How I feel about some of these forums

I always used fitnesspal and loved the app, I never even noticed a community aspect to it. I recently started reading a lot of the forums and lookig for motivation, etc. While I found great inspiration and good people I also noticed a lot of judgement and putting people down for their way of weight loss or their ideas. It makes new people feel unwelcome & hesitant to share posts. I wish we were all more peaceful and friendlier here


  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    I wouldn't say they're putting them down per se... I see it more as educating them on how weight loss works. It's good that there's rebuttals to things like the "military diet", letting people know you don't have to drastic extreme things in order to lose weight. You can lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way instead of starving yourself.
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    edited May 2015
    True. But some people do need that reality check. For example if everyone was nice and noone ever told me I was fat I would probably still be fat. If noone ever told me eating poverty calories and wasting endless hour on cardio was stupid I'd probably still be doing it. Tough love bro, sometimes its the best way.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Is it Friday already?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member

    That's the way it is throughout the internet. You'll find people who are helpful, and people who only want to start trouble.

    (Wait, it's not Friday, right?)
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,153 Member
    It's just like real life. Except those same people are typing in words. Some helpful, some not. Either way, just take what you can use and don't worry about the rest! Just like in real life.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    edited May 2015
    They're not putting down the person. They're putting down the idea. People get on here and say "I'm going to take this diet pill" or "I'm doing the _______ Cleanse" or "how do I get rid of toxins in my body" and they often spread misconceptions to other people who don't know any better. These types of posters also tend to be defensive or unreceptive to the helpful advice. They only want to be told what they want to hear, not the truth.

    I myself have found the experienced and/or successful members blunt no bull $#!t answers quite helpful.
  • dalila747
    dalila747 Posts: 153 Member
    Yes, I have noticed that too. It happens in all forums that are singularly minded. It's one thing to tell someone you disagree or point out why their method may not work, but often times I see a lot of sarcasm and snark.
  • tootle4
    tootle4 Posts: 8 Member
    The world is an unfriendly place.

    If you are looking for a more supportive weight loss environment, you might try finding a group like OA or TOPS.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I wouldn't say they're putting them down per se... I see it more as educating them on how weight loss works. It's good that there's rebuttals to things like the "military diet", letting people know you don't have to drastic extreme things in order to lose weight. You can lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way instead of starving yourself.
    This and this!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    baby05phat wrote: »
    I always used fitnesspal and loved the app, I never even noticed a community aspect to it. I recently started reading a lot of the forums and lookig for motivation, etc. While I found great inspiration and good people I also noticed a lot of judgement and putting people down for their way of weight loss or their ideas. It makes new people feel unwelcome & hesitant to share posts. I wish we were all more peaceful and friendlier here

    well, it's just like real far as I know, there's nowhere on the planet where everyone is *kitten* rainbows.

    beyond that, people do come up with a lot of BS and it's important to shoot down factually incorrect bull. unfortunately, many people interpret challenging their factually incorrect *kitten* as being "mean" or whatever.
  • baby05phat
    baby05phat Posts: 71 Member
    I'm especially talking about the "clean eating" hate going on. People instantly get attacked for suggesting they are going to restrict certain foods, eat raw or just eat unprocessed/nutritious foods only. Some people have to do this or the other food triggers a massive binge from those with binge eating disorder, etc.
    I'm just saying we are all different, can we be a little more open minded to different things. Obviously unhealthy diets and things that will harm you can be commented upon but then again even fasting for short periods of time is healthy for some people and some doctors even recommend intense diets for people who's situation is life/death.

  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Some of the people that you are complaining about are probably the people that kept me coming back to the forums for more information. I would much rather be told that I'm doing something wrong than have someone pat my hand and tell me something that they think would make me feel better. At least the first group of people take the time to share their knowledge and I wouldn't be wasting my time by continuing to do things the wrong way.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    life is hard bro

    the vocal people here know what works and have the data and results to back it up
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    edited May 2015
    Take the good advice, ignore the trolls. :) A lot of it is just sarcasm because you get the same questions over and over and over again. Of course new people are going to get rude answers when all they have to do is read the stickies on top of the forum instead of just blindly throwing out questions that are already the stickies.

    There is a better way to explain things that being a bully...but hey, they look rude in the end, not you. Everyone else knows they are rude. The only members who don't see it are the other condescending people - unfortunately they have the bigger mouths.
  • baby05phat
    baby05phat Posts: 71 Member
    edited May 2015
    Is there seriously no way to get rid of toxins? Then why does bloodwork look so much better after the person has lost weight and become healthier? A toxin is anything that damages the body.
    Plus are all of you doctors? Lol ...even science and doctors only know so much about the human body. We are unsure of so many things and still researching for example we are still unsure of gmo's and what they can do to us in the future, we have a growing obesity epidemic so I just thought this place would be friendlier
  • Jasmunr
    Jasmunr Posts: 147 Member
    edited May 2015
    I agree.

    There's a difference between saying "I understand there's a common misconception that that works to lose weight, but here's how it actually works"

    "Why the *kitten* are you doing that?"
    "That's not how it works"
    "What is "unhealthy"

    Seriously the majority of people on here either respond like an as*hole or in a passive agressive manner. There is nothing wrong with ignorance. You can easily explain it without being a huge dick.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    Yeah, some people are just plain condescending *kitten*.

    I don't deal with that in real life, and I see no reason to deal with it here. I'm wide open to constructive criticism -- emphasis on constructive. Just not plain assholish.

    That's why I keep my circle small IRL (of people who will support me, yet call me out when needed in a constructive way), and generally stay off the boards here.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    edited May 2015
    No forum is going to filled with perfect people, just like life. A lot of what you see is people trying to educate new members about bad ideas they've gotten or tips on things to try. Granted, some of that advice comes out snarky, but sometimes it does because it's been repeated so many times and is also in the announcement topics at the top, and people get frustrated at saying the same thing over and over. That may be what you're seeing as 'meanness'.

    And yes, some people are just mean and/or trolls. Again, just like the real world, though maybe a slightly higher percent since the internet tends to remove people from what they're seeing and saying. To some, words on the screen are just words on the screen; they don't associate them with an actual person. They also feel like the other person will never find out who they are, and those together tend to remove some filters on some people. Best advice I can give is focus on the positive and ignore the negative. If you focus on the negative, that's all you'll see and you'll really get yourself down.

    baby05phat wrote: »
    Is there seriously no way to get rid of toxins? Then why does bloodwork look so much better after the person has lost weight and become healthier? A toxin is anything that damages the body.
    Plus are all of you doctors? Lol ...even science and doctors knows so much about the human body and we are still unsure of gmo's and what they can do to us in the future, we have a growing obesity epidemic so I just thought this place would be friendlier

    Your body does fine removing toxins without help, unless your kidneys or liver stop functioning. Using the detox diets only make you miserable and don't have any actual health benefit to them. A person's blood work looks better after losing weight is probably a sign of the person eating a more healthy diet and exercising, both of which contribute to that. Not detoxifing.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I like the fact that there are a variety of personalities on this board. It would be boring otherwise.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    baby05phat wrote: »
    Is there seriously no way to get rid of toxins? Then why does bloodwork look so much better after the person has lost weight and become healthier? A toxin is anything that damages the body.
    Plus are all of you doctors? Lol ...even science and doctors knows so much about the human body and we are still unsure of gmo's and what they can do to us in the future, we have a growing obesity epidemic so I just thought this place would be friendlier

    Role reversal... :D You're doing the same thing you're complaining about.. and what do you mean by friendlier? If someone has a differing opinion than you do, does that make MFP unfriendly?!?!?
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    baby05phat wrote: »
    Is there seriously no way to get rid of toxins? Then why does bloodwork look so much better after the person has lost weight and become healthier? A toxin is anything that damages the body.
    Plus are all of you doctors? Lol ...even science and doctors knows so much about the human body and we are still unsure of gmo's and what they can do to us in the future, we have a growing obesity epidemic so I just thought this place would be friendlier

    Lmao, you make a post saying how you dislike people who talk in the forums argumentatively and aggressively, then write a post like this. Just read what you are saying.

    "Plus are all of you doctors? Lol"

    Sounds like mockery to me bro. You don't need to be a doctor to know what your talking about. Also, you are severely on that there 'hippie time'. Nobody likes nutrition hippies, that's probably why your encountering such negativity.

  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    baby05phat wrote: »
    I'm especially talking about the "clean eating" hate going on. People instantly get attacked for suggesting they are going to restrict certain foods, eat raw or just eat unprocessed/nutritious foods only. Some people have to do this or the other food triggers a massive binge from those with binge eating disorder, etc.
    I'm just saying we are all different, can we be a little more open minded to different things. Obviously unhealthy diets and things that will harm you can be commented upon but then again even fasting for short periods of time is healthy for some people and some doctors even recommend intense diets for people who's situation is life/death.

    I'd say a higher percentage of people fail due to that sort of restriction than the amount that fail due to food triggers. Attempting an unsustainable lifestyle, imo, is the reason most people fail at weight loss. Most people being "attacked", as you say, are attempting an unsustainable lifestyle that they will give up on within 2 weeks. Almost everyone on this forum is trying to help others!
  • doktorglass
    doktorglass Posts: 91 Member
    edited May 2015
    baby05phat wrote: »
    I'm especially talking about the "clean eating" hate going on. People instantly get attacked for suggesting they are going to restrict certain foods, eat raw or just eat unprocessed/nutritious foods only. Some people have to do this or the other food triggers a massive binge from those with binge eating disorder, etc.

    That's because this is a weight loss forum. Approach to health is individual, and if they wish to eat a rule-based diet for the sake of health I have not heard anyone being against it yet.
    People that post their restrictive diets as an approach to weight loss is spreading misinformation and should be questioned.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I love this place because of the tough love stance and the hard line on science. There are tons of places on the internet where people can get support for their woo and pseudoscience and a pat on the head every time they "ruined their diet" again, even if it's the fiftieth time. I don't need that, I need this.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    edited May 2015
    baby05phat wrote: »
    Is there seriously no way to get rid of toxins? Then why does bloodwork look so much better after the person has lost weight and become healthier? A toxin is anything that damages the body.
    Plus are all of you doctors? Lol ...even science and doctors knows so much about the human body and we are still unsure of gmo's and what they can do to us in the future, we have a growing obesity epidemic so I just thought this place would be friendlier

    if we're talking about obesity then all that matters is CICO.

    restrictive diets like "clean" eating, or dangerous approaches like "toxin cleanses", are unnecessary for weight loss and generally unsustainable for long-term practice.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    baby05phat wrote: »
    Is there seriously no way to get rid of toxins? Then why does bloodwork look so much better after the person has lost weight and become healthier? A toxin is anything that damages the body.
    Plus are all of you doctors? Lol ...even science and doctors only know so much about the human body. We are unsure of so many things and still researching for example we are still unsure of gmo's and what they can do to us in the future, we have a growing obesity epidemic so I just thought this place would be friendlier

    Your body naturally removes toxins. The reason bloodwork looks better after a person has lost weight is because they've reduced the size of the body that the internal organs have to remove toxins from. Same thing with blood pressure. If the is less places that have to have food an oxygen, the heart doesn't have to work as hard getting blood to those places.
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    I tried Atkins & Nutrisystem (2 of the the "magic pills" of weight loss.) Lost a little & gained a ton back when I stopped dieting.

    Only by tracking everything, exercising regularly & eating at a deficit helped me lose weight & keep it off.

    You know, just like those *ssholes online had been telling me to. For years.
  • baby05phat
    baby05phat Posts: 71 Member
    I have binge eating disorder and I managed to eat strictly organic/healthy foods and never binge for a year and then I went to tim hortons followed by mcdonalds on someones birthday and binged nonstop, anytime I eat those foods the binging is triggered.
    Maybe moderation only works for some people and not for others at all
  • hmrambling
    hmrambling Posts: 321 Member
    edited May 2015
    And here I thought I'd find a question or information about General Diet and Weight Loss Help. I mean, that is what forum this thread is posted in.

    Like your body the way it is? Keep doing what you're doing. Want to change your body and your mindset around food and exercise? Be open to listen to what people have to say here. Take what you like, and leave the rest. That's how I feel about these forums.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    90% of people on here mean well. sometimes people's replys can be taken the wrong way, it can be tough to tell when we are all typing on a computer and u can't actually see facial expressions, tone of voice, so on. they're are the odd 10% that almost always have a negative response. after awhile u just realize who they are and take it with a grain of salt. i love the forums and find most people have great advice, sugar coated or not. some people are on here are looking for validation in they're extreme diets and when they don't get it they decide everyone is mean. that is the one thing that drives me bonkers
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