"To The Fatty Running On The Track This Afternoon"



  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    edited May 2015
    catieraney wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    If someone who is "exercising" has enough time to think this and then later write it they aren't spending enough time really exercising...when I work out I don't notice anyone around me...ever...I see the walls, the bars, the plates, the puddles to avoid and holes in the walking bridge...that's what I see.

    get your mind on your workout not what is around you...you'd be better off.

    Oh an btw the title sucks..."to the fatty..." WTF...

    Oh come on, you've never in your life looked around while you're exercising? When you're resting in between sets, you just stare at the ground? You never look at people to see if they're done with their set yet so you can use their bench? And what is this, you don't think when you exercise? Your mind is completely blank as you stare at the ground to look for puddles when you're jogging??

    We're humans. Of course we look around and see other people. Of course we think about them. And yeah, sometimes the thoughts are "judgy". Sometimes it's "Oh man that girl has such nice muscles" or "how is she jogging in denim shorts, my thighs would be so raw" or "that girl really needs to invest in a higher quality sports bra" or "oh god, that guy's workout shorts are too loose and I can totally see his butt crack, gross, ew, look away". This happens when I'm not at the gym, too.

    And I am absolutely certain that people have thought things along the exact same lines when they've seen me at the gym or on the street jogging or, really, just out and about in daily life. Do I care? No, because I am not a Milford man and will always be seen and heard. I used to jog around in the tiny atrium in my house because I was too afraid the neighbors would see me in between the slats of our fence. I was also in middle school, and was really really afraid what others would think about me in pretty much every situation. Luckily...I grew up. I realize that people are going to judge me and draw conclusions about me until, and hopefully after, I die. This is life. This does not change anything about who I actually am.

    With all of that said...just because I have these thoughts when I see other people, and think that it's totally normal to do so, doesn't mean I would EVER presume to post it on social media. Or tell anyone my thoughts about them. Because I know that these "judgements" and "assumptions" are just that - completely assumed; I know absolutely nothing about these people.

    Very few good things come from social media. This is not one of them.

    I look at people but usually the thoughts are "Ohh!! He/she is regular". "Nice form". "That's new" "I'm seeing them after long time"

    Thoughts can be positive too. Depends on how one has been training oneself all this time.

    Do you positive?
  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    afatpersonwholikesfood Posts: 577 Member

    obpyum wrote: »

    You've missed my point and just picked 10 words that rubbed you the wrong way.

    It's less about rubbing me the wrong way and more about words that hint at a mindset where food and exercise have become moral issues. It's not just you; it's a cultural thing.

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Couldn't resist:

  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    I think addressing the message 'to the FATTY..' sums up what the writer really felt. Any words after that...aren't real. You don't call someone a name..then compliment them!
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    I can honestly say I pay zero attention when jogging. Now lifting at the gym sure, but I run in my neighborhood, same route, around the same time. Same houses, same cars, same dogs. If I actually paid attention I would be bored as hell. When i'm exercising, I'm listening to music and in my head I'm making a grocery list, plans for my vacation, what to get my dad for his birthday, ect. ect. I have this glazed look in my eyes, my eyes are open but not really seeing much. Somebody could literally walk right by me and I would be able to even tell you what they were wearing.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    My favorite is when a lady is nekkid in the dressing room and acts all embarrassed and apologizes when I walk in and see her. With four dressing rooms available.