Why does someone still fell hungry when they don't need any more food?

miriamtob Posts: 436 Member
edited May 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
This question was asked in another thread and it seemed worthy of its own topic. Have we really gotten to the root of the problem, saying overweight and obesity is caused by overeating? If someone feels hungry after there TDEE has been met, those hunger signals are a physiological response. What is the cause of the intense hunger?


  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I would be hungry after I reach my TDEE if all I've eaten that day was carbs for example. If your diet is balanced and includes enough protein and healthy fats as well as some carbs you probably wont be hungry. If I go over my TDEE its never cause I'm hungry, but because I have cravings and just wanna eat.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    Me, I eat because of stress, boredom, and emotional issues. If I didn't like food, I'd probably be okay eating around my BMR even with all my walking.
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited May 2015
    For me, a part of this whole process was learning what actual, true hunger was vs thinking I was hungry but was in fact wanting to eat because of other things. Learning to differentiate is one of the reasons I believe I've been so successful with maintenance. I can now turn down food (even favorites), if I'm not truly hungry and it doesn't phase me at all now to do this.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    miriamtob wrote: »
    This question was asked in another thread and it seemed worthy of its own topic. Have we really gotten to the root of the problem, saying overweight and obesity is caused by overeating? If someone feels hungry after there TDEE has been met, those hunger signals are a physiological response. What is the cause of the intense hunger?

    Not to derail from the original question, but as a corollary: Why do people eat even when they DON'T have hunger signals.

    In my non-professional opinion, the answers to both questions are probably roughly equivalent...boredom, stress, simply because food tastes good, etc.
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    For me, a part of this whole process was learning what actual, true hunger was vs thinking I was hungry but was in fact wanting to eat because of other things. Learning to differentiate is one of the reasons I believe I've been so successful with maintenance. I can now turn down food (even favorites), if I'm not truly hungry and it doesn't phase me at all now to do this.

    This. I think a lot of people mistake wanting food as hunger. Not the same.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    is it hunger or appetite?

    those are two very different things...

  • pwh300
    pwh300 Posts: 99 Member
    Sometimes you just need water.
  • miriamtob
    miriamtob Posts: 436 Member
    ^yes, I've heard that the body could mistake thirst for hunger and it feels just like hunger! Just the fact that this can happen seems to indicate there could be other things that mix up the hunger signals.
  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member
    Sometimes, I'm just hungry. I don't know what causes it. I've eaten plenty during the day, I'm not stressed or bored or tired or thirsty. Possibly, I used up a lot of energy working on a complex problem or something at work, if I know I haven't physically exerted myself. Who knows? When that happens, I just eat something.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    is it hunger or appetite?

    those are two very different things...

    Food is a sensory experience. Having a "taste" for something, wanting the pleasure of it, or desiring a certain texture in the moment... and underlying the want is WHY you want. You're happy, you're sad, you're hurt, you're bored, you're depressed, you're lonely, you're angry.

    That and as someone said upthread, sometimes you're thirsty. We were out the other day and I forgot to bring my water bottle. I knew I was thirsty, but I felt ravenous. And I know the difference between real hunger and false hunger now!

  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    edited May 2015
    Whatever it is low carb fixed it for me. I suspect it might be undiagnosed insulin resistance that caused my insatiable appetite. Whatever is wrong with me it is physical and not emotional or a "bad relationship with food".

    If you can't delay a meal without feeling sick or going for a walk or drinking water (when you're not dehydrated) sates your desire to eat I think you probably have blood sugar issues that should be addressed. Just my opinion.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    is it hunger or appetite?

    those are two very different things...

    Food is a sensory experience. Having a "taste" for something, wanting the pleasure of it, or desiring a certain texture in the moment... and underlying the want is WHY you want. You're happy, you're sad, you're hurt, you're bored, you're depressed, you're lonely, you're angry.

    That and as someone said upthread, sometimes you're thirsty. We were out the other day and I forgot to bring my water bottle. I knew I was thirsty, but I felt ravenous. And I know the difference between real hunger and false hunger now!

    I am often drinking water through out the day instead of "snacking"...

    I think some people "hear" a rumble and assume it's hunger, or crave something assume it's hunger,

    With the water I think it keeps us "feeling" full.

  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    I've really been trying to be OK being hungry this time around. If my daily needs have been met, I don't need to have anything else. It's ok to go to bed wanting. I get to eat tomorrow.
    Instead of, ooooh it's the evening, lets make a treat cause it'd taste good. I can plan for an after dinner snack, and be done. Kitchen closed, nothing more till morning. And I don't even wake up all that hungry. It seems the more I eat the more I think I need to eat. It's a weird pattern. I think that's one reason why people who have always overeaten, then find it's hard to reach their daily calorie limit. It is so easy to over eat, maybe because for them eating begets eating. So when eating less, they find they don't have the same hunger signals. What do I know? :smiley:
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Hunger is mostly hormonal.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    miriamtob wrote: »
    ^yes, I've heard that the body could mistake thirst for hunger and it feels just like hunger! Just the fact that this can happen seems to indicate there could be other things that mix up the hunger signals.

    It's seems natural that the body would signal hunger if thirst is ignored. Food can be a significant source of fluid intake.

    Any number of hormonal disorders can trigger hunger as well. Fatigue, menstral cycles, stress, menopause and other things can mess with your hormones on a temporary basis and signal hunger, besides long term disorders.
  • Nicshtik
    Nicshtik Posts: 36 Member
    I have hunger and then "hunger".
    I am hungry when I have not eaten enough, or when I have eaten the wrong proportions of fuel. Food is just fuel...so if I eat the wrong kind (empty carbs, not enough protein or fiber), then my body hasn't gotten what it needs and craves more.
    But...I am "hungry" when I am bored, tired, stressed out, PMSing, on my period, etc. That's not a physiologic response to an actual need, that's an emotional response to a want which my body has been taught to interpret as hunger.
    "Dieting" and positively changing my lifestyle is, in part, re-teaching my body to properly interpret these signals for what they are.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    was talking to a friend about this last night.

    its all a mind game.....

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    miriamtob wrote: »
    This question was asked in another thread and it seemed worthy of its own topic. Have we really gotten to the root of the problem, saying overweight and obesity is caused by overeating? If someone feels hungry after there TDEE has been met, those hunger signals are a physiological response. What is the cause of the intense hunger?

    Depends, and understanding why if you are is important, I think.

    For some (but this is rarely my issue), it could be because of food choice. I normally eat in a way where it's not, however. Looking at whether your diet needs more volume or a different mix of foods would be something to think of, though. I've definitely seen posters complain of hunger with a diary that I'd be really hungry on (lots of liquid calories or the like).

    For others, it may be that they are perceiving hunger for some other feeling, like with those who stress eat or emotionally eat or boredom eat.

    For the most part, though, I don't actually think people overeat because of hunger or even perceived hunger. I think more often it's because food tastes good and is there. Do you keep eating in a restaurant (if you ever do) because you are hungry? Or simply because there are no cues telling you to stop eating?

    I have weak hunger/satiety cues, though, so my perception could be off.
  • grandmamere
    grandmamere Posts: 155 Member
    ahamm002 wrote: »

    ^this was a very interesting article. my thoughts were going toward to much fast food, restaurants availability, including our food stores/markets providing an array of "quick foods" to take home. We really do need to get back to the basics.