


  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    It most certainly can take up all of her calories, depends on what she puts in it and how many cups per day. I laugh when people say they drink a lot of coffee and are only drinking 4-6 cups a day. I had a 42 cup party pot and 1/2 of that is what I used to drink a day and I'm not kidding. Take 20 cups x's 2 tsps sugar...not measured so more likely 3 tsps and you get 640 + calories and then add the creamer, powdered is what I prefer and I never measured just poured it in probably about 5 tsps per cup, at 10 calories per tsp that's 50 calories x 20 cups and that makes 1640 for coffee alone per day. No, it never kept me awake, in fact I slept better then than I do now. Nowadays I drink 2 cups in the morning and 2 cups at night (except in the winter, then I may have 4 at night), 1 measured tsp of powdered creamer per cup -- just cannot bring myself to drink it black.

    So yes, cut back 1 cup every week or so and then slowly cut back on the amount of stuff you put in it. I went cold turkey with the sugar and had a headache for about a week, but now sugar tastes nasty in my coffee.
  • VitaTofuVegamin
    VitaTofuVegamin Posts: 5 Member

    Probably not, when I feel like eating something and I know I shouldn't, I grab a cup of coffee. If nothing else, the time it takes me to drink it keep me from eating for a while.

    Would love if that worked for me. But, no. I have tried that numerous times and find a correlation that when I drink coffee (black), I tend to have to fight more carb cravings throughout the day than if I resist having the coffee in the first place and go for something like herbal tea. I weaned myself from coffee w/ creamer and artificial sweetener or stevia onto black coffee quite some time ago thinking that would take care of the dilemma, but no.
  • meghanduprey
    meghanduprey Posts: 158 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    its the stuff i put in it and i hate black coffee

    In that case, you might as well drink milk.

    why? I use 10% cream and some sugar...180 calories for my coffee...not just my entire morning coffee binge drinking

    I put 1tbsp dried creamer and 1tbsp sugar and it's only 80 cals, what kind are you using? i can't drink it black either :p i have tried my hardest! i'm also a coffee addict and find it hard to hold back but like you i find it takes up a lot of calories so i try not to have more than 2-3 cups, i TRY to have one in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. i'm going to try to slowly cut down on how much C/S i use. i could probably use a little less sugar and be fine. seriously though, i tried black and it was gross to me. i feel your pain!
  • meghanduprey
    meghanduprey Posts: 158 Member
    I'm not sure if there's any science to back this up, but I have a harder time losing weight when regularly drinking black coffee instead of herbal teas. Now that I've drastically reduced my black coffee intake, I'm losing weight again. In no way am I saying that coffee is to blame... In my case, I think it's because drinking more coffee, even black as I mentioned, leads me to personally crave less water and crave other junk.

    i wonder if it's the caffeine? is it dehydrating you? i find i crave salty stuff if i drink too much cofee
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    Slowly cut back on the stuff you put in it. I am a complete coffee addict and when I started on mfp I realized I was drinking 1200calories/day in coffee (Tim's extra large triple triples all day long). I cut from 18% cream to 10%. After a while I cut the 10% to 5% and I weigh out the sugar I put into my coffee. 2 years later in maintenance I've gone back to 10% because I love the creaminess and have extra calories to play with. I can also drink it black now when I'm at work or out and save the additions for when I'm home. 2 years ago if you told me I'd be drinking black coffee I'd tell you you were crazy. Baby steps, op, baby steps.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    I'm with everyone that says cut back on how much cream, sugar, etc, you're adding. You'll get used to it, really! I've reached the point where I just put a splash of 1% milk in my coffee to thicken it up and cool it a little and that's all I need. Minimal calories and lots of yumminess. Plus it helps curb my appetite! Win all around :)

  • courtneystricker
    courtneystricker Posts: 26 Member
    good morning i went to the store yesterday and bought some nonfat milk and i am trying a cup of coffee with only the milk in it wish me luck
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Good god. How much crap are you putting in your coffee? I put in less than a tablespoon of sugar free creamer in my coffee and I'll drink numerous cups a day and still be well under 100 calories
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    festerw wrote: »
    Drink it black, I still enjoy a cup every once in awhile with cream and sugar but 99% of the time I drink black.

    This is exactly what I do!! I need coffee <3
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    Good god. How much crap are you putting in your coffee? I put in less than a tablespoon of sugar free creamer in my coffee and I'll drink numerous cups a day and still be well under 100 calories

    lol real talk, might as well just give up and go get a frappuccino from Starbucks at that point...
  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    I stopped drinking coffee at work, because I was not moderating the half n half or cream and aside from all those added calories, the added dairy seemed to congest me.

    I now have one large (32oz) iced coffee with Splenda and extra milk from Dunkin (whole) or McDonalds (2%) on my way to work, then I drink black or green tea throughout the day for my caffeine fix, sweetened with one packet of whatever generic aritifcial sweetner is around.

    I often get another 32 oz iced coffee after work :~) It feels like a treat... And I count it as a snack rather than a beverage.
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    I use Unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk, splenda, and a little vanilla extract. A whole cup of almond milk is 30 calories. I don't like using it as milk otherwise, but it's great in coffee!
  • courtneystricker
    courtneystricker Posts: 26 Member
    i drink maybe 6-8 cups a day but the problem is that i like the sugar and cream in it i think i like the sugar more than cream and over do it on the sugar and i really like to drink the Starbucks carmel frapacino
  • courtneystricker
    courtneystricker Posts: 26 Member
    i want to try the almond milk idea
  • ncscott11
    ncscott11 Posts: 100 Member
    There are lots of options to have your coffee without it being black. Try a coconut milk or almond milk, they don't have too many calories and you can add a lot. Try switching to a splenda or sweet n low (or something of that nature). There are also fat free/sugar free creamers you can use that are only 15 calories a serving. Also, there a ton of flavored Kcups that are little to no calories you can look into. I could never give up my coffee!
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    drinking that much coffee blows my mind unless you're like a college senior or a lawyer or something else with insane stress levels and performance demands
  • kskinnyperfect
    kskinnyperfect Posts: 28 Member
    I drink my coffee black with 2 splendas. Gets the job done and 5 calories tops
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    OP, according to your diary, your coffee's are almost 150 calories per 8oz cup. That's more than a Coke. Looking at your diary, there aren't too many coffee entries.

    Yes, you can fit caloric drinks into a deficit diet, but 6-8 150 calorie drinks won't work. It looks like you are trying other options; I hope you find one that works.

    I drink mine with sweetener only, always have, and I don't bother tracking the 6-8 cups I drink.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    I find black coffee to be a great substitute when I want to consume something but don't want or need food.

  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    I'll never understand why people have to screw up a perfectly good cup of coffee by adding a bunch of stuff to it.

    Black coffee, all day, every day.

    (note: I won't begrudge you a bit o' Irish Whiskey in it every once in a while)