How much weight did you lose before people started to notice?



  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I've lost 30 and no one has noticed. It's not that they won't say anything because I've heard several of them ask an acquaintance about her weight loss. Pffft. It's like half of the weight I need to lose so you'd think it would be apparent but I guess not. Like you though, I don't really care, I'm doing this for me. :smile:
  • ryan_aye
    ryan_aye Posts: 12 Member
    A few people commented when I had lost about 15-20 pounds but most people really started noticing at 25-30 pounds. I've lost over 50 pounds and it's been very evident. I don't really like to call attention to myself so I didn't mind people not noticing but it's definitely nice when someone does say something. A lot of it may have to do with your own body composition as well and where you've lost the weight. In any case, keep up the good work!
  • Happinessgrl
    Happinessgrl Posts: 92 Member
    People started noticing around 20 lbs but they didn't want to say anything to me at the time because they didn't know if I was doing it on purpose or not and they thought that if they said something I would quite. After losing over 100+ and saw the BIG smiles on my face, they realized that I did in on purpose and that it was pretty safe to say something.
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    People started noticing at around 20lbs, and REALLY started noticing at around 35.
  • charrisncbuc
    charrisncbuc Posts: 2 Member
    25 -30 lbs until people really started saying anything. Mainly from co workers and friends that have been a month or so since last saw me. It was good to hear the positive reinforcements and motivates to continue. Not so much want to lose more just change how I look, add and define muscle.
  • AnnaFit4Life
    AnnaFit4Life Posts: 106 Member
    It does depend on what stage of the game your at. I started out with about 70 lbs to lose and after the first 30lbs and a few sizes down. No one noticed. I even had someone come up to me with a diet I should try. I never told them I was doing great on my own plan and lost 30lbs,,,,obviously even though I noticed they didn' them I still looked overweight (In all fairness, I still was and that's all they saw). Well when they saw me 4 months later 70lbs down....their jaws dropped to the floor and their heads where spinning. It was too funny. I'd say a good 45lbs before anyone really started to noticed on me.
  • cstorey1976
    cstorey1976 Posts: 30 Member
    A few people starting commenting after I had lost the first 20 (at 40lbs lost now) but people really starts to notice when I hit the 30-35 lb point. It seemed that overnight people started noticing. Before that I got a lot of 'your hair looks great' comments even though I hadn't changed my hair. I found it amusing, it's like people knew something was different but didn't know what so they went with the hair. Lol!
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Before that I got a lot of 'your hair looks great' comments even though I hadn't changed my hair. I found it amusing, it's like people knew something was different but didn't know what so they went with the hair. Lol!

    Ha, yeah that's pretty funny
  • sajero2
    sajero2 Posts: 47 Member
    It takes a lot for me. I started off at 5'6.5", 164 lbs. I am currently 137. Just this morning two coworkers FINALLY acknowledged I looked good/had lost weight (one even said "skinny"). So that's about 27 pounds before anyone said anything! Like others have said, I think it depends on where you start and how you carry weight. It took me nearly to goal (within 10 lbs. anyway) to really have people notice enough to say something.
  • kansasgrl1500
    kansasgrl1500 Posts: 16 Member
    For me it was about 30lbs in when I first started a few comments, and then 40lbs when I started getting a lot of comments. It was also at the 40lb mark that I bought some clothes that actually fit me. I think better fitting clothes confirmed for many people that I had lost weight. I also had one co-worker who told me another co-worker asked her if I was sick or trying to lose weight. Basically, the other co-worker didn't want to say anything insensitive in case I was ill. But, I really think once you start wearing new smaller clothes that is when most people start to notice.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I'm 5'2", have lost 27 pounds since November, and only the people who know I've been counting calories and working out have noticed, or at least they say they do. One reason is because I'm losing slowly but steadily. Another is that I refuse to buy new clothes until I get to my goal weight and am shopping from my closet, wearing clothes that haven't fit in five years or more. For some reason, short people don't show weight loss nearly as fast as tall people.
  • leslieroman98
    leslieroman98 Posts: 20 Member
    5lbs and my mom noticed, but I hadn't told her I was trying to lose weight. I'm 4'9 so that also contributes to it lol
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    LenaGracie wrote: »
    So far, I've lost about 25lbs (and 3 inches from my waist!) and although I can see changes in my body and how my clothes fit, none of my family or friends have commented that I look like I've lost weight. I'm a self-motivated person so I don't necessarily need outside validation or praise for my weight loss, but it would be nice if people noticed! So I'm curious, how much weight did you lose before people started commenting that you looked smaller?

    You need to understand that there very well could be people that notice but feel it's not wise to say anything so that it doesn't come out as being offensive. To some hearing "Hey have you lost some weight" can easily sound like "Hey, you're not as fat anymore".

    But people could say " you look great " ! I think that's a nice way of putting it.
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    I think the earliest was ten pounds. After fifteen it was obvious (for reference: 5'8, SW 150)
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    LenaGracie wrote: »
    So far, I've lost about 25lbs (and 3 inches from my waist!) and although I can see changes in my body and how my clothes fit, none of my family or friends have commented that I look like I've lost weight. I'm a self-motivated person so I don't necessarily need outside validation or praise for my weight loss, but it would be nice if people noticed! So I'm curious, how much weight did you lose before people started commenting that you looked smaller?

    You need to understand that there very well could be people that notice but feel it's not wise to say anything so that it doesn't come out as being offensive. To some hearing "Hey have you lost some weight" can easily sound like "Hey, you're not as fat anymore".

    But people could say " you look great " ! I think that's a nice way of putting it.

    Actually, someone said that to me at church. I thanked him and said I had been doing a little (then I held up my two hands in a fist and moved my index fingers up then down then pointing at each other, repeating three times) and he finally got it and broke up laughing.
  • AndiDurall
    AndiDurall Posts: 17 Member
    I've lost 30 and only my husband notices. But I have a lot more to go. I feel the difference and I can see some but not much. I'm kinda hoping nobody really notices though. I really want to walk in to the family Christmas party and have people be really shocked. We don't live very close to family or see them very often so this is kind of one of my little motivations.
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    I lost a bunch of weight ... I can't recall now whether it was last summer or the summer before. I really expected people in the chorus to notice when we resumed rehearsals in the fall. But I think I'd lost 10 or 15 during the winter and the total was about 40 by the end of summer. After another 4 or 5 months, a bunch of people started asking if i'd lost weight. At that point, I was maintaining.

  • RNChristie33
    RNChristie33 Posts: 144 Member
    edited May 2015
    I agree with others who have said sometimes people just don't know what to say or how to say it. Weight can be such a touchy subject that some people will steer clear of it altogether!!
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Lost 30 ish kg before people at work commented/congratulated me.
  • jwat90
    jwat90 Posts: 178 Member
    I had lost 20 lbs and nobody noticed! I couldn't believe it. I told my husband "Do you know how fat I must be if no one noticed I lost 20 lbs!". He told me it shows that people don't notice my weight as much as I think they do. It made me realize that I focus way too much on how I look and my friends and family only notice "me" not how I look. Don't do what I did and put it all back on. You're doing great! Keep it up! :)