Hypothyroid users

Anyone out there struggling with hypothyroidism and weight loss...or better yet, anyone out there SUCCEEDING with hypothyroidism and weight loss?? I would love some support / encouragement / advice.


  • neaneacc
    neaneacc Posts: 224 Member
    I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis and I have been able to lose weight. I take synthroid daily to help maintain my thyroid levels, but getting my diet together was crucial with this disorder. If you want to add me I will share any information that I can to help you.
  • fayecsd
    fayecsd Posts: 1 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism. Fitness pal does work for me. I also take meds for hypothyroidusm
  • lesleyseitz
    lesleyseitz Posts: 3 Member
    I have been on synthroid for 7 or 8 years now, but I'm still very symptomatic. My Dr. relies on tsh testing only and keeps telling me I'm fine. Drives me crazy! Anyway, I would appreciate your input, and hearing what has worked for you diet wise.

  • CherylC046
    CherylC046 Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2015
    I also take Synthroid, same thing my doctor tells me I'm fine, but how can I be fine with thyroid tumors? Anyway I lose and gain in the same week- looking for motivation to get and keep a balance.
  • CherylC046
    CherylC046 Posts: 4 Member
    CherylC046 wrote: »
    I also take Synthroid, same thing my doctor tells me I'm fine, but how can I be fine with thyroid tumors? Anyway I lose and gain in the same week- looking for motivation to get and keep a balance.
    Quote 'those that say they can AND those that say they can't are Both Right. We can do This!!
  • vypressme
    vypressme Posts: 228 Member
    I've lost 100 lbs with hypothyroidism. May make things more difficult but certainly not impossible. Don't let it be an excuse.
  • lindaierardi204
    lindaierardi204 Posts: 1 Member
    I had been struggling with symptoms of belly upset and fatigue ect with normal level in my last two blood tests. I'm on a higher dose since having a baby 17 months ok. I'm on my 3rd week of gluten free and really noticing a difference in bloating and abodominal discomfort!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    There is also a hypothyroid group on here you can look into. As stated before, it makes things a bit more difficult but not impossible.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    When he says "you're fine" what is your TSH level? 0.3 - 3.0 is normal. If you're still not feeling right it is something else.

    Do you exercise?

    I've been sans the thyroid gland for 15 years and let myself go, putting on ~75 lbs - not because of hypothyroidism, but because I stopped exercising and ate too much. I've lost 50 over the past year and have 25 more to go. It's a hurdle, but not a major one. Don't let it become an excuse and it won't.
  • LaurenA123
    LaurenA123 Posts: 7 Member
    I have also been struggling with this. I gained weight when I first developed the disease, and one year later I still haven't lost anything. Meanwhile I have the right dosis of medication so I should be getting more results of my dieting efforts. Anyone who wishes can just add me, I like to hear how you are dealing with this! :smile:
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Anyone out there struggling with hypothyroidism and weight loss...or better yet, anyone out there SUCCEEDING with hypothyroidism and weight loss?? I would love some support / encouragement / advice.

    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). I lost the weight & have maintained for ten months by following the advice in the Sexypants post: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1
  • Lucilu75
    Lucilu75 Posts: 14 Member
    I was diagnosed with hashimotos 3 months ago. I am not overweight but maybe 5-7kg off my norm. I had every single symptom. After 1 month of being on meds, and feeling much better (couldn't believe the difference 1 little pill made- the swollen bags under the eyes, swollen ankles, heavy periods, depression,the air hunger and more is gone), I decided to go on the autoimmune protocol. I did a lot of reading but not properly researched it. I thought it couldn't hurt as I wanted to feel better. Also, my youngest daughter (3) and I have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease within weeks of each other. I didn't put her on it if you are wondering! So my husband had to join me as I do all the cooking.
    Well, the difference is huge. What eating healthily does to your body!!! I feel better, sleep better, my skin is glowing (mum's words who hadn't seen me since diagnosis) and I have lost almost 4 kg in 4-6 weeks - bonus! I did the strict AIP for 5 weeks and have started introducing foods. My husband is feeling better on this healthy diet too. It has become habit, not a chore.
    It isn't for everyone. It is working for me. I actually started excercising today after a year. Level 1 30 day shred and almost died.
    I hope you find what works for you!
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'm curious what your doctors consider to be a normal TSH range? I had thyroiditis about 15 years ago. I was warned that I would be at higher risk for hypothyroidism later in life. My TSH has always been fine (normally a little over 2) until my physical two weeks ago - it was 5.75. A retest less than one week later came back as 5.06 and my T4 and T3 was tested - T4, Free - .069; T3, Free - 3.0. I've had a number of symptoms that suggest something is going on. I've seen .3-3.0 listed as the normal TSH range. My doctor's lab is using 0.34-5.60.