What did you hate most about being your heaviest weight?



  • FearOfFrying
    FearOfFrying Posts: 127 Member
    When I got in the bath, the water got out
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    1. Being left out of my friends' active lives.
    2. Feeling physically uncomfortable, even at rest - like a stuffed sausage ready to burst (sodium bloat?)
    3. Feeling lethargic and depressed.
    4. Feeling that my life would continue in a perpetual downward spiral of physical, social, and emotional hopelessness for the rest of my life.

    But, thank God, something clicked, and I just did it. Yes, it's only been 5.5 months, but I've never stayed this committed and consistent to fulfilling a long-term task, health or otherwise. I feel so much better. I still have 80-90 pounds to go, but I actually have hope for a more fulfilling life now.
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
  • oldhippy
    oldhippy Posts: 18 Member
    having to ask for an extension belt when flying.:embarassed:
  • IrishEyes68
    IrishEyes68 Posts: 31 Member
    All of these responses are so great, I think that all of us have felt that a time or two.

    This is good healing, and we get to leave it all behind.....
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    The comments from (well-meaning) relatives I didn't see often: "Last time I saw you, you were so fit and trim" or "wow, you've put on weight" or even "I've never seen you so fat".
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Realizing that even at Lane Bryant you are buying the LARGEST SIZE and wishing it was a little roomier.. Even though I'm only one size down from that, It feels a lot better being the SECOND LARGEST size than having to go find the biggest thing that will fit on your body... Can't wait until I don't HAVE to shop there anymore... though they do have cute clothes.
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    sitting or lying down ANYWHERE and having like forty million belly rolls sticking way up. still have perhaps ten million, but im working on it :grumble:

    having no nice 'going-out' clothes. and even if i did, id still feel self conscious and that everyone was looking at me and judging me.

    still have this problem too, probably always will - feeling like a hiefer beside my short stick thin friend. everyone looks big beside her, me even more so :frown:

    not looking good in clothes.

    feeling like i'll be alone for ever, because i was convinced NO guy could possibly ever go for the fatty i was/still am.

    not being comfortable eating in public, because i was convinced people were thinking that i shouldnt be eating at all.

    getting photos taken and looking a mess.

    being heavier than every member of my family of five (im now the 2nd lightest!!)

    thankfully i never had to deal with snide comments from friends or family. my mum and dad are actually really supportive of my weightloss, they are my biggest complimenters :smile:
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    1. Weighing more then my parents - including my dad who is a full grown 6'2'' male with a large build. And my husband's dad who is the same but lankier - THANKFULLY it only took a couple pounds to go under him.
    2. Being in a family where EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE - extended family included - are all fit and in shape and being the ONLY ONE who is not! Even my family reunion (75+ people) EVERYONE is fit and I'm the heaviest and fattest of them all! Those pictures were humiluating two years ago... I'm ready to blend in for the next ones like I usually did in the past.
    3. All my clothes being extra-large and they are always out of stock on them too as I guess most people are this size???
    4. Being 30-40 pounds heavier then my husband. I already am 3 inches taller then him.... I'd like to feel somewhat feminine compared to him.
    5. Having fat stick out of my pants like a mushroom top and the stretch marks and the bigger sized everything. BLECH.
    6. Feeling lethargic, in the way, ugly or blah looking, and it always taking so much effort to do anything!

    These are just a few of the reasons why I'm loosing weight.
  • nudqt
    nudqt Posts: 98
    Having to struggle to get into my Jag Convetible and using a seat belt extender to drive it.....
  • nudqt
    nudqt Posts: 98
    Oh, also the flying with a seatbelt extender....
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    not being able to find bras in my size in stores and searching for hours online to find ones that look ok, only to get them in a cup smaller and 4" to small just so i can find the cuter ones, and then getting them and having them be hideous AND to small. Now I could probably order them in my size, but theyd still be hidious full coverage... cant wait to loose more!
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    trying to squeeze into a desk at school... everyone else had a good 8-10 inches of space between their stomachs and the desk top... not only did I make contact with my stomach, I oozed over the top.
  • Megan182
    Megan182 Posts: 9
    I was mortified when I went to an amusement park and the attendant had to help me hold the lap bar down and close it over my stomach. I'm not entirely sure if I'd even fit now but I'm on the way to make that change. I want to be able to ride whatever and not worry about if I will fit comfortably, or at all.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Feeling like an embarrassment to myself and my boyfriend.

    Just wondering what was running through someone's head about me when I saw them for the first time in years.

    The way I looked so completely different to how I used to.

    Having to wear huge, ugly bras.

    Being too afraid to try on any new clothes.

    Having developed this habit of always wearing my coat or jumper over my lap to hide my belly whenever I sat down... I still do this but i'm not AS afraid anymore.
  • jjhanlon
    jjhanlon Posts: 74 Member
    I hated that my jeans wore out between the thighs from rubbing together...and that I was wearing my roommate's post pregnancy jeans (we're talking immediately after giving birth)... I was 150 at my heaviest, which might not sound like a lot to taller people, but when you are just over 5' - it's a lot!
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    Frog body. Or at least in my before picture, it looks as if I have a frog body. The worst for me is my face, I hated my face being fat. I don't think it is anymore but it was really depressing to me.
  • Having to use the extender for airplane seat belts! Asking for one is horrible!
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    1. i went to a fair and i couldnt fit into a ride. I'm not even THAT big, and that sucked.

    2. fat face.ugh ew

    3. pictures. NEVER wanted to be in them..

    4. jeans ripping out cause i have fat legs.

    oh wait, that's more than one.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    the fact that i was soo close to 300 lbs. even though i didnt look that heavy i felt that way. my heavest ever was 297 and i lost about 20 then i got back up to 292 i was at 285 when i joined mfp.
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