
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hi Mel!!

    Of course Im in! THANK YOU for setting up this group and for a place for us to talk, vent, share our goals and for all the support!

    Im still sick and a bit under the weather, but as soon I get better, I am onto detox for a week then on to healthy, clean eating! I cant wait to get to 120 as my ultimate goal and I need to get to the 120's soon! Even if I see 129, i will jump for joy!!

    Great idea Mel! :heart:

    Love your group!!

    My lovely Sonia!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    So nice to see you here, I know your still not very well but your doing great xx

    I will be detoxing again in a few weeks I think, I pretty much messed up this one!! :noway:
    Wishing you well :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hello all!

    So today was my second day in a row going to the gym! Woot woot! No joke, that's a big deal for me. Especially since I was super sore from yoga yesterday. I was considering flaking and then decided to put my "goal jeans" on. Well, they get over my hips (which again is a big deal, since last time I tried them on, I could barely get them past my thighs), but that was it- no way, no how were they buttoning, or even zipping for that matter. So that gave me the extra oomph I needed to get out the door!

    Also, took another member's great idea to start carrying fruit in my bag. Unfortunately, my banana ended up on the losing end of that venture but it did give me something to search for on the internet while trying to avoid doing work- voila! my purchase of the day- a banana saver! You should totally check it out- no more mushed bananas in your bag! Thank god for the internet and online shopping ;)

    YAY!!! Sounds like your getting very serious about this!!
    Two days at the gym is great, keep up the good work!!! I MUST do my turbo jam today, among all the other running around I will be doing, have loads to do today but hoping to get a good workout in as well!!

    I love the trying on jeans session you mentioned!! made me laugh!!! :laugh:
    I must do this more regularly too. clothes really do motivate me to getting those last few pounds off!!

    Wishing you well for this weekend!! :drinker:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Ok... well, my ticker is up to date and I have weighed in, I am at 108.8 today officially only 3.2lbs from my goal, but these are stubborn little git's and don't seem to want to move.

    I will be extra good this weekend, usually after a detox a have a treat meal or day or weekend!! and promptly start regaining, BUT not this time.
    I'm going to make a fresh batch of protein flapjacks today and be sure to take them with me this weekend, I'm staying away with friends tonight and won't be back till sunday afternoon.
    So no weighing in until monday now, I will then update my ticker with mondays weight.
    TOM is due next week so normally I gain, this will be depressing to watch my ticker going up - usually I don't weigh this week but I'm starting from scratch so I want to see what I gain and be aware that I can help myself this week rather than just ignoring it and eating loads of rubbish then have to deal with the results the following week.

    My weekly exercise plan will be :
    2 turbo jam workout, any
    2 shred workouts, any
    2 runs, any length but I'll aim for 30 minutes each, more or less depending on time available.
    Plus additional walking, cycling, yoga and other DVD's such as dance and cardio/strength DVD's
    Also I have weights I use at home, I should aim to do 5 sessions a week of weights 15 minutes a session.
    I could set more but I'm trying to be realistic to the time I have available, so 6 workout minimum a week, plus other bits daily.


    Good luck for the weekend everyone :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • KendraLF
    KendraLF Posts: 9 Member
    Hello all!

    So today was my second day in a row going to the gym! Woot woot! No joke, that's a big deal for me. Especially since I was super sore from yoga yesterday. I was considering flaking and then decided to put my "goal jeans" on. Well, they get over my hips (which again is a big deal, since last time I tried them on, I could barely get them past my thighs), but that was it- no way, no how were they buttoning, or even zipping for that matter. So that gave me the extra oomph I needed to get out the door!

    Also, took another member's great idea to start carrying fruit in my bag. Unfortunately, my banana ended up on the losing end of that venture but it did give me something to search for on the internet while trying to avoid doing work- voila! my purchase of the day- a banana saver! You should totally check it out- no more mushed bananas in your bag! Thank god for the internet and online shopping ;)

    Way to go! I love that you actually put on your goal jeans! With that as motivation you'll be fitting in them in no time!
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Of course Id join your group Mel! :heart: You have the best tips and receipies ever!!

    I still am not 100% better, but starting tomorrow I will start again with 30 mins of light exericise and try to keep up with 30-45 mins minimum of exercise per 5x with 20 mins of strength training.

    I always slack off on the weekends and I have to make sure that I am strict as well on weekends to get to my goal!

    We can do it!!!!!

    Im glad to see so many people in this group! We can all motivate and support each other!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Right, tomorrow is day 1 again !! No more chocs, cakes, fizzy drinks, alcohol (in the week) or take aways.
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Of course Id join your group Mel! :heart: You have the best tips and receipies ever!!

    I still am not 100% better, but starting tomorrow I will start again with 30 mins of light exericise and try to keep up with 30-45 mins minimum of exercise per 5x with 20 mins of strength training.

    I always slack off on the weekends and I have to make sure that I am strict as well on weekends to get to my goal!

    We can do it!!!!!

    Im glad to see so many people in this group! We can all motivate and support each other!

    Hey Sweetie :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I hope your feeling better now xxx

    I'm sure we can do it, it's a case of knuckling down and being really careful with what goes in!!!
    I've done pretty well this weekend, I have managed to control the biscuits - Still not had a single one!! A week today!!!!

    I need to get back into a more disciplined exercise routine, I have got very slack lately, and there's really no excuse for me, I can do more but I have been lazy :huh:

    This week I will try to complete: 2 runs, 2 shred DVD workout's & 2 Turbo Jam DVD workout's
    Plus do 5 sessions of weights and additional walking, cycling and other things such as yoga.

    Good luck this week, I hope your feeling much better now :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Right, tomorrow is day 1 again !! No more chocs, cakes, fizzy drinks, alcohol (in the week) or take aways.

    Hi Mat!!! :tongue:

    Wow!!! Sounds like a good list!!!!

    Well done!!

    I'll be following something similar too, I'm sure we will see results if we stick to it.

    Can't wait to hear how you get on :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Good morning everyone :flowerforyou:

    I have done my best this weekend, I have eaten a few treats but largely I have stuck to my eating plan and I have NOT HAD A BISCUIT FOR A WEEK!!!!! Woooo hooooo!!!
    I feel ok no that I have been away from them for a while, I have made a few batches of home-made protein flapjacks and I'm allowed to have one of these if I need a biscuity thing!!
    I think I can actually swap these permanently, I feel better for not eating the biscuits and I know that the protein flapjacks are made with all good food, all the ingredients are on my fat burning list!! So they should help me to stay on track.
    I will keep going with this list for a month and let you all know how it goes, if it is successful I will post it here for all to use.

    Today I weighed in - 110.4:noway:
    Which I'm not really surprised about, I have had a few baileys this weekend, plus pizza (frozen home cooked but still pizza) I also have hardly touched any water, just probably a bottle of two each day which I know is not enough.
    I am due TOM any time now and I know I will gain up to 6lbs this week (in water) :sad:
    But for once I am going to weigh daily and try to keep the damage as minimal as possible.

    So I shall reset my ticker today and see if I can get this down this week with my food plan and exercise.
    I'm sure next week my weight will come down naturally after TOM but I'm hoping to control this a bit this time rather than actually gaining weight as well as water.

    This weeks goals for me are :
    NO BISCUITS!!! Or cakes or chocolates or sweets or pastries.
    Eat lots of fresh fruit and veg and lean proteins, drink water. Stick to my food plan as much as possible.
    Exercise: 2 runs, 2 Shred DVD workout's, 2 Turbo Jam workout's.
    5 weight sessions - 15 minutes each. Additional walking, cycling and yoga plus any other various DVD's I might fancy doing.
    Weigh in daily and reset ticker daily. TRY to resist TOM cravings!!!!

    Wish you all the very best of luck this week with your goals!!!

    What are they?

    Hope you all do great :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Right, tomorrow is day 1 again !! No more chocs, cakes, fizzy drinks, alcohol (in the week) or take aways.

    Hi Mat!!! :tongue:

    Wow!!! Sounds like a good list!!!!

    Well done!!

    I'll be following something similar too, I'm sure we will see results if we stick to it.

    Can't wait to hear how you get on :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I'm sure we'll be seeing results again soon !!

    I need to start my running again too but doing 45 mins each way walking to and from work, I doubt I'll be motivated to go for a run too !!
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    Well, as expected, things completely went to **** over the weekend. My food choices weren't that bad, but I did consume roughly a bucket of booze and haven't worked out since Thursday. Back on the wagon today...

    So, question- how often do you guys weigh yourselves? I've come across conflicting info about this- some say everyday, some say every week... I rarely weigh myself just because my scale at home is terrible and I always forget to do it at the gym.

    Good luck this week everyone!!
  • Taylora94
    Taylora94 Posts: 43 Member
    I have the same problem put with 10 pounds. I would love to join!!!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I have the same problem put with 10 pounds. I would love to join!!!

    Welcome aboard!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Nice to have you with us :flowerforyou:

    So what are your goals? What are your diet demons?
    Mine are biscuits!! I'm trying to give the up for a month solid!! 1 week completed!!!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Right, tomorrow is day 1 again !! No more chocs, cakes, fizzy drinks, alcohol (in the week) or take aways.

    Hi Mat!!! :tongue:

    Wow!!! Sounds like a good list!!!!

    Well done!!

    I'll be following something similar too, I'm sure we will see results if we stick to it.

    Can't wait to hear how you get on :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I'm sure we'll be seeing results again soon !!

    I need to start my running again too but doing 45 mins each way walking to and from work, I doubt I'll be motivated to go for a run too !!

    Awww That sounds like your still carless?

    45 minutes walking each way everyday sounds great though, I think that will really help things along

    This week I think I'm going to try tor just 2 x 15 minute runs, it's been a while since I ran, so want to ease myself into it again, don't want to do myself another injury!!!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Well, as expected, things completely went to **** over the weekend. My food choices weren't that bad, but I did consume roughly a bucket of booze and haven't worked out since Thursday. Back on the wagon today...

    So, question- how often do you guys weigh yourselves? I've come across conflicting info about this- some say everyday, some say every week... I rarely weigh myself just because my scale at home is terrible and I always forget to do it at the gym.

    Good luck this week everyone!!

    Hey!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Sounds like you had a FUN weekend to me :wink: No worries we can get right back to it this week and make it all better!!

    I personally have gone through many stages, weighing weekly, weighing daily and then giving up weighing and judging from my clothes!!!
    I'm going back to weighing daily for a while as I think I stay more focused when I see a figure each morning, it gives me a feeling that I'm able to turn things around before I've gained a lot, and it also shows when I do really well.

    This week I will be heartbroken to watch my weight rise and rise, TOM is due any time now and I usually gain between4-6lbs in water :sad:
    But my thinking is that instead of ignoring it this time I can try to control it better and seeing the figure going up should make me feel I need to try harder, than seeing nothing then dealing with actual weight gain next week.

    I think you should do what works for you, some people measure, I think this is a wise thing to do too, I have some old measurements from various stages after having my son and I can see a huge difference, even though my weight shows less impressive loss.

    I wish you all the best this week!!! What are you main goals this week?

    Mel :flowerforyou:
  • svarble
    svarble Posts: 15
    Well, as expected, things completely went to **** over the weekend. My food choices weren't that bad, but I did consume roughly a bucket of booze and haven't worked out since Thursday. Back on the wagon today...

    So, question- how often do you guys weigh yourselves? I've come across conflicting info about this- some say everyday, some say every week... I rarely weigh myself just because my scale at home is terrible and I always forget to do it at the gym.

    Good luck this week everyone!!

    I hear ya on that one! I usually give myself Saturdays though. If I don't eat some of the foods that I love some of the time I will not eat healthy all of the time!
    I just talked my hubs into buying another scale. I am BAD about weighing myself too often. I'm glad you asked the question though, b/c I would like to know as well!
  • svarble
    svarble Posts: 15
    Main goals for this week, hmmmm. I wish I could say I plan on running!!! Agggh, still 10 weeks to go before I can do any of that. So, while I am still recovering from my foot surgery I plan on getting on the floor and doing some (girly) push ups, sit ups, crunches and any other type of ab exercise that I can come up with. I also plan on getting out my dumbbells and starting with some arm strength training.
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member

    Awww That sounds like your still carless?

    45 minutes walking each way everyday sounds great though, I think that will really help things along

    This week I think I'm going to try tor just 2 x 15 minute runs, it's been a while since I ran, so want to ease myself into it again, don't want to do myself another injury!!!

    Yep, still carless but in a way much better off. No petrol, tax, insurance to pay for, walking everywhere but when it rains, that is when it will suck and I shall have to get the bus.
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member

    Awww That sounds like your still carless?

    45 minutes walking each way everyday sounds great though, I think that will really help things along

    This week I think I'm going to try tor just 2 x 15 minute runs, it's been a while since I ran, so want to ease myself into it again, don't want to do myself another injury!!!

    Aww bless you!!!

    Just think of all those calories burned and money saved though!!
    I wish I could give up my car, I'd never get anything done, plus I work nearly 100 miles away from home so it's a bit of a non starter!!!

    Keep up the good work mate xxx

    Yep, still carless but in a way much better off. No petrol, tax, insurance to pay for, walking everywhere but when it rains, that is when it will suck and I shall have to get the bus.
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Well folks...

    I'm still at 110.4 today, so that means I gained NOTHING yesterday :laugh:

    Which I'm happy about, I know if I carry on like this my weight will start to drop soon, I must stay clear of the biscuits and get some exercise in today :bigsmile:

    I have a long hair appointment today, highlights!! So will have less time but I will try to fit a shred or Turbo jam in later tonight, I NEED to get back to doing daily exercise!!!!

    Good luck today everyone :heart: :heart: :heart:
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