help, I am fat and I don't want to die.



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    You've gotten great advice.

    I'd second the suggestion to talk to your doctor: he or she should be able to refer you to a dietician, as well as possibly some physical therapy options. I think the pool idea is a great one, and for you having it be part of therapy or just having someone help you at first would make it easier.

    I can't tell if you are saying you are disabled or just that even getting up makes you hurt. If the latter, you don't need to think in terms of traditional exercises, but just walking, even starting very slow and easy like walking around the house and working up.

    Same for food--you don't need special shakes or anything to kickstart your metabolism, but just to find a way of eating where you can be happy eating fewer calories. I think the dietician would help, especially as you have medical conditions, but logging your food here to start can be extremely informative. Just looking at my diet helped me understand where I could easily cut calories, and sometimes you see that you are getting more calories from some things than you may have imagined. A good weight-loss diet is just a good healthy diet in general (well, any diet where you have fewer calories than you burn): you'll want to watch portion size, get in your fruits and veggies, have protein with all meals if possible, stuff like that. But looking at what you are currently doing is the way to start, and not overcomplicating.

    Once you just start taking some steps here, including raising the subject with your doctor, I think you will be amazed at how empowered you start to feel. And once you start losing weight and feeling like you are more in control than you imagined it does wonders for motivation. You can definitely do this--you have all the reasons in the world!