I ate the wagon

So I totally fell off the wagon then I ate the whole dang wagon and anything else I could find. I gained back the 13lbs I lost plus some more.

I had A LOT of excuses for why could not workout or why I was not eating healthy or I why I was not keeping up with my food diary but the truth was I was just be lazy. Well no more excuses!!!! I am going to make sure I keep up with my food diary and workout on a regular basis.

I need to change the way I have been doing things and I need to get healthy. I turn 30 in July and I do not want to enter my 30's feeling unhappy with myself.

I could really use as much support as I can get. So feel free to add me and we can do this whole getting healthy together.


  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    You got this! I have to admit I chuckled at your thread headline...haha...I've eaten the whole wagon before, too! I'm going on vacation this summer and I'm scared that I might do the same thing. Good thing is that there is a decent fitness facility at the resort we're staying at. So it'll just be making wise choices for meals. We'll have a kitchen, but I don't really think I want to spend my time making food. :wink:
  • jb_luck
    jb_luck Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks. Good luck on vacation. I know how hard it can be to workout on vacation even if they do have a great gym. I mean who really wants to go workout when there is so many other things to be done when away but I know you can do it :)
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    I know exactly where you're coming from (unfortunately!). Finally started to have some success and then had pizza last night. Trying to counteract the "damage" by drinking lots of water today and then will get out and walk after work or get on the treadmill if it's still raining.

    The vacation scenario also hits home with me - heading to Disney with my sisters in 2 weeks - yes, they have a lovely exercise facility, will I use it - no. Would rather be at the pool and will get my exercise walking while shopping.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    jb_luck wrote: »
    I turn 30 in July and I do not want to enter my 30's feeling unhappy with myself.

    This is great motivation by itself right here. Focus, focus, focus on this. This is what you want most, no? Keep the above in mind!
  • freeld62
    freeld62 Posts: 3 Member
    I can completely relate to eating the wagon! Lol! I am in my thirties and I can tell you it doesn't feel good not meeting that goal. I'll try to keep you accountable, feel free to add me.
  • jb_luck
    jb_luck Posts: 15 Member
    Yeah turning 30 is def a big motivator for me.
  • lesaw01
    lesaw01 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm working on my own wagon this week, only have the wheels left. There must be something in the air, I can't seem to stop thinking about food but luckily I'm at work and there isn't much around to eat.
  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    jb_luck wrote: »
    Thanks. Good luck on vacation. I know how hard it can be to workout on vacation even if they do have a great gym. I mean who really wants to go workout when there is so many other things to be done when away but I know you can do it :)

    Haha...good point. Hopefully, I'll have motivation!
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I wrote a topic just the other day about failure. I suggest checking it out, it may help you on getting back at things.

  • jtophinke
    jtophinke Posts: 61 Member
    I too ate the wagon. I moved last fall threw everyone's schedule off and stopped getting sleep for like 6 months. Now I'm having a hard time getting the motivation going. I keep friending people thinking that's going to stop me from eating us out of house and home.
  • jb_luck
    jb_luck Posts: 15 Member
    jtophinke wrote: »
    I too ate the wagon. I moved last fall threw everyone's schedule off and stopped getting sleep for like 6 months. Now I'm having a hard time getting the motivation going. I keep friending people thinking that's going to stop me from eating us out of house and home.

    Same thing happened to me. Things got out of whack and I went back to eating take out and fast food. This week something just clicked for me and now I am really determined to lose the weight and get healthy. Hopefully it sticks.
  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    jtophinke wrote: »
    I too ate the wagon. I moved last fall threw everyone's schedule off and stopped getting sleep for like 6 months. Now I'm having a hard time getting the motivation going. I keep friending people thinking that's going to stop me from eating us out of house and home.

    The horses were already gone?
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 969 Member
    jb_luck, I have eaten a convoy of wagons in the course of dieting and not dieting. You have youth on your side (oh to be 29 again...) and probably good knees so you can do all sorts of workouts. Really, the secret is to just make up your mind that you are going to eat right, move some and track your food carefully. And to also decide that, while slips happen, you are going to get back on the wagon immediately. Personally, because I have a taste for wagons, I don't allow myself a cheat meal, let alone a cheat day. If I decide I must have pizza, then I work it into my calorie count and if, because pizza is not long term filling and I don't have as many calories to eat at other meals, then if I am hungry I only have myself and my greedy gut to blame. I am an emotional eater by nature and love food (mostly the less than healthy kind) a lot. So this is a hard road. But since I am running out of time before menopause strikes and screws up everything, I am doing what I should have done years ago. Sucking it up, knuckling down and avoiding getting run over by wagons. Good luck. You can do this if you focus on the goals you set for yourself. Just remember, the tenth cookie does not taste any better than the first.
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 969 Member
    Gabrielm80 wrote: »
    I wrote a topic just the other day about failure. I suggest checking it out, it may help you on getting back at things.

    That was a fine post. And the baby is cute as heck. It should make us all think about how we react to falling down.
  • jb_luck
    jb_luck Posts: 15 Member
    nikkib0103 wrote: »
    jb_luck, I have eaten a convoy of wagons in the course of dieting and not dieting. You have youth on your side (oh to be 29 again...) and probably good knees so you can do all sorts of workouts. Really, the secret is to just make up your mind that you are going to eat right, move some and track your food carefully. And to also decide that, while slips happen, you are going to get back on the wagon immediately. Personally, because I have a taste for wagons, I don't allow myself a cheat meal, let alone a cheat day. If I decide I must have pizza, then I work it into my calorie count and if, because pizza is not long term filling and I don't have as many calories to eat at other meals, then if I am hungry I only have myself and my greedy gut to blame. I am an emotional eater by nature and love food (mostly the less than healthy kind) a lot. So this is a hard road. But since I am running out of time before menopause strikes and screws up everything, I am doing what I should have done years ago. Sucking it up, knuckling down and avoiding getting run over by wagons. Good luck. You can do this if you focus on the goals you set for yourself. Just remember, the tenth cookie does not taste any better than the first.

    I'm with you. I can't cheat because once I fall off the wagon I then eat the wagon:( I am not one to do things in halves, thats for sure.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    jb_luck wrote: »
    Well no more excuses!!!!

    That JB is absolutely the key. Everything else is easy, we just have to stop buying our own BS.

    I'll say that again...


    Ah, that felt good.

    Adding you. Anyone that feels the same, feel free to add me. :smile:

    Down 25kg since September 2014, on track to meet my goal by September 2015.
  • frameloss
    frameloss Posts: 92 Member
    lesaw01 wrote: »
    I'm working on my own wagon this week, only have the wheels left. There must be something in the air, I can't seem to stop thinking about food but luckily I'm at work and there isn't much around to eat.

    This! Can't stop thinking about food either! Can't wait forthe warm weather, thinking that will make me not want to eat :
  • kar2083
    kar2083 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm with you guys. I was trying to work out a balance so that I didn't feel deprived, but then what I ended up doing was making excuses everyday for why I needed to "treat myself". Reality check really came when a few days ago I weighed myself and realized I'd gained everything I had lost and then some and yesterday when I tried on some of my favourite summer outfits and realized that many of them no longer fit.
  • jtophinke
    jtophinke Posts: 61 Member
    andympanda wrote: »
    jtophinke wrote: »
    I too ate the wagon. I moved last fall threw everyone's schedule off and stopped getting sleep for like 6 months. Now I'm having a hard time getting the motivation going. I keep friending people thinking that's going to stop me from eating us out of house and home.

    The horses were already gone?
    Funny! On my farm horses are not allowed BC they would be eating the cattle out of barn and pasture.
  • jtophinke
    jtophinke Posts: 61 Member
    mwyvr wrote: »
    jb_luck wrote: »
    Well no more excuses!!!!

    That JB is absolutely the key. Everything else is easy, we just have to stop buying our own BS.

    I'll say that again...


    Ah, that felt good.

    Adding you. Anyone that feels the same, feel free to add me. :smile:

    Down 25kg since September 2014, on track to meet my goal by September 2015.

    Thanks for pointing out that it's our own bs. Totally agree.
  • jb_luck
    jb_luck Posts: 15 Member
    I almost ate another wagon on mothers day but help myself back as best I could.
  • larueam
    larueam Posts: 4 Member
    I think I have been eating the wagon for the last 2 years haha. I am also turning 30 soon and trying to stay motivated. Great job staying on track on Mother's Day!
  • tigerThea
    tigerThea Posts: 13 Member
    Well, I haven't eaten the wagon yet...but I sure want to. Constantly hungry and unsatisfied, whether the food was healthy or not. Tough week already.
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    Just came here to comment that the title made me chortle.
  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    I sent you a friend request--I totally know how that goes! Good for you for getting back on. That is one of my bigger motivators too. Birthday's in December and want to run into my 30s being much happier with myself and my body (and my fitness!). We can do it!
  • Praying_Mantis
    Praying_Mantis Posts: 239 Member
    I have been eating the wagon, too! And been skipping workouts. Now I have a head cold. Coincidence?
  • jb_luck
    jb_luck Posts: 15 Member
    I have been eating the wagon, too! And been skipping workouts. Now I have a head cold. Coincidence?

    I have been sick 2 time in the past month. I know when I was eating much healthier I was not getting sick that often.
  • rich7788
    rich7788 Posts: 2 Member
    Yup I am right there with you. Wagons really don't taste so good.
  • boo_boo61
    boo_boo61 Posts: 14 Member
    Im in if ye will have me. My kinda humor and to me at least thats some of the battle.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    You made me lol. Obviously you need to make changes and understand why you did fall off as well as believable adjustments that will prevent it happening again. I hope for your sake you cna cope with no more excuses because its the best way to be and not soemthing people sick with. Good luck, workouts arent that hard, you need to build and then you create progression.