Every time I work out I hurt myself...help please



  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    I feel your pain (literally.. I have stupid back issues too).

    I'm really flexible but not strong and my back issues love to flare up just as I get into fitness (like you!) I also have problems just taking it easy when working out

    I started going to physio as well as seeing my chiro (I know lots of people are anti chiro, but my physio agrees with the small adjustment he makes on my hips) and working with a sports doctor for strength training.

    Basically they give me really easy and boring exercises to target my hips and back that teach my brain and muscles to work together to support my hips and back. It's hard to get away from the mentality of "building strength" to just working out to coordinate muscles. It's been slow going, but really really worth it so far. I can still take spin classes where I go all out because my back and hips are protected, but for strength I do the easy pilate-style moves until it's time to add resistance bands

    I'd give pilates a try if I were you, but it's definitely worth going to a physio for a visit or two with the goal of getting some exercises to do on your own. It can be pricey, but when I'm not injured I see mine less than once a month.
  • theutahdesertfox
    theutahdesertfox Posts: 96 Member
    Learn proper form ... learn self discipline ... combine the two.

    No *kitten*, sherlock....

    So you don't just lack self discipline in the weight room as evident here.

    No amount of lessons from a trainer will help until you learn to operate within limits unless you plan on having somebody there to restrain you every time you choose to go into "beast mode".

    The amount of smugness on this site, I always forget about it. Haha. Go run and preach somewhere else.

    I post saying "I don't know proper form"

    Your response

    "Learn proper form"

    Genius. Why aren't you running the country?!?!?!

    It's generally considered poor etiquette to ask for advice and then insult the people who give you advice.

    This would be true if the person had actually offered real advice, rather than suggesting vague, condescending generalities that OP obviously already knew.

    So, according to you, she already knows the answer and is willfully acting against that knowledge?

    According to YOU, there was no real knowledge offered.

    How do you come to that conclusion?

    Also, are you ever going to contribute to the OP's issue or are you only here to comment on what I contribute? Two posts from you in this thread, both about me with nothing regarding the OP's issue.

    And still more helpful than you. Go find somewhere else to troll.
  • theutahdesertfox
    theutahdesertfox Posts: 96 Member
    Well, philosophical aspect of yoga is a lot about self-awareness, giving up judgment, accepting, learning not to overthink. It's not a hippie thing.

    People sure don't like it when I criticize yoga. The deal is, it's eastern medicine, and has strong religious and philosophical ties, it's not just stretching. As I've said before, in yoga class I've been given dirty looks for not 'ohm'ing and saying my mantras. I find the idea of mantras unnecessary. And while I think meditation has a ton of benefits, I don't like mixing my meditation with my workout.

    So maybe don't think that when I say, I'm not a hippie and I don't like yoga, that I'm saying "ALL THOSE WHO PARTICIPATE ARE DIRTY SMELLY HIPPIES." I don't even mind hippies and wouldn't use it as a negative word, but that's how it's being taken.

    tl;dr I don't like yoga, don't get offended that I don't like yoga.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Learn proper form ... learn self discipline ... combine the two.

    No *kitten*, sherlock....

    So you don't just lack self discipline in the weight room as evident here.

    No amount of lessons from a trainer will help until you learn to operate within limits unless you plan on having somebody there to restrain you every time you choose to go into "beast mode".

    The amount of smugness on this site, I always forget about it. Haha. Go run and preach somewhere else.

    I post saying "I don't know proper form"

    Your response

    "Learn proper form"

    Genius. Why aren't you running the country?!?!?!

    It's generally considered poor etiquette to ask for advice and then insult the people who give you advice.

    This would be true if the person had actually offered real advice, rather than suggesting vague, condescending generalities that OP obviously already knew.

    So, according to you, she already knows the answer and is willfully acting against that knowledge?

    According to YOU, there was no real knowledge offered.

    How do you come to that conclusion?

    Also, are you ever going to contribute to the OP's issue or are you only here to comment on what I contribute? Two posts from you in this thread, both about me with nothing regarding the OP's issue.

    And still more helpful than you. Go find somewhere else to troll.

    Oh that's rich.

    I'm just going to leave this quote here for you, because this chick knows her ish about lifting...
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Learn proper form ... learn self discipline ... combine the two.

    I think this is actually an appropriate answer to your issue.

    Videos aren't doing it for you to learn proper form- by watching. Have you videoed YOURSELF to spot check?
    Do you practice with just the bar?
    Are you on an actual program?

    It sounds flat out like you're over doing it and don't have any experience to be doing it much less "over doing it"

    so slow down- get on a beginner program with some educational material.
    new rules of lifting
    strong curves
    starting strength
    strong lifts.

    watch the "so you think you can squat/deadlift/bench" videos.

    video yourself while your practicing (I try to shoot a video at least once a week during one of my 3 lifting days)

    Learn to be patient. Trust the training- don't always trust your body saying "oh I could totally do more" if you're on a program- do the program.

    If you can hire a trainer do so. But really all these things you can learn on your own if you so chose.

    I also think a visit to your general practitioner to get a referral to a specialist in terms of sports medicine would behoove you.
  • theutahdesertfox
    theutahdesertfox Posts: 96 Member
    welly5 wrote: »
    I feel your pain (literally.. I have stupid back issues too).

    I'm really flexible but not strong and my back issues love to flare up just as I get into fitness (like you!) I also have problems just taking it easy when working out

    I started going to physio as well as seeing my chiro (I know lots of people are anti chiro, but my physio agrees with the small adjustment he makes on my hips) and working with a sports doctor for strength training.

    Basically they give me really easy and boring exercises to target my hips and back that teach my brain and muscles to work together to support my hips and back. It's hard to get away from the mentality of "building strength" to just working out to coordinate muscles. It's been slow going, but really really worth it so far. I can still take spin classes where I go all out because my back and hips are protected, but for strength I do the easy pilate-style moves until it's time to add resistance bands

    I'd give pilates a try if I were you, but it's definitely worth going to a physio for a visit or two with the goal of getting some exercises to do on your own. It can be pricey, but when I'm not injured I see mine less than once a month.

    This was soooooo awesome to read!! I'm sorry you have those problems but I feel such a relief when I'm not the only one. And it's nice to know that a physiotherapist helped; can I ask what the price range is? I have never been to one and don't know what to expect at all. You can inbox me if you'd like.

    And this sounds like a really great help, and exactly what I need. I'm sure that I will get frustrated with it since I like pretending I'm wonder woman ;) but I'm also excited to get on the road to fixing my body.

    Thank you again!!
  • theutahdesertfox
    theutahdesertfox Posts: 96 Member
    Learn proper form ... learn self discipline ... combine the two.

    No *kitten*, sherlock....

    So you don't just lack self discipline in the weight room as evident here.

    No amount of lessons from a trainer will help until you learn to operate within limits unless you plan on having somebody there to restrain you every time you choose to go into "beast mode".

    The amount of smugness on this site, I always forget about it. Haha. Go run and preach somewhere else.

    I post saying "I don't know proper form"

    Your response

    "Learn proper form"

    Genius. Why aren't you running the country?!?!?!

    It's generally considered poor etiquette to ask for advice and then insult the people who give you advice.

    This would be true if the person had actually offered real advice, rather than suggesting vague, condescending generalities that OP obviously already knew.

    So, according to you, she already knows the answer and is willfully acting against that knowledge?

    According to YOU, there was no real knowledge offered.

    How do you come to that conclusion?

    Also, are you ever going to contribute to the OP's issue or are you only here to comment on what I contribute? Two posts from you in this thread, both about me with nothing regarding the OP's issue.

    And still more helpful than you. Go find somewhere else to troll.

    Oh that's rich.

    I'm just going to leave this quote here for you, because this chick knows her ish about lifting...
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Learn proper form ... learn self discipline ... combine the two.

    I think this is actually an appropriate answer to your issue.

    Videos aren't doing it for you to learn proper form- by watching. Have you videoed YOURSELF to spot check?
    Do you practice with just the bar?
    Are you on an actual program?

    It sounds flat out like you're over doing it and don't have any experience to be doing it much less "over doing it"

    so slow down- get on a beginner program with some educational material.
    new rules of lifting
    strong curves
    starting strength
    strong lifts.

    watch the "so you think you can squat/deadlift/bench" videos.

    video yourself while your practicing (I try to shoot a video at least once a week during one of my 3 lifting days)

    Learn to be patient. Trust the training- don't always trust your body saying "oh I could totally do more" if you're on a program- do the program.

    If you can hire a trainer do so. But really all these things you can learn on your own if you so chose.

    I also think a visit to your general practitioner to get a referral to a specialist in terms of sports medicine would behoove you.

    I...am not sure who this is directed towards. I was talking to brian perkins when I said go find somewhere else to troll. So again...not sure what you're saying???
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Learn proper form ... learn self discipline ... combine the two.

    No *kitten*, sherlock....

    So you don't just lack self discipline in the weight room as evident here.

    No amount of lessons from a trainer will help until you learn to operate within limits unless you plan on having somebody there to restrain you every time you choose to go into "beast mode".

    The amount of smugness on this site, I always forget about it. Haha. Go run and preach somewhere else.

    I post saying "I don't know proper form"

    Your response

    "Learn proper form"

    Genius. Why aren't you running the country?!?!?!

    It's generally considered poor etiquette to ask for advice and then insult the people who give you advice.

    This would be true if the person had actually offered real advice, rather than suggesting vague, condescending generalities that OP obviously already knew.

    So, according to you, she already knows the answer and is willfully acting against that knowledge?

    According to YOU, there was no real knowledge offered.

    How do you come to that conclusion?

    Also, are you ever going to contribute to the OP's issue or are you only here to comment on what I contribute? Two posts from you in this thread, both about me with nothing regarding the OP's issue.

    And still more helpful than you. Go find somewhere else to troll.

    Oh that's rich.

    I'm just going to leave this quote here for you, because this chick knows her ish about lifting...
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Learn proper form ... learn self discipline ... combine the two.

    I think this is actually an appropriate answer to your issue.

    Videos aren't doing it for you to learn proper form- by watching. Have you videoed YOURSELF to spot check?
    Do you practice with just the bar?
    Are you on an actual program?

    It sounds flat out like you're over doing it and don't have any experience to be doing it much less "over doing it"

    so slow down- get on a beginner program with some educational material.
    new rules of lifting
    strong curves
    starting strength
    strong lifts.

    watch the "so you think you can squat/deadlift/bench" videos.

    video yourself while your practicing (I try to shoot a video at least once a week during one of my 3 lifting days)

    Learn to be patient. Trust the training- don't always trust your body saying "oh I could totally do more" if you're on a program- do the program.

    If you can hire a trainer do so. But really all these things you can learn on your own if you so chose.

    I also think a visit to your general practitioner to get a referral to a specialist in terms of sports medicine would behoove you.

    I...am not sure who this is directed towards. I was talking to brian perkins when I said go find somewhere else to troll. So again...not sure what you're saying???

    I'm sayin' you're trolling your own post so hard you're like Yoda of trolls.


    And hey, way to acknowledge the quote from JoRocka that is totally solid.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    And hey, way to acknowledge the quote from JoRocka that is totally solid.

    heh- he he he he-
    I may have chuckled- I returned to see if there was any questions I could answer. Other than "did anyone read what I wrote"- no- there are no questions it seems.

    okay- that's a Lie- i legit have questions- but not the time nor place- but hat tip and a nod to you sir for quoting my words. Hopefully someone lurking is reading this!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Well, philosophical aspect of yoga is a lot about self-awareness, giving up judgment, accepting, learning not to overthink. It's not a hippie thing.

    People sure don't like it when I criticize yoga. The deal is, it's eastern medicine, and has strong religious and philosophical ties, it's not just stretching. As I've said before, in yoga class I've been given dirty looks for not 'ohm'ing and saying my mantras. I find the idea of mantras unnecessary. And while I think meditation has a ton of benefits, I don't like mixing my meditation with my workout.

    So maybe don't think that when I say, I'm not a hippie and I don't like yoga, that I'm saying "ALL THOSE WHO PARTICIPATE ARE DIRTY SMELLY HIPPIES." I don't even mind hippies and wouldn't use it as a negative word, but that's how it's being taken.

    tl;dr I don't like yoga, don't get offended that I don't like yoga.

    We're just pointing out that feeling like you got run out of a yoga class does not mean you're well educated on the subject. As in, I've never attended a class where I was asked to "ohm" and probably wouldn't return to one. You may not be interested in returning to an instructor led class but your sweeping assumptions are just a tad bizarre. It's like I almost can't tell if the above was written by an expert or someone asking questions - which is it?
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited May 2015
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Well, philosophical aspect of yoga is a lot about self-awareness, giving up judgment, accepting, learning not to overthink. It's not a hippie thing.

    People sure don't like it when I criticize yoga. The deal is, it's eastern medicine, and has strong religious and philosophical ties, it's not just stretching. As I've said before, in yoga class I've been given dirty looks for not 'ohm'ing and saying my mantras. I find the idea of mantras unnecessary. And while I think meditation has a ton of benefits, I don't like mixing my meditation with my workout.

    So maybe don't think that when I say, I'm not a hippie and I don't like yoga, that I'm saying "ALL THOSE WHO PARTICIPATE ARE DIRTY SMELLY HIPPIES." I don't even mind hippies and wouldn't use it as a negative word, but that's how it's being taken.

    tl;dr I don't like yoga, don't get offended that I don't like yoga.

    We're just pointing out that feeling like you got run out of a yoga class does not mean you're well educated on the subject. As in, I've never attended a class where I was asked to "ohm" and probably wouldn't return to one. You may not be interested in returning to an instructor led class but your sweeping assumptions are just a tad bizarre. It's like I almost can't tell if the above was written by an expert or someone asking questions - which is it?

    janeiR36, I've appreciated every post of yours I've ever seen, except for this one. Yoga culture exists. I've never had to "ohm" either, but I've heard a lot of talk about "sit bones". There is definitely a particular vibe, it might just not be for OP.

    OP - physiotherapists are the way forward. I don't use my insurance (used it up; also have a lot of MSK issues) - I pay $75 Canadian dollars (remember there's an exchange rate), and it was $120 for the consult. Sometimes, I've gone every 2 or 3 weeks instead of every week (which is what I needed), but I still got a benefit from the exercise prescription.

    Try to get a recommendation. My current physio is amazing and got my foot back to a decent level of functioning after years of not being able to walk for longer than 10 minutes. I found her at a highly recommended sports medicine clinic that treats athletes. She's up on all the latest techniques, very smart, very skilled.

    I've also had two less good physiotherapists who were more used to working with non-athletes. At one place, they'd just set me up with exercises and walk away to the next patient ten minutes into my appointment. Bad place. You want their focus on you for your 40-60 minutes. Just takes research. Think "athletes". It will cost a bit more.

    The good physio really made a HUGE impact on my quality of life.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Well, philosophical aspect of yoga is a lot about self-awareness, giving up judgment, accepting, learning not to overthink. It's not a hippie thing.

    People sure don't like it when I criticize yoga. The deal is, it's eastern medicine, and has strong religious and philosophical ties, it's not just stretching. As I've said before, in yoga class I've been given dirty looks for not 'ohm'ing and saying my mantras. I find the idea of mantras unnecessary. And while I think meditation has a ton of benefits, I don't like mixing my meditation with my workout.

    So maybe don't think that when I say, I'm not a hippie and I don't like yoga, that I'm saying "ALL THOSE WHO PARTICIPATE ARE DIRTY SMELLY HIPPIES." I don't even mind hippies and wouldn't use it as a negative word, but that's how it's being taken.

    tl;dr I don't like yoga, don't get offended that I don't like yoga.

    We're just pointing out that feeling like you got run out of a yoga class does not mean you're well educated on the subject. As in, I've never attended a class where I was asked to "ohm" and probably wouldn't return to one. You may not be interested in returning to an instructor led class but your sweeping assumptions are just a tad bizarre. It's like I almost can't tell if the above was written by an expert or someone asking questions - which is it?

    janeiR36, I've appreciated every post of yours I've ever seen, except for this one. Yoga culture exists. I've never had to "ohm" either, but I've heard a lot of talk about "sit bones". There is definitely a particular vibe, it might just not be for OP.

    Sit bones, as in the body parts they ask you to make sure is on the ground before doing a seated twist? What exactly have these "sit bones" you heard about done to you? Every yoga class you went to forced "yoga culture" on you? That's all that's out there? Knowing that there's other options out there, a person that's frightened about "yoga culture" can't call ahead and ask a few questions so they kind of know what to expect?
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Well, philosophical aspect of yoga is a lot about self-awareness, giving up judgment, accepting, learning not to overthink. It's not a hippie thing.

    People sure don't like it when I criticize yoga. The deal is, it's eastern medicine, and has strong religious and philosophical ties, it's not just stretching. As I've said before, in yoga class I've been given dirty looks for not 'ohm'ing and saying my mantras. I find the idea of mantras unnecessary. And while I think meditation has a ton of benefits, I don't like mixing my meditation with my workout.

    So maybe don't think that when I say, I'm not a hippie and I don't like yoga, that I'm saying "ALL THOSE WHO PARTICIPATE ARE DIRTY SMELLY HIPPIES." I don't even mind hippies and wouldn't use it as a negative word, but that's how it's being taken.

    tl;dr I don't like yoga, don't get offended that I don't like yoga.

    We're just pointing out that feeling like you got run out of a yoga class does not mean you're well educated on the subject. As in, I've never attended a class where I was asked to "ohm" and probably wouldn't return to one. You may not be interested in returning to an instructor led class but your sweeping assumptions are just a tad bizarre. It's like I almost can't tell if the above was written by an expert or someone asking questions - which is it?

    janeiR36, I've appreciated every post of yours I've ever seen, except for this one. Yoga culture exists. I've never had to "ohm" either, but I've heard a lot of talk about "sit bones". There is definitely a particular vibe, it might just not be for OP.

    Sit bones, as in the body parts they ask you to make sure is on the ground before doing a seated twist? What exactly have these "sit bones" you heard about done to you? Every yoga class you went to forced "yoga culture" on you? That's all that's out there? Knowing that there's other options out there, a person that's frightened about "yoga culture" can't call ahead and ask a few questions so they kind of know what to expect?

    Sure they can. And yes, every yoga class I've been to (excepting one at the YMCA) has carried with it a particular atmosphere and a particular demographic. OP's posting style is pretty straight up, I can see it maybe not being a fit.

    Sit bones = pelvis, why can't they just say pelvis? I've never heard anyone call the ischial tuberosity "sit bones" except for yoga instructors.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Well, philosophical aspect of yoga is a lot about self-awareness, giving up judgment, accepting, learning not to overthink. It's not a hippie thing.

    People sure don't like it when I criticize yoga. The deal is, it's eastern medicine, and has strong religious and philosophical ties, it's not just stretching. As I've said before, in yoga class I've been given dirty looks for not 'ohm'ing and saying my mantras. I find the idea of mantras unnecessary. And while I think meditation has a ton of benefits, I don't like mixing my meditation with my workout.

    So maybe don't think that when I say, I'm not a hippie and I don't like yoga, that I'm saying "ALL THOSE WHO PARTICIPATE ARE DIRTY SMELLY HIPPIES." I don't even mind hippies and wouldn't use it as a negative word, but that's how it's being taken.

    tl;dr I don't like yoga, don't get offended that I don't like yoga.

    We're just pointing out that feeling like you got run out of a yoga class does not mean you're well educated on the subject. As in, I've never attended a class where I was asked to "ohm" and probably wouldn't return to one. You may not be interested in returning to an instructor led class but your sweeping assumptions are just a tad bizarre. It's like I almost can't tell if the above was written by an expert or someone asking questions - which is it?

    janeiR36, I've appreciated every post of yours I've ever seen, except for this one. Yoga culture exists. I've never had to "ohm" either, but I've heard a lot of talk about "sit bones". There is definitely a particular vibe, it might just not be for OP.

    Sit bones, as in the body parts they ask you to make sure is on the ground before doing a seated twist? What exactly have these "sit bones" you heard about done to you? Every yoga class you went to forced "yoga culture" on you? That's all that's out there? Knowing that there's other options out there, a person that's frightened about "yoga culture" can't call ahead and ask a few questions so they kind of know what to expect?

    Sure they can. And yes, every yoga class I've been to (excepting one at the YMCA) has carried with it a particular atmosphere and a particular demographic. OP's posting style is pretty straight up, I can see it maybe not being a fit.

    Sit bones = pelvis, why can't they just say pelvis? I've never heard anyone call the ischial tuberosity "sit bones" except for yoga instructors.

    Well the particular atmosphere - of course. Why didn't you just say so
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited May 2015
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Well, philosophical aspect of yoga is a lot about self-awareness, giving up judgment, accepting, learning not to overthink. It's not a hippie thing.

    People sure don't like it when I criticize yoga. The deal is, it's eastern medicine, and has strong religious and philosophical ties, it's not just stretching. As I've said before, in yoga class I've been given dirty looks for not 'ohm'ing and saying my mantras. I find the idea of mantras unnecessary. And while I think meditation has a ton of benefits, I don't like mixing my meditation with my workout.

    So maybe don't think that when I say, I'm not a hippie and I don't like yoga, that I'm saying "ALL THOSE WHO PARTICIPATE ARE DIRTY SMELLY HIPPIES." I don't even mind hippies and wouldn't use it as a negative word, but that's how it's being taken.

    tl;dr I don't like yoga, don't get offended that I don't like yoga.

    We're just pointing out that feeling like you got run out of a yoga class does not mean you're well educated on the subject. As in, I've never attended a class where I was asked to "ohm" and probably wouldn't return to one. You may not be interested in returning to an instructor led class but your sweeping assumptions are just a tad bizarre. It's like I almost can't tell if the above was written by an expert or someone asking questions - which is it?

    janeiR36, I've appreciated every post of yours I've ever seen, except for this one. Yoga culture exists. I've never had to "ohm" either, but I've heard a lot of talk about "sit bones". There is definitely a particular vibe, it might just not be for OP.

    Sit bones, as in the body parts they ask you to make sure is on the ground before doing a seated twist? What exactly have these "sit bones" you heard about done to you? Every yoga class you went to forced "yoga culture" on you? That's all that's out there? Knowing that there's other options out there, a person that's frightened about "yoga culture" can't call ahead and ask a few questions so they kind of know what to expect?

    Sure they can. And yes, every yoga class I've been to (excepting one at the YMCA) has carried with it a particular atmosphere and a particular demographic. OP's posting style is pretty straight up, I can see it maybe not being a fit.

    Sit bones = pelvis, why can't they just say pelvis? I've never heard anyone call the ischial tuberosity "sit bones" except for yoga instructors.

    Well the particular atmosphere - of course. Why didn't you just say so

    It's just that not everyone is going to feel entirely comfortable there, is what I'm saying. Yoga is a useful discipline, though.

    Actually - there's one place in my area, which I haven't yet been to, that does a pay what you can thing instead of asking for $20 a class, and also allows people to barter time for classes. (OP this is a for-real hippie place, though). It sounds ok to me. Maybe there's something like that near you.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    JarethG wrote: »
    oh boy, yoga culture, missed that.

    Yeah, yoga's great, but definitely disengage the logic core when there.

  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I found a physiotherapist through word-of-mouth and Facebook, and she's excellent (if by any teeny tiny slim chance you reside in Wiltshire, England, happy to give you her name). £30 for an hour, and after the initial assessment and VERY PAINFUL muscle release thing she did, she focused on giving me the tools to improve on my own (proper warm ups, stretches, a foam rolling demo) rather than keep me coming back for more sessions and spending more money. I appreciate your issues are more complex and serious than mine was, however, so yours will probably require more sessions.

    I would definitely seek someone out based on positive referrals from other clients.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Well, philosophical aspect of yoga is a lot about self-awareness, giving up judgment, accepting, learning not to overthink. It's not a hippie thing.

    People sure don't like it when I criticize yoga. The deal is, it's eastern medicine, and has strong religious and philosophical ties, it's not just stretching. As I've said before, in yoga class I've been given dirty looks for not 'ohm'ing and saying my mantras. I find the idea of mantras unnecessary. And while I think meditation has a ton of benefits, I don't like mixing my meditation with my workout.

    So maybe don't think that when I say, I'm not a hippie and I don't like yoga, that I'm saying "ALL THOSE WHO PARTICIPATE ARE DIRTY SMELLY HIPPIES." I don't even mind hippies and wouldn't use it as a negative word, but that's how it's being taken.

    tl;dr I don't like yoga, don't get offended that I don't like yoga.

    We're just pointing out that feeling like you got run out of a yoga class does not mean you're well educated on the subject. As in, I've never attended a class where I was asked to "ohm" and probably wouldn't return to one. You may not be interested in returning to an instructor led class but your sweeping assumptions are just a tad bizarre. It's like I almost can't tell if the above was written by an expert or someone asking questions - which is it?

    janeiR36, I've appreciated every post of yours I've ever seen, except for this one. Yoga culture exists. I've never had to "ohm" either, but I've heard a lot of talk about "sit bones". There is definitely a particular vibe, it might just not be for OP.

    Sit bones, as in the body parts they ask you to make sure is on the ground before doing a seated twist? What exactly have these "sit bones" you heard about done to you? Every yoga class you went to forced "yoga culture" on you? That's all that's out there? Knowing that there's other options out there, a person that's frightened about "yoga culture" can't call ahead and ask a few questions so they kind of know what to expect?

    Sure they can. And yes, every yoga class I've been to (excepting one at the YMCA) has carried with it a particular atmosphere and a particular demographic. OP's posting style is pretty straight up, I can see it maybe not being a fit.

    Sit bones = pelvis, why can't they just say pelvis? I've never heard anyone call the ischial tuberosity "sit bones" except for yoga instructors.

    Because- sometimes an image is better than the mechanical definition.
    secondly- you aren't grounding your WHOLE pelvis to the floor- you're literally grounding the two points that you sit on to the floor.

    they are just the two bottom bones of your pelvis- don't over think it. yoga has it's place- even the relaxed "grounding" yoga- not everything has to be impossibly hard.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Learn proper form ... learn self discipline ... combine the two.

    No *kitten*, sherlock....

    So you don't just lack self discipline in the weight room as evident here.

    No amount of lessons from a trainer will help until you learn to operate within limits unless you plan on having somebody there to restrain you every time you choose to go into "beast mode".

    The amount of smugness on this site, I always forget about it. Haha. Go run and preach somewhere else.

    I post saying "I don't know proper form"

    Your response

    "Learn proper form"

    Genius. Why aren't you running the country?!?!?!

    It's generally considered poor etiquette to ask for advice and then insult the people who give you advice.

    This would be true if the person had actually offered real advice, rather than suggesting vague, condescending generalities that OP obviously already knew.

    So, according to you, she already knows the answer and is willfully acting against that knowledge?

    According to YOU, there was no real knowledge offered.

    How do you come to that conclusion?

    Also, are you ever going to contribute to the OP's issue or are you only here to comment on what I contribute? Two posts from you in this thread, both about me with nothing regarding the OP's issue.

    And still more helpful than you. Go find somewhere else to troll.

    It's funny how anybody who doesn't give you the digital equivalent of coddling gets accused of trolling by you ... accompanied by your attacks. You keep thanking people who recommend you attempt more videos and books after you've conceded those don't work for you. You refer to "beast mode" and getting into a "zone" where you are inattentive to what you're doing yet haven't addressed the lack of self discipline leading to that state. Rather than paying attention to what you need to hear, you lash out when you don't hear what you want as a response. You started the petulant responses early in the thread and directed them at several people. You make accusations of trolling and butthurt when the only posts demonstrating such behavior are yours.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Learn proper form ... learn self discipline ... combine the two.

    No *kitten*, sherlock....

    So you don't just lack self discipline in the weight room as evident here.

    No amount of lessons from a trainer will help until you learn to operate within limits unless you plan on having somebody there to restrain you every time you choose to go into "beast mode".

    The amount of smugness on this site, I always forget about it. Haha. Go run and preach somewhere else.

    I post saying "I don't know proper form"

    Your response

    "Learn proper form"

    Genius. Why aren't you running the country?!?!?!

    It's generally considered poor etiquette to ask for advice and then insult the people who give you advice.

    This would be true if the person had actually offered real advice, rather than suggesting vague, condescending generalities that OP obviously already knew.

    So, according to you, she already knows the answer and is willfully acting against that knowledge?

    According to YOU, there was no real knowledge offered.

    How do you come to that conclusion?

    Also, are you ever going to contribute to the OP's issue or are you only here to comment on what I contribute? Two posts from you in this thread, both about me with nothing regarding the OP's issue.

    And still more helpful than you. Go find somewhere else to troll.

    It's funny how anybody who doesn't give you the digital equivalent of coddling gets accused of trolling by you ... accompanied by your attacks. You keep thanking people who recommend you attempt more videos and books after you've conceded those don't work for you. You refer to "beast mode" and getting into a "zone" where you are inattentive to what you're doing yet haven't addressed the lack of self discipline leading to that state. Rather than paying attention to what you need to hear, you lash out when you don't hear what you want as a response. You started the petulant responses early in the thread and directed them at several people. You make accusations of trolling and butthurt when the only posts demonstrating such behavior are yours.

    People in beast mode usually don't get hurt. We must have different definition for beast mode.

    I pointed that out a yesterday too. We are not the ones butthurt.
  • scorpiophoenix
    scorpiophoenix Posts: 222 Member
    If you can find it I absolutely love YogaZone Yoga for Beginners dvd. It's only about an hour, but he gives 4 different difficulty levels for each pose and manages to be both relaxing and motivating. I sit on my butt all day and avoided P.E like the plague ALL through school and even I can do it. ;) It doesn't matter if you're flexible or not; like the man says "just go as far as you can, you will get better with practice".

    I'll look into it! The only yoga I enjoy is at home video yoga ;) Thanks!

    No problemo. :) Yeah, it definitely helps to relax without other people around. lol