loving yourself not the number on the scale. What I learned through my 90lb loss.



  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    What a heart rending post. I wish I could say the right words to make you feel good about yourself, but I know nothing really sinks in unless it comes from within. I don't know if you've tried counseling with someone who specializes in eating/weight issues, but it did help me when I went through it. But I understand if that's not available to you or you're not interested. In any case, I'm wishing you all the good things in the world, so that someday you will truly love yourself.
  • believeinme0430
    believeinme0430 Posts: 270 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story! I am working on loving myslef at the weight I am also so that I have a healthy relationship with myself. It's hard because we pick out every flaw. I hope that one day you see what everyone else does. You are beautiful!
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    I am afraid I may feel the same way as you do when I get to my goal. I used to be very underweight as a teenager and hated my body then, now I still have 25or so lbs to loose (lost 25 already) and I know I will still be picking out the flaws in myself, but I hope I won't. It's not really a number I am looking for, it's looking fit and healthy, no large amounts of fat here and there. I want to be healthy and have the energy to do things with my family and not get any bigger as I get older. I know we are all our worst critics. When I see your picture, I see a very beautiful and healthy looking woman. I know everyone else sees it too. We can't get so down on ourselves. No one is perfect, we all have things we don't like about ourselves, but everyone else isn't seeing it. If people are saying things to you go make you feel like you didn't have any worth when you were heavier, you may need to stay away from them, or say something to make them realize they are total jerks. You were a very beautiful girl in your before picture too, but your current picture, shows me a girl who is beautiful and healthy and can do anything she sets her mind to. Congratulations on your new healthy life and don't let anyone get you down. Maybe a specialized councelor on the subject would be a great help for you.
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    I am afraid I may feel the same way as you do when I get to my goal. I used to be very underweight as a teenager and hated my body then, now I still have 25or so lbs to loose (lost 25 already) and I know I will still be picking out the flaws in myself, but I hope I won't. It's not really a number I am looking for, it's looking fit and healthy, no large amounts of fat here and there. I want to be healthy and have the energy to do things with my family and not get any bigger as I get older. I know we are all our worst critics. When I see your picture, I see a very beautiful and healthy looking woman. I know everyone else sees it too. We can't get so down on ourselves. No one is perfect, we all have things we don't like about ourselves, but everyone else isn't seeing it. If people are saying things to you go make you feel like you didn't have any worth when you were heavier, you may need to stay away from them, or say something to make them realize they are total jerks. You were a very beautiful girl in your before picture too, but your current picture, shows me a girl who is beautiful and healthy and can do anything she sets her mind to. Congratulations on your new healthy life and don't let anyone get you down. Maybe a specialized councelor on the subject would be a great help for you.
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    You've made amazing transformation in many ways. Thank you for sharing, and best wishes for your continued success!

    If you want any local friends, my wife and I live just north of Greenville. :-)
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    You are a beautiful woman with a stunning figure.

    Your post is full of insights. I do hope that your image of yourself will catch up with what we can see. I can relate to some of what you have said - in particular, I was always proud of being a big and imposing person who took up a lot of space. Now, I look so much smaller, and people are much nicer to me than they were. It's all a bit confusing. Congratulations on your great achievement :)
  • erojoy
    erojoy Posts: 554 Member
    Congrats on your success, but honestly this was very depressing. I'm not sure how to feel after reading this. I hope you find your happiness.
  • kmg3614
    kmg3614 Posts: 83 Member
    Perfectly said...
  • Mindsiview
    Mindsiview Posts: 42 Member
    edited May 2015
    I understand what you are saying. I have lost 62 so far and have at least 40-60 to go, we,ll see when I get there. I know my body will not be perfect when I get there (lost a lot previously about 25 years ago and regained it) I will never have a bikini body, or a remotely perfect body, I will have some loose skin and there will be clothes I try on at the store that still will not look good on me(no matter what size I am), but I will be healthier,fitter and will have many things that I will like about my body and shape and myself in general. Getting smaller will not make all clothes automatically fit and look good, it will not fix all body areas you don,t like, it will not make everyone like you, you could still get judgements, comments, for anything anyone chooses to dislike about you, it won,t automatically make you like yourself if you don,t already. Thanks for sharing your story, lots of times I think most of us feel everything will be great and the weight loss will fix all our issues, and it couldn,t be further from the truth. Its something I think each individual has to deal with and work through, to get to the best possible place all around in their own life.

    This! You are a beautiful girl, inside and out, heavy and thin. Start to believe that and what other's think will begin to be put into perspective. Wish I'd known this when I was your age, trust me. But start learning it now. Demand respect from yourself. You deserve it.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I can very much relate to this. In an odd way, realising that nobody was 100% happy with their body at any size helped me start. I let go of what I "wished" I would look like at the end and just accepted whatever would come - as it would represent the sum of all my life experiences.

    It is a kind of nowhere land. I neither fit here nor there but my goal posts are about moving way beyond what I was before and what I can achieve with what I have now. It wouldn't matter how perfect that was, there's always a comparison that can rob you of joy if you let it.

    So I lift, I continue to do the doing because I want to see MY best.

    You've done well. Enjoy it, work with it.
  • KimofTas
    KimofTas Posts: 48 Member

    I agree and I'm so glad to hear someone else talk about this. I've tried explaining this to my husband before but he thinks I'm mad.

    I've never liked the idea of being "more acceptable" and being treated differently just because of my size. I've been both skinny and obese (currently obese and working on it). At skinny level I did get attention but until I was big I didn't notice how size changes people's perceptions and you become more invisible ... or worse. Frankly, I'm introverted and I prefer NOT to be the centre of anyone's attention but noticing the difference in treatment annoys the stubborn part of me ;)

    Part of me revolts inside about losing weight and how people will say the things you've talked about or "congratulate" me on losing weight. Part of me thinks that I should just stay as is because I am 'me' regardless of my size and I'd like to be appreciated for being myself.

    Because I know that, for a lot of people, losing weight is about changing how you look not changing how healthy you are - if they're completely honest.

    Anyhow, so glad I read your post :)

  • Mermaid_s
    Mermaid_s Posts: 27 Member
    I really see so much of myself in you and I haven't even got to the 'after' part yet. You have made a tremendous accomplishment, and I'm not talking about weight...but more, you understand that you have difficulties and you aren't perfect. What is most important, more than weight, is being comfortable with your own skin. I'm struggling to do that as well but I have no doubt that we can do it.
  • taymam
    taymam Posts: 55 Member
    I can relate, I dread seeing certain people in my life because of the well meaning but hurtful *kitten* that comes out of their traps. "I see your taking care of yourself now" "you look great, in fact, my friend was mentioning that you look more like me (says my mother)" do these people even hear themselves talk. You look great and I hope someday you can learn to love your body. It may help to seek counselling. I did before my weight loss journey, it really helped me discover why I was overweight in the first place and forgive myself and whoever else I was blaming for my issues.
  • Jenepher1202
    Jenepher1202 Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you everybody for all the encouraging comments! I debated posting this to the Success Stories category, just because it was more about some of the the things I struggle with vs just posting a happy story about how many pounds I lost. I decided to post because before I started my journey I read tons of success stories, and never read anything about how I was feeling. One can only wonder if I would have been more mentally prepared if somebody would have told me I may feel like this. When I first started feeling these feelings I didn't want to say anything because I thought something must be wrong with me, and I was alone in feeling like this.
    Reading everybody's responses, it's comforting to know I am not alone. I hope that each one of us get to a point in loving oursleves, whatever size that may be. I am on the road.. I am making choices to change the things I can change but at the same time teaching myself that my body is great! It's great because it does what I ask it to, because it gives me the strength to work, play with my kids, and many other things. Our bodies are amazing in what they do. :)
  • RedArmy1918
    RedArmy1918 Posts: 55 Member
    edited May 2015
    I've found that when I'm trying to love my body it helps me to step back and think about all the amazing things it can do.

    But when I'm in front of a mirror and I start picking things apart, it helps to talk to myself like I would talk to a friend. We usually refer to our friends with care so I try to talk to myself that way.

    However, you might want to talk to a therapist to help you put things in perspective. I've found therapy incredibly helpful for many areas in my life.

  • subversive99
    subversive99 Posts: 273 Member
    when I'm in front of a mirror and I start picking things apart, it helps to talk to myself like I would talk to a friend. We usually refer to our friends with care so I try to talk to myself that way.

    I really like this advice. Thanks.

  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    Wow ~ almost the same story here. 235 to 152 and experienced many of the similar feelings. Not perfect then nor am I perfect now or may ever be for that matter. Proud that I accomplished some much & working on strength and health in maintaining more than a number. You appear to be an inspiration to many & look amazing; girl! Be proud and keep up the wonderful healthy journey that you are on!
  • imogen__may
    imogen__may Posts: 78 Member
    It's a really hard lesson to learn isn't it? Feels really physical. But it's an important lesson, one that brings true value to your life. You've done so well to reach your goal, I hope you can enjoy it x
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    LAMCDylan wrote: »
    First of all, you are gorgeous. I know the mental part can be hard. I struggle with it sometimes too, just as you explain. But I also see how I physically look as only a part of me. Who I am internally; all my beliefs, values, personality, spirituality etc, all make up other parts of me and are equally important. You gotta find balance between body, mind, and soul. I think as a person I am interesting, funny, caring and all that. I prefer people to know and like me for those things rather than my physical appearance or what possessions I have. Try to see exercise and dieting as a way to be more active and physically strong. The physical "attractiveness" is only a consequence of that lifestyle. So many people get into healthy living for vain reasons and therefore it screws with them mentally. The only person you need to impress is yourself. You have to define your own value and worth in life. You have to be one of those people who is happy with yourself on the inside and therefore do not need to compete with others. Life isn't perfect and people aren't perfect, and this is all perfectly fine. Learn to accept this.

    ^^^This X 1000! I am still working on this type of mindset, but this is really what we should aim for.

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