I need help ASAP



  • tyismc
    tyismc Posts: 75 Member
    Thank you very much. I'm about to go log my first breakfast meal which is going to be Cheerios and 1% milk I just don't understand the serving size how do you know what one serving sizes or eight serving sizes how do I measure that when I pour my cereal
    It will have the serving size on the box. Cheerios does not have to much fiber in it. If you are going to cereal then you want to look for at least 3 grams of fiber or more. It helps keep you fuller longer. and have more than just cereal. Try to get a piece of fruit and a couple pieces of turkey bacon if you like it. Not many people do. I like morning star sausage. Those are veggie sausages. They sound gross but to me they taste like the real thing just less greasy.

  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    Get a pedometer at Walmart. And add some 'steps' goals.Weight loss can be slow and does not show up everyday. But..walking can be measured everyday...and you will know you are headed in the right direction. :)
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    Carol_ wrote: »
    Get a pedometer at Walmart. And add some 'steps' goals.Weight loss can be slow and does not show up everyday. But..walking can be measured everyday...and you will know you are headed in the right direction. :)

    Thank you so much right now I use my iPhone 6 plus it has this thing that counts my steps
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,718 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Wow thank you everyone for your great words of wisdom. I'm not gonna lie tears came out of my eyes when I wasn't made fun of and people actually cared to encourage me.[/quote]

    Oh, hell no! From now on you decide that anyone, whether here or in real life, is the kind of person that makes fun of someone else strictly due to their size that that is THEIR deficiency, NOT yours! If someone says something to you, take a breath and say to yourself, "That person must be really miserable. Or maybe they are having a bad day. Too bad they are so small-minded." Then let it go and move on with your day!

    Thank you that's why I don't like to go to 24 hour fitness or two actual real gems because everyone there is already fit and it makes me feel uncomfortable because I'm a really big but I might not be able to lift as much weight as people expect me to because of how Big I am. So it's very intimidating to me to work out in public. And when I was younger I was always made fun of because of my weight and I like to eat when I'm depressed

    Completely understandable. Many people feel as you do and sadly, were teased as well. I'm sorry for that. There are a lot of mean, insensitive people out there. BUT, there are a lot of good people, too. Just because other people at the gym seem fit to you, 1) doesn't mean they are judging or even looking at you, and 2) a lot of them were once where you are now, which is why if they DO look at you. It's because they probably want to say something to encourage you, but it's a touchy subject. Some people like the acknowledgment of others and some don't.

    Either way, I think it's more important that you just integrate more movement into your every day activities rather than worry about a strict workout routine right now. Being a single parent is tough - kudos to you! Just be more active with your son. You will notice huge changes in a short period of time. Plus, you'll be setting a good example from him so that he has the knowledge of health and fitness and hopefully won't have the struggles that you did.
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    moesis wrote: »
    Welcome to MFP and congrats on taking that first step. You have a long road ahead of you, you will hit bumps along the way; motivation, paleaus, etc. Keep your head up, dig in and keep moving forward.

    My advise, weight only provides a piece of the picture. I suggest you track your body measurements on at least a monthly basis. Here is some information about that:



    Good luck in your weight loss.

    "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
    Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu
    Chinese philosopher (604 BC - 531 BC)

    Wow thank you soo much
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Wow thank you everyone for your great words of wisdom. I'm not gonna lie tears came out of my eyes when I wasn't made fun of and people actually cared to encourage me.[/quote]

    Oh, hell no! From now on you decide that anyone, whether here or in real life, is the kind of person that makes fun of someone else strictly due to their size that that is THEIR deficiency, NOT yours! If someone says something to you, take a breath and say to yourself, "That person must be really miserable. Or maybe they are having a bad day. Too bad they are so small-minded." Then let it go and move on with your day!

    Thank you that's why I don't like to go to 24 hour fitness or two actual real gems because everyone there is already fit and it makes me feel uncomfortable because I'm a really big but I might not be able to lift as much weight as people expect me to because of how Big I am. So it's very intimidating to me to work out in public. And when I was younger I was always made fun of because of my weight and I like to eat when I'm depressed

    Completely understandable. Many people feel as you do and sadly, were teased as well. I'm sorry for that. There are a lot of mean, insensitive people out there. BUT, there are a lot of good people, too. Just because other people at the gym seem fit to you, 1) doesn't mean they are judging or even looking at you, and 2) a lot of them were once where you are now, which is why if they DO look at you. It's because they probably want to say something to encourage you, but it's a touchy subject. Some people like the acknowledgment of others and some don't.

    Either way, I think it's more important that you just integrate more movement into your every day activities rather than worry about a strict workout routine right now. Being a single parent is tough - kudos to you! Just be more active with your son. You will notice huge changes in a short period of time. Plus, you'll be setting a good example from him so that he has the knowledge of health and fitness and hopefully won't have the struggles that you did.

    Wow you really touched my heart God bless you so much and taken the time out of your day to write me. You don't know how much that means to me. That's my son all dressed up like daddy lol 9eakojmb4n0p.jpg
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    Hey guys today is my first day on here and my goal is to loose 100 pounds. Right now I'm 379 and I'm a single dad of a son that's 4 years old. I took him to Lego land yesterday and wasn't able to get on any rides with him because I was to big. It's time for a change in my life and it has to happen now. I could really use some help from some passionate motivated people who can get me moving in the right direction. and I'll do my best to do the same for them. I'm not going to give up until I reach me goal.

    Congrats and good luck! It's a big commitment, but it's a big deal, especially for your son's sake.

    Getting a good food scale will be a big help to you. I was just at Walmart, and they have several types, but most of them are not good models (the switch to change to grams is on the bottom, and they don't hold the setting).

    They do have one made by Taylor. Walmart is selling it with some "Biggest Loser" branding, but it's the same one I use. It's easy to set up and use. It's also on Amazon here for cheaper: http://www.amazon.com/Taylor-3842-Digital-Food-Scale/dp/B00BDS2X2G

    It takes a little effort (and you need a calculator handy sometimes), but once you get the habit it becomes second nature.

    Thank you that's the one I'll get
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    You've gotten some good advice on measuring/weighing/logging. Have you filled out your MFP profile and gotten your calorie recommendation? Starting larger, you are one of the few people who can probably go with a 2 lb/week goal at first, and even at that, you calorie allowance will still be pretty generous. You don't have to overhaul your entire diet right off the bat or aim for too low of calories, just track carefully and stop when you reach your limit. As time goes on, you'll probably learn that certain foods offer more "bang" for the calorie buck and start slowly changing your choices. Remember, you've got a long time to do this :)

    Thank you ill change my goal to 2 instead of 1 pound a week
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,718 Member
    Adorable! He's just too cute. There's your motivation right there. Stick with us here at MFP and have a great weekend!
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    You've got this! I lost 100 myself and have kept it off for years so I know it can be done :) I echo much of what's already been said here. Log your food, weigh your food and start getting some daily exercise. It doesn't need to be anything major, just a simple walk will do. I started with walking because it was simple, I could do it and it is great exercise! The first step is always the hardest but once you get a handle on what you're eating and you see those first few pounds come off you will see it's worth the effort. And if you doubt that look at your son because you're his life and he needs you!
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Adorable! He's just too cute. There's your motivation right there. Stick with us here at MFP and have a great weekend!

    Thank you and you too
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    Hey guys today is my first day on here and my goal is to loose 100 pounds. Right now I'm 379 and I'm a single dad of a son that's 4 years old. I took him to Lego land yesterday and wasn't able to get on any rides with him because I was to big.

    I understand all too well my friend. On my last family vacation I got kicked off of a rollercoaster at Knottsberry Farm that my son wanted to go on because they couldn't lower the safety bar. My wife went with him instead and he got off the ride saying "my dad couldn't go because he's too fat!"

    Horrible. Feel free to add me.

    O wow I'm so sorry to here that man my friend that's just how I felt yesterday. I cried my self to sleep and ask God why do I have to be fat. I want to be able to keep up with my son and not lose my breath trying to keep up with him. It's so hard Like I'm not just fat but I'm 6"6 so I'm supper big
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    Apud85 wrote: »
    Remember to take it one day at a time. If you mess up today, tomorrow is a new day. Don't beat yourself up over it. Also, if your end goal seems daunting, I think it helps to break up your weight loss goal into smaller milestones. It seems more attainable that way.

    Good luck!! You have an adorable son.. such a great reason to be healthy!

    Think you so much so you think I should just shoot for 50 pounds instead of 100
  • Jmgkamp
    Jmgkamp Posts: 278 Member
    I started March 4, I'm 5'2, 42 years old, and female. I've lost 35.5 pounds so far, and I've got 60 to go.

    If I can do it YOU CAN TOO :smile:

    A scale will be a huge help. Being so tall, and a man, will help you lose faster than me (a short woman). Eat what you want to but stay within your calorie range. Take little steps to add exercise, but you can do that later - calories alone will shed the weight. Exercise will help when you need a boost, to make you healthier, and to make you feel REALLY GOOD!

    My experience with the gym (where I go every day, and I never went before) has been that instead of strange looks, the fittest people are the most encouraging. They are so happy for me - though nobody said anything until I'd gone for over a month. If anyone makes any comments about your weight, etc. THEY will be the ones made to feel uncomfortable. You can always tell the front desk. A gym is not the place to make fun of people, quite the opposite.

    I come to these boards all the time. People here are awesome, encouraging, and always available.

    I'm telling you... I had the WORST habits and yet here I am... 2 sizes and over 35 pounds down. I'm cheering for you!!!
  • Jmgkamp
    Jmgkamp Posts: 278 Member
    *food scale
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    bambione wrote: »
    I've only been doing this for a little over a month. One thing I've noticed is I'm eating healthier now that I'm counting calories. I don't want to waste calories eating junk food that really adds up. Do you cook for your son as well? Eating healthier will help him as well. Like other people have said, I try not to let myself get hungry. I always have an apple with a little bit of peanut butter in the afternoon so I can last till dinner. If you can afford it it might help to have a consultation with a nutritionist. But before you do that start logging your calories in MFP. I always try to make sure I have protein for breakfast because then I fill full for a lot longer. Fiber is filling as well. I love my whole grain lower fat Thomas English muffins. They have tons of fiber. Good luck and you have a lot of resources on this app. Good luck with your journey,

    Thank you sooooo much I really didn't think people cared this app is so cool. Yes I love to cook I took a cooking class when I was in high school as well but for dinner tonight only thing I have is ground beef so I was going to make spaghetti which I know is not good for you but it's all I have

  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    Jmgkamp wrote: »
    I started March 4, I'm 5'2, 42 years old, and female. I've lost 35.5 pounds so far, and I've got 60 to go.

    If I can do it YOU CAN TOO :smile:

    A scale will be a huge help. Being so tall, and a man, will help you lose faster than me (a short woman). Eat what you want to but stay within your calorie range. Take little steps to add exercise, but you can do that later - calories alone will shed the weight. Exercise will help when you need a boost, to make you healthier, and to make you feel REALLY GOOD!

    My experience with the gym (where I go every day, and I never went before) has been that instead of strange looks, the fittest people are the most encouraging. They are so happy for me - though nobody said anything until I'd gone for over a month. If anyone makes any comments about your weight, etc. THEY will be the ones made to feel uncomfortable. You can always tell the front desk. A gym is not the place to make fun of people, quite the opposite.

    I come to these boards all the time. People here are awesome, encouraging, and always available.

    I'm telling you... I had the WORST habits and yet here I am... 2 sizes and over 35 pounds down. I'm cheering for you!!!

    Awww thank you very much. I'm glad your hitting your goals as well
  • annikampos
    annikampos Posts: 2 Member
    Each day that goes by, the more you will learn about healthy eating and the more you will learn about yourself. Don't beat yourself up if you make a mistake and don't be afraid to ask questions. Progress, not perfection :)

    When things get hard, remember to celebrate your progress and keep going! You seem like an awesome father.