:( nothing's working



  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    I agree with a lot of the other post it's probably the gluten if not that possibly just something irritating the ibs and causing your bloat. Have you thought about a cleanse. sometimes those help flush a lot of stuff out of your system.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    stomach fat is the hardest to lose. to get that flat tummy you need to have a very low body fat percentage. and when you do the same things every day your body gets used to it, and becomes very efficient at it. the key is to make sure your switching things up..and remember..the smaller you are, the harder it is to lose weight. it has nothing to do with not eating enough or starvation mode or any of those other myths. sure if you start eating more your body might lose some weight..as long as you are still under your BMR. its simply because you've changed things up.. has NOTHING to do with starvation or your not eating enough and metabolism blah blah.

    but as i said..to see a flat tummy your body fat needs to be very low..i'd lay off the scales and find out what your body fat % is. to see abdominals you need to be below 14% body fat.
  • DustinReiner
    DustinReiner Posts: 157 Member
    Ok, You've said a lot in your post, but you've left out some information.
    1.) You didn't say how many calories a day your consuming.
    2.) You didn't say what you weight now and what your goal weight is?

    Your 4 Lbs away from your goal, and by the looks of your picture you're already lean. As long as this is somewhat a recent picture. Because you can see the tendons in your neck, which means your quite lean. The first place you lose weight are in the extremities(neck, hands, ankles)

    So my guess is that you’re eating below 1200 calories a day, and your body is at its minimum weight level. It's conserving everything you put into it. to get below that level you would literally have to starve yourself which isn't healthy and could lead to anorexia. Which can easily happen. That's how eating disorders happen.

    Try increasing your caloric intake by 100-200 per day and give it about 10 to 14 days to take effect. It won't happen overnight, your body needs time to respond.

    Just a thought.
  • joeyjoey86
    joeyjoey86 Posts: 5 Member
    You sound like your doing a great job. The last few pounds are always hard to shift, and it gets so frustrating when you are sticking to your calorie goals etc.
    As an IBS sufferer myself, i can understand how difficult it can be to shift the weight around your stomach. A lot of the problem could be down to your IBS having a flare up? I know when mine is playing up, my stomach swells and refuses to go down for sometimes a week or 2 at a time.
    Try your gluten free diet again if you found it helped you in the past. But also remember to try not to let these last few pounds stress you too much, you will get there in time. Keep up the good work =)
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    Hi chick, im in the same boat as you but dont give up. ive just finished the 30 day shred and lost a total of 11 inches but not a lot of weight. Stick in with your dvd workouts and you will see your tummy getting smaller. i lost a total of 2" just above my belly button and 4" below it, 3" from hips and 2" from thighs so you will have that flatter tummy for your hols, be positive :flowerforyou:
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    Ok, You've said a lot in your post, but you've left out some information.
    1.) You didn't say how many calories a day your consuming.
    2.) You didn't say what you weight now and what your goal weight is?

    Your 4 Lbs away from your goal, and by the looks of your picture you're already lean. As long as this is somewhat a recent picture. Because you can see the tendons in your neck, which means your quite lean. The first place you lose weight are in the extremities(neck, hands, ankles)

    So my guess is that you’re eating below 1200 calories a day, and your body is at its minimum weight level. It's conserving everything you put into it. to get below that level you would literally have to starve yourself which isn't healthy and could lead to anorexia. Which can easily happen. That's how eating disorders happen.

    Try increasing your caloric intake by 100-200 per day and give it about 10 to 14 days to take effect. It won't happen overnight, your body needs time to respond.

    Just a thought.

    While I appreciate you reading my post and writing back, i do NOT appreciate hints on eating disorders, anorexia and eating disorders. My profile photograph is taken at an angle, my neck is twisted and yes, i have lost the weight around my face but still battle with it around my stomach. Try reading my food diary, I think you'll find I eat plenty!
    Try being a little more senstive...as you never know how comments can affect people.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Ok, You've said a lot in your post, but you've left out some information.
    1.) You didn't say how many calories a day your consuming.
    2.) You didn't say what you weight now and what your goal weight is?

    Your 4 Lbs away from your goal, and by the looks of your picture you're already lean. As long as this is somewhat a recent picture. Because you can see the tendons in your neck, which means your quite lean. The first place you lose weight are in the extremities(neck, hands, ankles)

    So my guess is that you’re eating below 1200 calories a day, and your body is at its minimum weight level. It's conserving everything you put into it. to get below that level you would literally have to starve yourself which isn't healthy and could lead to anorexia. Which can easily happen. That's how eating disorders happen.

    Try increasing your caloric intake by 100-200 per day and give it about 10 to 14 days to take effect. It won't happen overnight, your body needs time to respond.

    Just a thought.

    While I appreciate you reading my post and writing back, i do NOT appreciate hints on eating disorders, anorexia and eating disorders. My profile photograph is taken at an angle, my neck is twisted and yes, i have lost the weight around my face but still battle with it around my stomach. Try reading my food diary, I think you'll find I eat plenty!
    Try being a little more senstive...as you never know how comments can affect people.

    I don't believe he was at all "suggesting" an eating disorder - he was saying that if you attempt to reduce intake further, it can turn INTO an eating disorder. Just a bit of a misunderstanding.

    At any rate, as to your OP, you are losing at a fast rate already, especially for what you have to lose. For less than 20 lbs to lose, a healthy rate of loss is about 1/2 lb per week.

    Might help to read this thread:

  • glacial1
    glacial1 Posts: 1
    Although exercise is important dont forget your body still needs to rest and recover. Have you ever been in a situation where you try and try at something and you just cant get it so you take a break for a few minutes and when you go back to it bam!! first time. :)
  • dudess
    dudess Posts: 4 Member
    12-15 glasses of water sounds a lot...perhaps switch to a few cups of peppermint tea (leave the teabag in while drinking) and or drink hot water with lemon juice.
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