What is a safe sugar alternative ?

Donnah781 Posts: 37 Member
hi everyone,
I've always been very weary about sugar substitutes. I have always used poor sugar.
I need to cut way down on sugar.
I have been doing some research on FDA approved sugar substitutes.
Do you have a specific one that you love and that is safe from developing cancer and other health issues from using it.
Thank you in advance,


  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Personally, I just use sugar.

    That said, the issues about sugar substitutes causing cancer are greatly exaggerated - the studies supporting the claim were generally studies done on mice and showed a correlation (not necessarily causation) between cancer and extremely large doses of the substance (as in...way more than one would ever eat/use on a daily basis). Some do cause minor side effects in some people (headaches, etc), so find one you like that doesn't give you any issues, and you should be good to go.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    There is no evidence that any sugar substitutes cause cancer. If you want to cut down on the calories, use the one that tastes best to you. Personally, I like Splenda.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin are all fine honestly, but they're not going to taste as good as regular sugar. That's just a fact. I'd suggest getting all 3 in small amounts and seeing which one you like best for taste and just going with it. They're all safe regardless of what the fear mongering conspiracy theorists say lol.
  • fearlessleader104
    fearlessleader104 Posts: 723 Member
    Just use less sugar?
    Problem solved
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Sugar is not a demon food, don't demonize it but the most natural low calorie substitute would probably be Stevia. You can even grow your own.
  • JustCallMe_SIR
    JustCallMe_SIR Posts: 2 Member
    I like Stevia. Not stevia extract, but the actual plant. Some people call it Sweet Herb. You can easily grow it yourself. I eat the fresh leaves with strawberries. I also steep the leaves in with tea, when brewing iced tea. Tastes great. Also Agave nectar, it's natural, lower in the glycemic index and a little bit lower in calories.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited May 2015
    I just use sugar...

    I should also add that I really don't eat much that would include added sugars and whatnot...a little desert in the evening and the occasional soda and that's it. I prefer real cane sugar.
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    What keeps you from using real sugar?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I don't use sugar that often, so when I do (like if I happen to make cookies), I use sugar.
  • chandramiller68
    chandramiller68 Posts: 189 Member
    I use honey in my coffee and maple syrup when cooking. I have also read agave nectar is good, but I haven't tried it.
  • bcruz313
    bcruz313 Posts: 56 Member
    I don't like the taste of sugar substitutes and am not willing to deal with the side effects they give me. So, I just use real sugar (organic when possible), honey or sometimes agave depending on what I have available. I feel like moderation is the way to go.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    There is no evidence that any sugar substitutes cause cancer. If you want to cut down on the calories, use the one that tastes best to you. Personally, I like Splenda.

    I agree with this.

    I rarely use them except when cooking for my in-laws. My FIL, who has diabetes and must limit sugar, prefers Splenda, so that's what I use.
  • Hollywood_Porky
    Hollywood_Porky Posts: 491 Member
    Stevia - all others are disgusting.
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    I can be your sugar, baby
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I rather use the real stuff, sugar!! :D
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
  • arian10daddy
    arian10daddy Posts: 2,758 Member
    Have you tried jaggery? That's the source of the sugar, except that it's not bleached or processed chemically
  • NewdayNewway4Me
    NewdayNewway4Me Posts: 1 Member
    I hear Natvia is a good substitute but I haven't tried it.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    love me some sugar

    all the artificial ones taste about the same to me so they're interchangeable imo
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I like all the fake sweeteners but sweet n low is my favorite. If you're aiming for zero calories don't use honey, agave, or maple. If you are more worried about taste use those things. I love maple in my oatmeal and honey in a lot of my baked goods. I've also been known to use black strap molasses in the right recipe.