to add in being more active.

    Also even though you might go over by several 100s calories are you eating a pound of calories for it to be an fat increase of a pound. It just sounds like you consume too much sodium other the trips.
  • crappieg
    crappieg Posts: 12 Member
    Look at the bright side......you are eating smores, drinking beer and you're not putting on weight over a weeks time!!! I struggle with the same thing, eat clean during the week and then let go a little on the weekend only to find out I have to hit it hard all week to get back to where I was. We still have to live a little right?!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    kdz526 wrote: »
    We go camping alot in the summer and for the last 2 weekends have gone and will be going for several more weekends in the next few weeks. Every week I get down to just below 160, then on monday after camping, have poped back up to 162 or 163. By the end of the week, I am back down again but ugh. Its frustrating, I do try to save up calories over the week so i don't go over for my weekend, but end up going over by several 100 calories. The beer, smores and all the tasty bbq just do me in. I do fix veggies and load up on those instead of chips, but never fails. Its frustrating! I just need to avoid the smores (i don't do them the first night, but the second night I partake)...but the beer...camping and beer just go together!!

    smores aren't that bad...beer choose a light beer...

    Do extra exercise...and there is nothing wrong with BBQ...

    It's about what you really want...do you want 6 beer at 140 calories or 6 beer at 100 or even as low as 67 here in Canada or do you want to lose weight...

    When I go to the cottage I eat like I normally do...burgers, chips, drinks, smores etc but I stay in goal or at the very least maintenance and if I go over I get in extra exercise at the cottage...
  • 1nelle
    1nelle Posts: 39 Member
    Try doing a mix cocktail instead of the beer. Go for a walk then you can have those yummy smores!!
  • kdz526
    kdz526 Posts: 210 Member
    I have been taking Mich Ultra lime with 95 Cal each. I usually do take the dog for a longish walk, but camping with my mom last weekend, she fixed a crappot of food that I could not measure accurately (and her cooking choices varies from my healthier options). I did a body pump class on friday and could barely walk on Sat cause my thighs were killing me, so the dog got a short walk instead of the whole campground tour. I just need to stiffen up my will and stop when I am close to calories instead of having just one more beer.
    And I want however many beers i feel like consuming, be it 2 or 10 :)
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    I've never understood camping. I'm not going to work all year to pay my bills just so I can pretend to be homeless for a week when it's time to take a vacation.

    And you never will understand camping, so don't try. :tongue:

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Maybe you could alternate beer with water. Sounds like you might be retaining some water? So have a little water, then drink a beer. Then have a little water, then another beer. :) In the morning, drink more water. Or drink a lot of water during the day to make sure you're well hydrated. I understand that alcohol can dehydrate you.
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    Are you doing a lot of hiking? Or just sitting all day? For me if I go backpacking or on a strenuous hike, I'll weigh an extra 2-5 pounds the next day, but it's not fat.
  • Zx14chick
    Zx14chick Posts: 255 Member
    I do not suggest a cocktail over beer for calories. Most liquors have as many calories in 1-1.5 ounces as your entire beer does. I also have gone camping three times since it started warming up and have a hard time not partaking in the hot dogs, burger and s'mores. I hike and walk around the campground. Good luck!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I don't know, I camp a lot and in fact just returned from a nice weekend off an old logging road in the local mountains here...I'm always moving when I'm camping...I'm hiking and/or fishing, etc. We usually load up and have a big mountain breakfast as lunch type of stuff is always just a sandwich and some chips..basically something mobile that we can take with us while we're out and usually a big camping dinner in the evening. I'm not much for smores, but I do drink copious amounts of beer when I'm camping. According to my scale this morning I'm down 4 Lbs from when I left Friday morning.

    At any rate, anything you're gaining over a weekend is water and waste...you don't get fat over a weekend.
  • Kekkling
    Kekkling Posts: 9 Member
    Camping season has started again for me too and I managed to keep the weight off. I got my menu ready for the weekend before going away so I would only bring the necessary food needed thus keeping temptation at bay. I also brought my workout videos, found a spot away from everyone and managed to do it. Keep your cup filled with water at all times, it will keep the cravings from beer away as you will feel fuller. I use a plastic Timmi's coffee cup and always have it full and at hand's reach. Give it a shot and see if you have better results. Leave the Smore's to the kids and grab a chocolate shakeology or something instead.
  • acarmon55
    acarmon55 Posts: 135 Member
    I agree that camping is about the fun you have and if part of that fun is smores and beer then don't give it up. Sounds like you are retaining water and it takes a while to get rid of it. I agree with the poster that said drink more water during the day. I also suggest to have a lot of the veggies you bring before eating the BBQ and they will help fill you up. I try to have a veggie tray sitting out while we BBQ so that I will graze on them then I am not as hungry when it is done. I also like to make sure to keep the veggies or fruit close by before making smores for the kids. When I eat more of the fruit and veggies I just am not as tempted by the other stuff.
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    Ah yes, camping food. *sigh*

    I try to pack my own choices: yogurt smoothies for breakfast, turkey dogs for lunch (or a healthy sandwich), then I'll partake in what everyone else is having for dinner. I also stick to light beer: Michelob Ultra or Miller Lite.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I tend to be much more active and mtn. bike, canoe, kayak, hike, etc. so whatever adult beverages and high calorie food (which tastes so much better over an open fire) is balanced out by the increased activity.
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    Sounds lovely! When we used to go camping we would trek all the through the forests and wildflower meadows, just beautiful. Gathering firewood and walking burned off a lot of what I ate.
    Enjoy yourself, don't stress over your calories, just save some up for the weekend, alternating your beers with water sounds like a good idea, it'll help with hangovers too!
    I'm guessing you guys are American? I'd love to go to the states, so many places I want to visit. Jealous!
    What are s'mores?
  • kdz526
    kdz526 Posts: 210 Member
    ah s'mores...the basic smore is splitting a graham cracker in half, roasting a marshmello on the open fire, and when its to its gooey goodness done, putting it on one half of a cracker, top it with a piece of chocolate, then put the other cracker on top. My family likes to tweek the classic by using peanut butter cups for the chocolate, or chocolate squares with caramel in the middle. We also like to use shortbread cookies with the fudge stripes and solid fudge on the back for the top and bottom instead of crackers and chocolate (makes it easier to put together).
    I do need to drink more water when I am out camping. Hubby tends to take the kids off treking thru the wilderness while i sit and read a book and mind the dog.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    kdz526 wrote: »
    ah s'mores...the basic smore is splitting a graham cracker in half, roasting a marshmello on the open fire, and when its to its gooey goodness done, putting it on one half of a cracker, top it with a piece of chocolate, then put the other cracker on top. My family likes to tweek the classic by using peanut butter cups for the chocolate, or chocolate squares with caramel in the middle. We also like to use shortbread cookies with the fudge stripes and solid fudge on the back for the top and bottom instead of crackers and chocolate (makes it easier to put together).
    I do need to drink more water when I am out camping. Hubby tends to take the kids off treking thru the wilderness while i sit and read a book and mind the dog.

    so I did a recipe in MFP for smores using full crackers...a marshmallow and 4 squares of chocolate...2 is 167 calories...see not so bad.

    Oh and cocktails are fine esp vodka 40-50 calories a drink...I have a black fly pre mixed long island ice tea drink from our beer store...100 calories each and packs a whallop...I can drink maybe 4 and I am toast.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Vodka/soda water/crystal light instead of beer.

    Normally I'm a very active camper, hiking/water skiing/swimming so it balances out a bit. You SHOULD enjoy yourself when you go to special events! Depriving yourself will not result in a sustainable lifestyle change.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    ASKyle wrote: »
    Vodka/soda water/crystal light instead of beer.

    Normally I'm a very active camper, hiking/water skiing/swimming so it balances out a bit. You SHOULD enjoy yourself when you go to special events! Depriving yourself will not result in a sustainable lifestyle change.

    that too...it's my go to when I am stuck as well...like at a dance...I carry the crystal lite in my purse...
  • vinerie
    vinerie Posts: 234 Member
    Maybe you can set a goal of one thing to cut out: beer or s'mores or BBQ...whatever. Just one thing. That may make cutting back seem easier. Also, I regularly buy turkey italian sausage from The Fresh Market (a gourmet kind of deli where I live). It's really tasty over a grill and more calorie-friendly than beef, too. I also like the idea of adding in some more physical activity. But it's hard, I know!