Jogging/Running vs Walking?



  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    Running is harder on your joints relative to speed-walking, in the same way that speed-walking is harder on your joints than walking, and walking is harder on your joints than lying on a hammock with a nice margarita.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Yes, running and jogging is worse on your joints depending on the surface. Sidewalks are supposed to be really bad for your joints so I run on a trail or on the side of the road and try to limit my running on sidewalks. Many runners have to have knee replacements later in life but I think those are the people who are running several marathons per year.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    When I was in high school, I was on the track team. After school, I quit running altogether and didn't run for the next 30 years. This spring, I just started running again, at age 50, and have had zero problems other than shin splints initially, which were easily solved by a very good pair of running shoes. I smoked those 30 years as well, so I'm starting slow and gradually going faster/further. Additionally, I was diagnosed with chronic arthritis when I was 18, and the running has not aggravated that whatsoever. Actually, the running helps, because the arthritis acts like rust. The less I move, the more painful it is when I finally DO move. The more active I am, the less pain I'm in.

    I'm not shooting for marathons, just a couple miles at a time. Enough to get my heart good and pumping and some adreneline flowing :). I love it!!
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    After school, I quit running altogether and didn't run for the next 30 years.

    I love it!!

    My story also. My break was more like 20, but I eased into it, still Go Easy, and I really like it too.
    I will never win a medal so my 'place' doesn't matter to me.
    Very freeing
  • 125spring
    125spring Posts: 10
    I say do what's challenging for you. Your body will tell you if it's too much (my left knee gives a shout out from time to time.) Personaly, I have found running/jogging to be great. It's always challenging for me, and definitely gets my heart rate up higher than walking. I believe you technically burn the same calories distance wise (around 100 per mile) and I think afterburn really only kicks in if you're doing super intense, and long duration, exercise. However, you can cover so more distance running in a shorter amount of time. Doing 5K's keeps me motivated, but you could even do those walking too.
  • msenior
    msenior Posts: 171 Member
    I must say that I've only just started jogging/walking. My right knee is paining real bad all the time, It feels like right side is shorter than the left side. Its a real turn off, but I don't want to give up now. Because I know I can't do it in the winter. Now is a good time, the weather is great. My doctor suggested that I wear a support for the knees, because it gets inflamed. Good luck. :smokin:
  • lisabel87
    lisabel87 Posts: 152
    Running is terrible for you! It will make your uterus fall out. You've been warned...

  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    I do both - usually alternating from one day to the next. Plus I do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, and occasionally I do the elliptical machine as well. I feel like I use different muscles with all the various activities.

    For running, I think the key components are (1) good shoes designed for your type of foot, and (2) don't run on cement if you can help it. A trail is much more forgiving, and the scenery is better :). I don't care for running on treadmills - it tends to aggravate my shin splints.

    For walking, I have recently begun wearing the Avia train-up shoes (similar to Sketchers shape-ups but not as high). It took me a while to build up to actually going for a "walk" in them, but I love them. I feel muscles in my legs and backside that I don't even work while running. Plus they feel great on my high arches. I just finished a walk, and I was actually considering starting to carry 3 lb hand weights next time. Anyone know if that's a good or bad thing to do?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Running is harder on your joints relative to speed-walking, in the same way that speed-walking is harder on your joints than walking, and walking is harder on your joints than lying on a hammock with a nice margarita.

    I love this. :heart:
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    I like both but here's my 2¢ for today

    1) Running is FASTER


    2) You can injure yourself walking too if you don't do it right.
  • mom2dms
    mom2dms Posts: 152 Member
    Options me start by saying that I didn't run .. other than to play soccer as a kid..but as an adult...nope... until Feb 2011 and now I run daily.
    Yes, running is hard on the someone are airborne momentarily and your full body weight comes down on your joints. And lots of runners have joint issues, but then so do many people who have never run a day in their life.

    Now, walking vs running to burn calories...not a true statement. Running puts you into cardio mode and your heart rate is higher. You will burn more calories here, although it's not what is called "fat burning". This happens when you stay below your Anaerobic Rate. To burn fat, your body requires oxygen and when your heart rate gets about your AR your blood is carrying less oxygen.
    Walking in your fat burning zone will burn more fat calories, but you'll have to walk longer/farther AND be sure to stay in your fat burning zone.

    WIth Running...because of the compressions when you are also working muscles in your core and arms. Something you don't get with walking.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Running is harder on your joints relative to speed-walking, in the same way that speed-walking is harder on your joints than walking, and walking is harder on your joints than lying on a hammock with a nice margarita.

    You made me laugh out loud! I almost spit water all over my computer!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
  • cecrossley
    cecrossley Posts: 46
    Calorie burn has 100% to do with heart rate and effort. IF the effort expended and heart rate are the same, you will burn more jogging. BUT, a walk at 5mph is a heck of a lot harder to maintain than a jog at 5mph. You will burn more calories walking in that instance because you are working harder.

    A cool thing to think of, and it's all about interval training... full on sprinting for 30 seconds followed by a 4 min walk at a brisk pace, then repeated 4 times (for a total of 18 minutes) can burn more calories than a slow jog for an hour. (Self Magazine)

    I still choose to run 99% of the time. I LIKE running.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Running is terrible for you! It will make your uterus fall out. You've been warned...

  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    Just listened to a news report on NPR about this not too long ago. Check this article out and/or give a listen...

    I'm still quite overweight, but the fastest pace I've ever run a mile is just over 11 minute/mile, and I average somewhere between 12:30-13:30, which I think isn't too traumatic on my joints at this point. Every time I get mad that I can't sustain a faster pace, I tell myself that it's probably for the best and the smaller I get, the faster I can go.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I volunteer/participate in a lot of races and you'd be surprised how many of the runners are older people who seem to have no trouble at all. Running CAN cause problems if you have improper form, bad shoes, etc...but in general I think if done properly with the right nutrition, it's very good for you. I personally burn a lot more calories during a run than I do a walk.
  • anzura
    anzura Posts: 171
    Running is terrible for you! It will make your uterus fall out. You've been warned...

    LOL!! Boy there are soooo many excuses out there why you shouldn't run, that's gotta be one of my favorites!

    I will keep running till I can't run anymore! And it will be because I'm dead, not because I have bad knees, hips or feet.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    Running is terrible for you! It will make your uterus fall out. You've been warned...

    LOL!! Boy there are soooo many excuses out there why you shouldn't run, that's gotta be one of my favorites!

    I will keep running till I can't run anymore! And it will be because I'm dead, not because I have bad knees, hips or feet.

    Or because you tripped over your uterus, and sprained an ankle.
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Running is terrible for you! It will make your uterus fall out. You've been warned...

    OooOoOooOO, I hope so!