More protein!



  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Kind of sounds high for calories and protein for weight loss, even for an active person.

    Maybe recheck everything again. Like the activity level you set it to.

    Are you losing weight at the right rate?

    Wow, Merkavar, you know everything!
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Kind of sounds high for calories and protein for weight loss, even for an active person.

    Maybe recheck everything again. Like the activity level you set it to.

    Are you losing weight at the right rate?

    Wow, Merkavar, you know everything!

    Not sure if you being serious or are you looking for my posts just to make comments like this? Did I do something to annoy you?

    Do you think 233 g of protein is a lot? I did and so did a few others it seems. People questioning how he calculated that goal.

    It might be correct but it's also worth rechecking the number.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Kind of sounds high for calories and protein for weight loss, even for an active person.

    Maybe recheck everything again. Like the activity level you set it to.

    Are you losing weight at the right rate?

    Wow, Merkavar, you know everything!

    Not sure if you being serious or are you looking for my posts just to make comments like this? Did I do something to annoy you?

    Do you think 233 g of protein is a lot? I did and so did a few others it seems. People questioning how he calculated that goal.

    It might be correct but it's also worth rechecking the number.

    Oh, my, I was merely complimenting you. Why do you always seek ulterior motives?
  • hutchy100
    hutchy100 Posts: 103 Member
    It's defo not a lot , I'm doing 40% carbs and protein 20% fat as I'm doing insanity ,
    Breakfast 3 eggs and 100 grams of salmon with protein shake
    Mid morning snack , protein flapjack
    Lunch chicken salad
    Afternoon snack tuna
    Dinner meat and some carbs
    Then recovery shake after working out

    I don't always hit my goals but getting close now I'm taking it serious
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Eat meat.
  • cmcharanza
    cmcharanza Posts: 3 Member
    Man I eat the hell out of tuna fish. 26 grams of protein per can.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I think there's lots of great advice here on the protein angle, so I'll tackle the salt. Chicken salty? So I had to check. A raw chicken breast contains 3% of your daily recommended value. That doesn't seem too bad. Unless you are preparing KFC chicken.

    Preparing meats yourself is the easiest way to control the salt intake. Use spices, onion, and garlic to flavour your meats.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Kind of sounds high for calories and protein for weight loss, even for an active person.

    Maybe recheck everything again. Like the activity level you set it to.

    Are you losing weight at the right rate?

    Wow, Merkavar, you know everything!

    Not sure if you being serious or are you looking for my posts just to make comments like this? Did I do something to annoy you?

    Do you think 233 g of protein is a lot? I did and so did a few others it seems. People questioning how he calculated that goal.

    It might be correct but it's also worth rechecking the number.

    Oh, my, I was merely complimenting you. Why do you always seek ulterior motives?

    I don't always seek ulterior motives. Was just the impression I got. That's why I said that I am not sure if you were being serious.

    Sorry for coming to the wrong conclusion.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    cmcharanza wrote: »
    Man I eat the hell out of tuna fish. 26 grams of protein per can.

    I hope your not having too many cans a day. I think there are recommendations on how many cans you should eat and it's very low.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    geeze louise
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Kind of sounds high for calories and protein for weight loss, even for an active person.

    Maybe recheck everything again. Like the activity level you set it to.

    Are you losing weight at the right rate?

    Wow, Merkavar, you know everything!

    Not sure if you being serious or are you looking for my posts just to make comments like this? Did I do something to annoy you?

    Do you think 233 g of protein is a lot? I did and so did a few others it seems. People questioning how he calculated that goal.

    It might be correct but it's also worth rechecking the number.

    Oh, my, I was merely complimenting you. Why do you always seek ulterior motives?

    I don't always seek ulterior motives. Was just the impression I got. That's why I said that I am not sure if you were being serious.

    Sorry for coming to the wrong conclusion.

    Don't feel bad. You werent the only one who interpreted that post that way.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Kind of sounds high for calories and protein for weight loss, even for an active person.

    Maybe recheck everything again. Like the activity level you set it to.

    Are you losing weight at the right rate?

    Wow, Merkavar, you know everything!

    Not sure if you being serious or are you looking for my posts just to make comments like this? Did I do something to annoy you?

    Do you think 233 g of protein is a lot? I did and so did a few others it seems. People questioning how he calculated that goal.

    It might be correct but it's also worth rechecking the number.

    Oh, my, I was merely complimenting you. Why do you always seek ulterior motives?

    I don't always seek ulterior motives. Was just the impression I got. That's why I said that I am not sure if you were being serious.

    Sorry for coming to the wrong conclusion.

    Don't feel bad. You werent the only one who interpreted that post that way.

  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Since you do know quite a lot and are pretty awesome, @Merkavar, I'm sure it was completely sincere :)
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Did you include your exercise when setting your activity level when calculating your calorie goals? You should not include it, or your calorie goal will be way off when you log your exercise.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    You do not need that much protein, period.

    Even crazy whey-protein-marketing-blinded, broscience-obsessed-body-builders say 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass. So unless you are 3% body fat (hint: you aren't), you don't need 233g of protein a day.

    In my opinion, excessive protein intake has become a fad fueled by barbell training becoming more popular and broscience entering everyone's vocabulary. It's now being sustained by the mainstream marketing machine. Nothing wrong with making sure you aren't lacking in protein, but you don't need to center your diet around it unless you are perhaps a world class body-builder juiced to the eyeballs and in need of massive quantities of protein for constant, steroid-driven growth.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Since you do know quite a lot and are pretty awesome, @Merkavar, I'm sure it was completely sincere :)

    Maybe I just spend too much time in the wrong places on the net where people are legitimately rude and abusive so I just assume the same when it's a compliment.

  • ShareenaFulton
    ShareenaFulton Posts: 27 Member
    Hmm i would maybe caution people who have been eating excessive amount of tuna everyday. Tuna's a brilliant source of protein with a ton of great benefits but it also contains mercury. Not to the levels that media-scaremongering health b-s that the papers would have you believe, but enough to build to high levels in your system if you eat large quantities of tuna over a prolonged period of time. It's always best to mix it up a bit. Lots of low mercury seafood out there that's equally tasty and full of protein.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Since you do know quite a lot and are pretty awesome, @Merkavar, I'm sure it was completely sincere :)

    Maybe I just spend too much time in the wrong places on the net where people are legitimately rude and abusive so I just assume the same when it's a compliment.

    Well see, I am being a bit facetious there, not about you being awesome but regarding the sincerity of the original comment.

  • jonrenly
    jonrenly Posts: 116 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Since you do know quite a lot and are pretty awesome, @Merkavar, I'm sure it was completely sincere :)

    Maybe I just spend too much time in the wrong places on the net where people are legitimately rude and abusive so I just assume the same when it's a compliment.

    I don't actually think you misinterpreted them, this is not the first time they've made an underhanded rude comment at someone for no reason, they did it to me yesterday...
  • upgradeddiddy
    upgradeddiddy Posts: 281 Member
    How can any of us answer this question without knowing height,weight, lifestyle or training level? Granted I doubt he is 230lbs to begin with so yes way excessive protein intake but we have NO real information to say too much or too little. Also 200 g is not too difficult if you eat a lot of lean meat or drink double protein shakes. I eat about 10 oz of skinless chicken and 2 protein shakes a day and easily get to 190-202 g of protein before I even get to dinner so I'm curious of how much lean protein he is even putting in his food.