May 2015 Running Challenge



  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited May 2015
    @Glossberg - I remember hoping to break 40 miles in a month...just a few months ago. Next month may be my first crack at 100 miles in a month. It's amazing what we can do when we keep trying. Trying is just the first step.

    @7lenny7 - Good luck and let us know your results!
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    Glossberg wrote: »
    74.38 as of 5/25. 75 was my goal for the month.

    I have to say, I'm incredibly impressed by some of the miles people are logging. I don't know if I could ever be able to something like that. Well done everyone!
    @Glossberg It all adds up just before you know it you'll amaze yourself.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I thought today was going to be a rest day but then I learned about the Ruuners World Summer Streak challenge from @kristinegift

    It's still a rest day with a slow easy one miler, I believe.

    Day one of 41 down!

    5/2 - 6.07 miles
    5/4 - 3 miles
    5/5 - 3.01 miles
    5/6 - 3.02 miles
    5/9 - 13.1 miles 2:37:20.4 new PR
    5/11 - 3.04 miles
    5/16 - 13.1 miles 2:53:02
    5/19 - 3.06 miles
    5/20 - 3.01 miles
    5/21 - 3.1 miles
    5/23 - 12.8 miles
    5/24 - 6.1 miles
    5/25 - 1 mile


  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member

    5/02/15 - 4.35 miles
    5/03/15 - 9.38 miles
    5/05/15 - 5 miles
    5/07/15 - 3.16 miles
    5/08/15 - 5.46 miles
    5/09/15 - 5 miles
    5/10/15 - 10 miles
    5/12/15 - 5.02 miles
    5/14/15 - 5 miles
    5/16/15 - 5 miles
    5/17/15 - 8.25 miles
    5/19/15 - 4 miles
    5/21/15 - 4.4 miles
    5/23/15 - 11 miles
    5/24/15 -4 miles

  • davetheperson
    davetheperson Posts: 124 Member
    Did a 2.01 mile slow recovery run with someone just starting out.


    5/3/15 3 Miles 32:59:43 11'06"
    5/6/15 2.5 Miles 26:01:45 10'10"
    5/7/15 3.25 Miles 32:33:16 10'10"
    5/8/15 1.5 Miles 14:31:78 9'40"
    5/10/15 4 Miles 45:15:64 11'32 Ben Franklin Bridge
    5/12/15 2 Miles 21:52:45 10'54"
    5/13/2015 2.3 Miles 25:00:00 11' Estimate GPS watch screwed up
    5/14/2015 2.2 Miles 23:09:48 10'31"
    5/17/2015 3 Miles 33:47:07 11'19" Humid bleh run
    5/20/2015 2.03 Miles 18:22:39 9'03" Asthma acting up today, had to take an inhaler break in the middle, okay run though
    5/24/2015 5.0 Miles 54:46:82 11'06"
    5/25/2015 2.01 Miles 27:42:48 13'57" Did a slow run with my someone just starting out

    Total Miles: 32.79
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    I'm a few pages late to respond to the 180 BPM music thing, but here's my suggestion: Adjust the tempo of your tunes with Audacity. It's a free mp3 editing program. I've been trying to work my way up to 180 BPM, but I seem stuck at 170. I could probably nudge that up a little, but I'm lazy about editing all my music. But it's SO much easier to edit than to find more than 2 songs that I like in the appropriate tempo range. Until you get used to it, your music may sound ...frenetic. I find that adds to the adrenaline and helps pump me up a bit more, if it doesn't just make me laugh. Some songs don't take well to being sped up that much.
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Kept my run short today as I'm still a bit sore from yesterday's long run followed by a long (metric century) bike ride. Hope everybody's memorial day race days go well!

    5/2 - 2 miles
    5/3 - 26.2 miles (3:44 total time, 8:33 pace)
    5/7 - 6 miles
    5/9 - 4 miles
    5/10 - 12 miles
    5/12 - 4 miles
    5/13 - 5 miles
    5/14 - 4 miles
    5/15 - 3 miles
    5/16 - 5 miles
    5/18 - 12 miles
    5/19 - 7.3 miles
    5/20 - 3.5 miles
    5/21 - 8 miles
    5/22 - 6 miles
    5/24 - 13.1 miles
    5/25 - 4 miles

    Total: 125 miles
    Goal: 150 miles
    Remaining: 25 miles
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @skippygirlsmom wow! Hill? Or mountain running! Way to build endurance!

    Question for the community- do you ache when you rest a few days? I haven't run since Monday and I'm so achy. It just gets worse until I swim, walk or run.

    If I rest for more than 3 days it means I am either injured or just raced a marathon. But yeah, creakiness is normal even after 1 day of rest. That's why shakeout runs are popular.

    Thanks all. Shakeout runs sound like the way to go. Sounds cool, will keep me motivated. Shake it shake it aw aw... Its a song ya know. I can't sing.

    I'm a bit envious of all the runs today! My husband is still injured (medial glute strain-that he won't accept). So he's not up for races... I may have to go it alone.. There is a sprint tri I wanted to do that's girls only.. I may take advantage of the opportunity and sign up.

    Anxious to hear all the days results...
  • Timby1
    Timby1 Posts: 294 Member
    Not going to hit my 100 this month...sometimes life gets in the way as does pain in my hip (breaking down and going to a doctor hopefully this week). However, I was able to run the Laguna Hills 10k today! Beautified morning for it. Overall average pace under 12 so I'm happy with that. What I don't understand is why mapmyfitness clocked it at 6.34? Oh well, that's what I'm gonna claim, 6.34 miles today.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    @7lenny7 - Good luck and let us know your results!

    Number one, I had a GREAT time and I learned a few things in the process. It was second 5k, but my first timed 5k, and it's only been 16 days since I even started running. There was light rain but it quit just as we pulled up into the parking lot.

    The short version: I ran the course in 31:23.55, a new PR compared my training time by a full minute. A bit short of my goal of 31:00, but I'm happy.

    The long version: I had great support. My wife got out of bed so she could be there with me and my daughter left me a sweet note of encouragement which I carried in my pocket.

    My first mistake was drinking too much water the night before and that morning. I woke up twice to go to the bathoom, went twice just before the race, and felt like I had to go about 30 seconds after the race started. I also ate too much before the race. I got up 2 hours before race time and had a slice of toast, 1 tbsp of peanut butter, and a banana. I would have been better off with just a banana. Between my bladder and my stomach, I wasn't feeling at my peak.

    The race had a quiet start. I'm there chatting with another racer and all of a sudden the pack starts to move. No shotgun start, no "Ready Set GO", no anything that we heard and with only 286 entrants, it was not a big crowd. I had put myself about 60% of the way back because in just about every 5k results list I've seen, my time would put me in the middle. As we start going, it seemed like everyone is surging past me and I'm taken up in the rush for 30 seconds or so. I remember that I need to run my race and kicked it back down to an 11' pace. Runners continued to stream by, but I didn't take the bait. I ended up passing many of those folks later on.

    My total times at the 1 and 2 mile marks were 10:40 and 21:00. It sure didn't feel like I was running that fast. I thought about stepping up my pace at 2.75 miles, but I just didn't have it in me. Around 2.9 I felt like I could give it a final kick and hit a really nice stride. Damn that felt good! I passed several folks in that stretch and was regretting not starting the final sprint earlier. Not that I cared about how I placed, I just wanted to push myself and do my best.

    The race coordinators screwed up and it cost some runners, particularly one who may have taken first otherwise. The course they showed online was not the course that we ran. Part of the path was washed out and they had to extend another part by making it an out and back. The first running missed that (NO indication at all that I could see) and turned early. He "finished" in 14 minutes and was pissed. When I reached that point I misunderstood what was going on and took the early turn, but quickly realized my mistake and went back. It added no more than 5 or 6 seconds to my time. I heard several others grumbling about it later. They really did need to have it better defined.

    Next time I'll eat and drink less ahead of the race, and pay more attention at the start. Other than that, I'm happy with the way things went. Now I just want to run, run and run some more. Would it be bad to run a couple of miles tonight?

    I should have smiled as I crossed:

    RR.jpg 139.9K
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for May
    5/1 REST DAY - 0
    5/2 16 miles - 16.0 <<< Madkin and Weeden Mountains on RSA (1,208ft elevation gain)
    5/3 REST DAY - Went hiking ~4 miles with the wife at Monte Sano instead
    5/4 10.35 miles - 26.35 << slow recovery miles. Still feel sore from weekend
    5/5 10 miles 36.35
    5/6 8 miles - 44.35 << easy paced
    5/7 5.25 miles - 49.6 << fast paced
    5/8 15 miles - 64.6 << Friday night long run
    5/9 REST DAY <<< Georgia Aquarium
    5/10 REST DAY
    5/11 10.5 miles - 75.1
    5/12 10 miles - 85.1
    5/13 8.25 miles - 93.35 << easy effort
    5/14 8 miles - 101.35 << CRR preview + 2
    5/15 5.5 miles - 106.85 << recovery pace
    5/16 15 miles - 121.85 << Sat long run
    5/17 REST DAY
    5/18 8 miles - 129.85
    5/19 7.09 miles - 136.94 << WRH Brueggers Grp Run
    5/21 5.5 miles - 142.44 << WRH Panera Pounders Grp Run
    5/23 6 miles - 148.44 << WRH Saturday morning Research Park Grp Run
    5/25 6.25 miles - 154.69 << Cotton Row Run 10K race PR 45:59
    5/25 3.17 miles - 157.86 << pacing my wife at CRR 5K race, her PR of 42:33


    My wife Jennifer and I

    My running group, The Panera Pounders

    @skippygirlsmom I was gonna post of a pic that we took if that was ok?

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @stoshew71 sure thing post away
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    5/25 Bolder Boulder 10K (watch miles were 6.36). I finished in a little under 90 minutes which isn't great but considering I haven't run much this month to take care of my leg it was fine as its my training pace. My leg didn't hurt so hopefully now I can get back to my schedule. I would like to run it again next year and definitely do more hill training.

    Congrats to the other racers today!!

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited May 2015
    5/1- rest day
    5/2 - 5 miles 8K Steeple Chase Race
    5/3 - 3.5 miles
    5/4 - rest day
    5/5 - 6.3 miles
    5/6 - 3.5 miles - decided to cut it short a bit so I could go home and get Macy for a walk
    5/7 - 4.5 miles
    5/8 - 4.6 miles
    5/9 - 2.4 miles - just a quick run to get my legs moving
    5/10 - 3.5 miles of Mother's Day fun with Skip way hot at 85 degrees
    5/11 - active rest day walked the Macy 3 miles
    5/12 - 6.5 miles
    5/13 - rest day - well I walked 3 miles with Macy and cut the yard so my feet were moving LOL
    5/14 - 5.5 miles
    5/15 - 5.3 miles
    5/16 - 3.2 miles - 5K and a little extra with warm up
    5/17 - 6.4 miles with Skip nice easy miles
    5/18 - rest day walked Macy a few miles but that's it, took Skip to breakfast in the morning for her birthday and went to the track banquet last night
    5/19 - 6.2 miles
    5/20 - 5.3 miles
    5/21 - 4.4 miles - I've been running this route pretty consistent since Nov 2014 and this was the fastest I ran it, 43:59 :smile:
    5/22 - 3.4 miles
    5/23 - 3.5 miles - easy run with Skip before our 10K on Monday
    5/24 - rest day - walked Macy 3 miles
    5/25 - 6.2 miles 10K cotton row run - tough course, it wanted to make me cry LOL No PR for me 1:03.03 was the chip time. Skip finished 57:49 chip time a PR for her though she wasn't thrilled with it. The "hill" was all everyone promised it was be I did a speed walk up it and wanted to die never mind run :smile: Race was delayed an hour because a tree fell on the course 30 mins before start time. I'm checking mapmyrun and it looks like the hill goes up 100 feet in less than a quarter mile. But before that "hill" it uphill for over a mile.

    90.2 out of 120 miles completed


    Congrats to everyone that raced this weekend..I know I'll miss people @stoshew71 @7lenny7 @fitnfabulous4530 (aka Stoshew71's wife) and my Skip congrats on your PRs. Great job to everyone who got out there and killed it again this weekend. You all are the best.
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member


  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member


  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    Have run just short of 57 km this month.
  • JimCrackinDandy
    JimCrackinDandy Posts: 146 Member
    Timby1 -again you did wonderfully running your 10k today! That's dedication. Glad you're getting the hip looked at. Praying for you Sis. You have many more months with running challenges to go!
    7Lenny7 - Great race. Quicker than me for sure! I'm sure you'll be picking up speed since you felt like you weren't running that fast and had all that confusion at the start. Even if the race was run a bit sloppy, it was great experience for future runs! KIU
    isulo_kura -I love the photos! You opted not to take the bridge, didn't you! Glad to hear you're excited about more hiking. If you hike as much as you run, you'll be across the country by the end of summer!
    Congrats to all who ran or speed walked "the hill" today at the Cotton Run!!! Lovely job stoshew71 7lenny7 fitnfabulous4530 skippysmom and Skip! Great times too!


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    5/1: 5.2 miles
    5/2: REST
    5/3: 12 miles (scheduled: 20; left calf was not having it today)
    5/4: REST
    5/5: 1 mile (meant to bike to rest my calf, but the bike room was closed for asbestos removal :()
    5/6: 5 miles
    5/7: 6.1 miles
    5/8: REST
    5/9: REST
    5/10: 15 miles
    5/11: REST
    5/12: 4 miles
    5/13: REST (aka: I accidentally took a 2.5 hour nap instead of running...)
    5/14: 6.7 miles
    5/15: 5 miles
    5/16: REST
    5/17: 20 miles
    5/18: 3 miles
    5/19: REST
    5/20: 5 miles
    5/21: 6 miles
    5/22: REST
    5/23: 4 miles
    5/24: REST
    5/25: 8 miles


  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    5/7 - 2.25
    5/12 - 3.25
    5/16 - 3.75
    5/17 - 1.5
    5/20 - 3.0
    5/22 - 2.25
    5/24 - 3.0
    5/25 - 2.5

    3.5 to go

    I have my first 5k on Friday and I am super nervous. It is a benefit for a charity that helps get under privileged women ready for job interviews and into the work force and is sponsored by the company I work for. 3 co-workers who don't run but are super fit are going to do it with me. I am more nervous to embarrass myself in front of my coworkers then getting thru the run. I originally planned to use it as a warm up for my "real" 5k on June 14th. That one I planned on pushing harder to run the whole thing and get a decent time in. The one this week I planned on using as a training session but because I have company, and 2 of the 3 like to compete with each other, I am not sure I can. Trying not to be mean but hoping they run out of steam and need walk breaks before I do LOL.