Gym intimidation



  • marmaladepixie
    marmaladepixie Posts: 83 Member
    Listen to some inspiring music , don't make eye contact unless you want to, and just do your thing! That's what I do. I really only notice people when they are either having very loud, very personal conversations on their phones, or are doing things like spraying themselves with cologne while running on the treadmill next to me.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I was you a few years ago--100# overweight, out of shape.

    I wanted to just get in there, workout and lose weight. I didn't want anyone to notice me. But someone did notice me. The cute, 24yo trainer. He and I became close friends, and stayed in touch even after he moved out of state.

    His replacement was even cuter...and is also a dear friend of mine. I honestly don't see why these gorgeous men even speak to a chunky old lady like me, but they do. They adore me.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    vblair77 wrote: »
    Ok here's the deal...I am overweight and for some reason the gym scares the hell out of me. I didn't use to be this way...for a long time I went by myself and I was fine. Then I had marital problems and through that I was still fine. A few months ago I fell and ruptured my Achilles. It sucked. I gained 20 lbs and just fell into a funk. After I got my cast off I decided to get healthier and I have. I've lost 16 pounds and I'm feeling good...but the thought of dealing with strangers who may or may not judge me scares me. How do I conquer this? I still limp more often than not and with the amount of tendon removed I may have the limp forever.

    I fell in 2007. then one of my daughters'; high school teachers began stalking me. when i healed and finally moved away from the stalker I ended up just as you described. I had no way to deal with it but to go to the gym and other places that set off my anxiety. After I went enough times (18 months) ...laid the tracks so to speak...the fear and anxiety subsided and I returned to being my normal self.

  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    My MIL ruptured her Achilles tendon about 20 years ago. They told her she would probably always have a limp. It was her going to the gym that proved them wrong. It took a while, but she persisted. (She also soaked it in hot and cold water after each session).

    My point is, look at it as physical therapy for the tendon. Instead of worrying that other people see your limp or are judgey (I understand the fear, we're all insecure in some way or another when heading to the gym at first), remind yourself that you're doing therapy for your leg/ankle, so you need to be there and focus on you. If you feel like people are looking at your, tell them they're admiring your determination - because anyone who knows your story would be (and anyone who doesn't, doesn't matter). It's just changing the mental tape you play for yourself.

    Hope that helps a tiny bit. :sweat_smile:
  • yhealthy2000
    yhealthy2000 Posts: 111 Member
    A quote I read a few days ago...this is for you and all of us:
    In the end, people will judge you anyways,
    So don't live your life impressing others,
    Live your life impressing yourself.
    ---Eunice Camacho Infante

    P.S.: I'm a regular gym-goer, and I see that people are engrossed in their workouts. Most people are there to achieve their set can do this too. Set a goal and go to the gym! You will end up making friends and you will enjoy going to the gym - I can absolutely guarantee that!!
  • vblair77
    vblair77 Posts: 180 Member
    Great advice everyone thank you. I did get a workout in but not at the public gym...I have started walking at work on my lunch break...I did 1.5 miles today and if I can handle the creepy rail guys cat calling from across the fence I am sure I can deal with the strangers at the gym. Thank you all for reminding me that A: the world doesn't revolve around me so no one will care that I'm there and B: I'm there for myself not anyone else. You people rock! :smile:
  • kudzured
    kudzured Posts: 10 Member
    Great attitude!
  • vblair77
    vblair77 Posts: 180 Member
    Just a little update I faced the was day 3 at LA Fitness...feeling fabulous!
  • Alphabet929
    Alphabet929 Posts: 17 Member
    You went in. You saw. And you did more than survive. You conquered your fear. Good job. Keep that up and you will be fine. I talk to so many people who are scared to hit the weight room cause of the people in there. I tell them don't worry about anyone. If they bother you then they have the problem. Not you.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    vblair77 wrote: »
    Just a little update I faced the was day 3 at LA Fitness...feeling fabulous!

    Good job!
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    I go to the YMCA and feel no intimidation. There is such a range of people that go... the times I go, mornings, it seems to be mostly older men and women, some in good shape and some in terrible shape, but they are there plugging away day after day and I think it's awesome.

  • mikegl1
    mikegl1 Posts: 238 Member
    May have been said before but either the wrong gym or the wrong mindset if you feel intimidated. I used to be the guy who went into the gym and was trying to lift heavy to impress.... 3 hernias repaired and 2 more to still get fixed and I am no longer that person. Sure I could lift heavy but does it impress OR does it impress when someone is in the gym doing workout properly and showing up consistently? I say the latter.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,534 Member
    I think its great that you went! And just to add to the convo, there are a few really hot young women in the gym that I go to that honestly, I've looked to see if any of the guys are looking...they aren't...the guys are really looking at themselves/their form. The girls are only looking at themselves/their form.

    My head only turns at those who are doing vertical leaps onto tall boxes whilst holding 70lb weights in each hand....because that's what *I* want to be able to do! lol
  • SunflowerCat74
    SunflowerCat74 Posts: 258 Member
    So glad to hear you're going! Do look at this as physical therapy for you. Its a job you've been assigned: to heal your Achilles! Do your very best at it and don't worry about anyone else.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I think its great that you went! And just to add to the convo, there are a few really hot young women in the gym that I go to that honestly, I've looked to see if any of the guys are looking...they aren't...the guys are really looking at themselves/their form. The girls are only looking at themselves/their form.

    My head only turns at those who are doing vertical leaps onto tall boxes whilst holding 70lb weights in each hand....because that's what *I* want to be able to do! lol

    Nope, the guys are pretty much always looking at themselves, taking pictures of themselves or looking at each other.

    The only time I get noticed at all is when they realize that I am lifting more than they do...maybe because I am actually working hard and not taking pictures of myself. :)

    Seriously, most people are MASSIVELY self absorbed.