What did you hate most about being your heaviest weight?



  • Totally agree!!
    I like my boobs but the bra shopping at DDD is annoying and expensive!
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    Either the thigh chafing in the summer- not having to wear bike shorts in the summer is amazing!
    Being able to eat a snack in the street and not feel judged
    And...walking in to a bar and knowing I was the fattest person in there. I really don't miss that!
  • Totally detest the extender belt!
  • Licacorona
    Licacorona Posts: 118 Member
    So many things.

    Clothes not fitting.
    Not being able to buy the clothes I liked because they never looked good to me.
    Hated taking pics.
    Feeling people noticed my continuous weight gain.
    Not showing up to family events or friends parties because I was too ashamed to show the bigger me.

    The list goes on.

    But I think the biggest thing for me was feeling so insecure and unhappy with the person I saw in the mirror.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    being very uncomfortable in an airplane seat, barely being able to eat my meal because i'm jammed between 2 big guys and couldn't even move my arms we were that tightly packed.


    losing all self respect and not being able to make friends and feel normal because of the way i look...

    the horrible clothes that you buy because it's all you can find that fits and isn't skin tight...

    even after losing 15kg, i can't even go near buying new t-shirts to wear at the gym because they are just too clingy and the rolls stick out... so i'm still wearing my maternity tops to the gym so my rolls don't show so badly....
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    Not believing in myself anymore.
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    First I want to say a big, huge DITTO to everything that has been posted so far, I can relate to almost every single one!

    Other things that stick out in my mind - my kids pointed out that I was larger than their father. My 6 year old once told me I was the biggest mom out of all the moms of her friends. They didn't do this in a mean way, just in passing comments, like an observation. It still stung.

    Going to a restaurant and my heart racing when I saw they were taking us to a booth - and occasionally having to go to a different table because I didn't FIT in the booth.

    Shopping with my mom and sister who are both very tiny ladies, and not being able to buy anything in the stores they shopped at.

    Not being able to wear high heels because my feet would cramp instantly.

    Sitting in a chair and it breaking under my weight - which happened 3 times.

    Seeing people that knew me when I was much, much younger and thinner, and seeing that look on their face that I translated to "WHAT happened???".

    Other people posting pictures of me on Facebook, and me untagging them or demanding they be taken down.
  • Dellonious1
    Dellonious1 Posts: 209
    :embarassed: Well the worse thing happened to me back in January...
    I broke my foot and couldn't get up to call 911, husband could NOT help me up from the floor he called 911 and they had a hard time getting me from the house into the ambulance... That is what Truly made me want/need to loose all of this weight...
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Feeling hot and sweaty all the time in the summer. Muffin top. People congratulating me on my non-existant pregnancy.

    All those things were with a BMI of 25, so I was never seriously overweight, only just into the category.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Never wanting to go anywhere because I was embarrassed with how I looked. And when I did, I spent an insane amount of time fixing my clothes, makeup and hair as if they would distract from the rest of me.

    Logging into Facebook and seeing myself tagged in a picture. Horror! I hate(d) having my picture taken and didnt want anyone to ever see pics of my rolls or gross bits.

    Feeling like I was living life from my couch, parked in front of the tv. Depressing and boring!!

    And all the hideous plus size clothes! I got so sick of taking glitter and beads off my clothes. yuck!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    There are so very many things I hated.

    But most of all, the self loathing.
  • Terri_74
    Terri_74 Posts: 90 Member
    Double chin...uurrghh hate it.
    Feeling embarrassed about going out to eat and going out in general as feel so fat and ugly...Got used to saying no and trying to hide myself that the offers to go out were not as frequent. Trying to change that!
    Big clothes are always uglier.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    How my clothes fit, looking like a cow, PICTURES UGH what a nightmare! Being embarassed and not being able to walk up stairs without sweating.
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    I can not sleep well anymore because my hips hurt. I am a side sleeper, but I can only sleep on one side for like an hour and a half so I am flipping and flopping all night long. This has an effect on both my and my husband's quality of sleep. Actually everything about my bed is not as good at this weight as it could be, if you know what I mean. But with 9 pounds gone, everything about my bed is getting better already.
  • Fleur933
    Fleur933 Posts: 156 Member
    Realizing that even at Lane Bryant you are buying the LARGEST SIZE and wishing it was a little roomier.. Even though I'm only one size down from that, It feels a lot better being the SECOND LARGEST size than having to go find the biggest thing that will fit on your body... Can't wait until I don't HAVE to shop there anymore... though they do have cute clothes.

    I remember at my HW I broke down and went to buy new clothes...I was going on an interview...and my evil dryer must have shrunken all my pants damn it. Anywho I went into LB and tried on a bunch of stuff and ended up sobbing. I had sized out of their clothes. It was humiliating. I eventually found a suit at catherine's which I tried on for an interview last year....and it looked like a clown suit.
  • Stacey765
    Stacey765 Posts: 86 Member
    Not enjoying life, always being reoccupied with the way I looked, were they judging me? Is my shirt showing my love handles? While everyone else is ordering good food, do they think i should be ordering a salad? --> So frustrating thinking about the stuff that i should have been enjoying and missed out on.
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    Mine is from when i was about 20 pounds lighter than i am now: Feeling like a failed stuffed sausage at my wedding. Failed because i intentionally had my dress made about two sizes smaller than i was because i was SUPPOSED to lose 20 pounds, which did not happen. I think I lost about 5. It was horrible. Many many tears that day: the dress was too tight, and even though it had a bodice we had to let the bodice almost completely out, and my chest was practically spilling over the top and just looks obscene in what photos we do have, the song we danced to had to be changed at the last second cause the zipper kept coming down every time i moved, so we had it changed to something super slow that we just sort of shuffled side to side on. We didn't have wedding pics taken, the only ones i have are from people's personal cameras. Was so depressed about the dress i didn't even do my hair, just pulled it back into a low pony tail. Told my hubs that when i get to goal weight we're getting our vows renewed and i'm re-ordering that dress so that we can get wedding photos taken. lol need to add that to my goals actually....
  • rorosaw
    rorosaw Posts: 360 Member
    Never wanting to go anywhere because I was embarrassed with how I looked. And when I did, I spent an insane amount of time fixing my clothes, makeup and hair as if they would distract from the rest of me.

    Logging into Facebook and seeing myself tagged in a picture. Horror! I hate(d) having my picture taken and didnt want anyone to ever see pics of my rolls or gross bits.

    Feeling like I was living life from my couch, parked in front of the tv. Depressing and boring!!

    And all the hideous plus size clothes! I got so sick of taking glitter and beads off my clothes. yuck!

    Oh, God. Forgot about the horror of being tagged in a Facebook photo! That is the worst. I set my privacy settings to "only me" for tagged photos of me, praying that it worked and that no one would see a random, horrible picture of me.

    But, on the up side, look where we are now, on MFP, losing weight, getting support of total strangers (that become friends), and achieving our goals!
  • merrycat
    merrycat Posts: 131 Member
    I'm actually not that far from my top recorded weight - 152. When you're only 5'1" that's a lot. I think I was hei\vier at some point, but I didn't weigh myself for years. Here are some of the things I hate:

    1. Shopping for clothes. Instead of being fun and exciting I find it humiliating. Especially if I'm going with my thinner sister, or my mom who can't stop commenting on my weight.

    2. The compulsive need to have a cushion or something on my lap when I'm sitting down so that my tummy doesn't show

    3. Constantly sucking in my gut so that I'm short of breath because I can't stand how my tummy bulges out of my shirts
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I would like to add, seeing my friends on Facebook still petite and tiny. I use to cut my photos to hide most of my body, so they would not know.

    The worst was when one of my old friends was overweight, I felt better about myself. Then I felt guilty for wanting someone to be fat with me.

    Oh and walking around naked, I never did it. I threw my clothes immediately after a shower. Now I run around naked, the husband can't keep me in clothes.
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