Too Scared Too Weigh

mrsbutla Posts: 18 Member
edited May 2015 in Motivation and Support
I managed to maintain my 45kg loss for almost 5 years but this past year I have piled some back on . I've just put jeans on I haven't worn for about a year and they literally wont button up . How do I face the scales without feeling worse than I already do. I feel like I've let myself go and let myself down . It's easily must be at least a 14 lb gain . Anyone else in the same position ?


  • pineapple_peach10
    pineapple_peach10 Posts: 239 Member
    edited May 2015
    I have had scale fear many times in my life. I guess the best advice is to just do it. Knowing you are getting back on track might make it easier.

    Good luck <3
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    It's just a number - a starting point. Whether or not you know what that number is won't change it, but by stepping on the scales you take accountability and can work on losing the little bit that you've gained. Well done on losing 45 kg and maintaining it for so long! You obviously know how to lose weight and you've been successful, so a small gain really isn't much to deal with. Just do it :)
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    Your body knows how much you weigh, what does it matter if your mind knows too? It won't change the number, it will just let you know where you are and then you can start to reduce it. Then next time you weigh in you will be happy to see a lesser number, if you don't know the original number, how can you be happy with your progress? All the best, now go jump on the scale!! :)
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Yeah, I went through that. Look, It's just info. With clothes, you can fool yourself a bit (by relying on leggings too much, as I did). Things happen, don't beat yourself up. You're dealing with it now, and you know you can do it, because you did it before.
  • stephaniasantos
    stephaniasantos Posts: 2 Member
    I know you are scared and it must be difficult but look at what you have accomplished! 45kg!! That is amazing and I'm sure 7 little kg will be gone as soon as you decide it, I admire your will! And you should too, get on the scale girl! You are my hero :)
  • dondotwinks
    dondotwinks Posts: 93 Member
    Also remember that you might still weigh the same as you did before and just need to get some weights to redefine your body.
    I know this sounds strange but last year at just 2lbs higher than i am now, my body composition was different as i had spent more time in the gym. I was slimmer , i slacked off for a while and then got back into it but I haven't been gym for a couple weeks now as i bruised my ribs so have just been doing my dog walks but as i haven't really been preserving muscle i have more fat ( fat is bigger in size than muscle but weighs the same) So basically i have kept fat and lost muscle if that makes sense? I'm sure others can explain it better.
    All the best getting back down :)
  • mrsbutla
    mrsbutla Posts: 18 Member
    I know you are scared and it must be difficult but look at what you have accomplished! 45kg!! That is amazing and I'm sure 7 little kg will be gone as soon as you decide it, I admire your will! And you should too, get on the scale girl! You are my hero :)

    Thank you . I know I can do it but I've lost a lot of confidence in those few pounds . It's crazy . I was so big for so long and yes I wasn't happy but I'm sure I felt better and happier than I do now . I'm going to put those jeans on same day every week , instead of scales , I'll use them to gauge my progress . Hopefully each week they'll fit better
  • ronnymontoya255
    ronnymontoya255 Posts: 25 Member
    mrsbutla wrote: »
    I managed to maintain my 45kg loss for almost 5 years but this past year I have piled some back on . I've just put jeans on I haven't worn for about a year and they literally wont button up . How do I face the scales without feeling worse than I already do. I feel like I've let myself go and let myself down . It's easily must be at least a 14 lb gain . Anyone else in the same position ?

    From what others have said in different discussions, sometimes using a scale can be counterproductive especially if one constantly weighs themselves every day expecting to see a loss in weight. The fact that you tried on a pair of jeans and had difficulty should be all the verification you need. Stepping on a scale will only add to the hurt.

    I have read that if one uses a scale, to only weigh once a month or every few weeks.
  • Hollisamara
    Hollisamara Posts: 106 Member
    This is how I was in January. I refused to weigh myself as I was too scared to see how much weight I'd put on. I expected about 14lbs. At the end of February I plucked up the courage and was absolutely devastated to find I was actually 28lbs heavier! I'm glad I did it though as it gave me a well needed push to get my butt in gear and start counting calories. So my advice is just do it! X