I really really need a buddy.. Maybe someone with similar goals? 5'4" F 180s



  • pauldoucettefan
    pauldoucettefan Posts: 20 Member
    amiewee wrote: »
    Hi verity, I am 5'4 too and currently 159. I have really struggled with motivation recently but just started to go for it again since Sunday. Are you on Facebook, we have a small closed group you join if you want to? We have challenges and give each other lots of support

    So, I'm 5'7, but am up at 200 now :( I am looking for a supportive group to help keep me motivated. I love the idea of participating in challenges to help keep motivated and wonder if I could join your FB group ?

    Hello! I do not run the group but look it up, it is called Fit and Healthy Minds if I remember right, if you send a join request that should work, say I sent you!
  • pauldoucettefan
    pauldoucettefan Posts: 20 Member
    I just checked, it is called Fit and healthy minds. I was right!
  • millynvrz
    millynvrz Posts: 3 Member
    Hi...I'm 5'3 I weight 151 now I lost 15lbs in 3 months I'm 28 and really want to be fit and active and eat healthy which is really hard for me since i love food☺️☺️ Feel free to add me
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    I am 5'4 started at 170 in the beginning of February. Currently 137.4 hoping to get to 120-110 due to paralyzed calf muscles. Feel free to add me anyone but, I am not a vegetarian. I eat some sort of meat at pretty much all my meals.
  • clarey742015
    clarey742015 Posts: 6 Member
    Can you add me too please im very overweight anf lavk motivation
  • elliebear1972
    elliebear1972 Posts: 7 Member
    Last year I was down to 160 and ballooned back up to 190's. I'm 5'3 and while not back to my heaviest (around 230), I'm terrified that I'm heading that way. Really need some help and encouragement. I'm 43, but 20 something at heart and have an almost 10 year old son.
  • elliebear1972
    elliebear1972 Posts: 7 Member
    Oh, I would be interested in that Facebook group as well. I'm on all the time.
  • hannahsadler_tn
    hannahsadler_tn Posts: 77 Member
    Hi! I'm Hannah. I'm 5'3, 25 yo, and current weight is 185. I lost about 50 pounds over a year and a half using mfp but in a year and a half i also put all the weight back on. 2 moves, grad school, and living with my fiancee have all kept me from making good choices lately. Today is actually my first day back on mfp since... january maybe? I used to run and lift heavy but for right now im just focused on getting this eating situation under control. Please, everyone who has posted, feel free to add me! We can do this together!!
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    HI!! I'm almost 26, 5'1" and 170. Shooting for about 130. I lost 20 but put some back on. :disappointed:
  • betancourtky
    betancourtky Posts: 33 Member
    Hi add me I'm 28, 5'5 186lb, try to get down to 155
  • kristynicole4
    kristynicole4 Posts: 40 Member
    What is this about a fb group? I'd be keen. I'm 5'5. Weighed 170, got down to 149 last summer, now I'm back to 158 :( I'd like to get down to 140. I'm 25 as well.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Hey, 5'4" here. I've been as high as 178 or possibly higher (didn't weigh myself much throughout college). I started MFP at 163 and am maintaining between 130-133 now. The time goes by fast! Enjoy yourself, and good luck!
  • RunningIsMyLife77
    RunningIsMyLife77 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I'm new to this I'm 5'6 and 214. I start diet and exercise but give up..I need hope help and motivation. Add me I'm here for anybody that needs a friend
  • niragorshia
    niragorshia Posts: 49 Member
    Hey add me. Im 26 i have 2 little princessses. I use to weight 13.5.5 stones
    i am now 11.8.4 stones
    I want to get down to 9.5 hopefully
    I was really motivated in the beginning.
    Slowly starting to lose that motivation. I would love to have a buddy whom i can support and help and can support me back.
    Im also a vegeterian.
    Today im starting fresh again.after eating bad for a week and a half. I have not put any of my weight back on thank god.
    Hope we cn help each other.
  • Vickilick
    Vickilick Posts: 81 Member
    I'm Vicki, 28 and 152. I'm 5'2" and would love to have you on my friends list on here as all my other friends no longer log on :(
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I'd totally be down.. or is it up? Lol for a Facebook group. I'm really tired but I'll read all of this in the morning and reply. I didn't see it earlier. I'll add everyone who doesn't mind :) or feel free to request me.
  • lolakinks
    lolakinks Posts: 391 Member
    Hi, we're really similar. I'm 25, 5'4, around 190 lbs and vegetarian too :) Feel free to add me. I'm starting today again a new healthy diet.
  • iharvestmoons
    iharvestmoons Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I'm 5'2" and 150 with a few goals.. 140, 135, maybe ultimately 125. I haven't been 125 since high school and the biggest I was recently was 175 after I had my kid almost 3 years ago. I was 140 pre-baby, but can't seem to shake those last 10 lbs. I can diet just fine, but my biggest problem is that I now work at a desk job and don't really have a lot of spare time/motivation to exercise. Anyone, feel free to add me.