Alcohol and Dieting



  • hd848
    hd848 Posts: 9 Member
    I've always heard you should avoid drinking your calories (including juice, soda, etc) I throw ice cream into that mix because it's too easy for me to eat it down quickly.

  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    Do whatever works for you. I am able to have a couple drinks on Saturdays, along with a cookie or 2 or some cake, plus some nice calorie dense nuts, and have still lost over 120 lbs.
  • K3rB3ar89
    K3rB3ar89 Posts: 263 Member
    Fml is all I can say. My fiancé and I rarely drink anymore but this summer has so much going on that I'm actually nervous about it lol.. This is my second time at it. I found the first time it helped to have a cheat day. That was my go out with my friends eat and drink what I want days! Seemed to work:)
  • K3rB3ar89
    K3rB3ar89 Posts: 263 Member
    haggs88 wrote: »
    Depends how much. Although empty calories. I say if it fits your macros do it. It really depends on your goal. If you want to be super cut then ditch it.. Geeze I need to listen to my own Actually day 2 on a no alcohol regime at present.


  • joyfulton94
    joyfulton94 Posts: 15 Member
    I have a Jack and Pepsi most nights. I enter it in the tracker in the morning before I even start eating so this calories are already gone lol. I make sure to get all of my water in through out the day and if not then I won't have my drink. I don't remove it from the tracker though, i just drink two on Saturday lol it works for me.