Looking for friends with 100 pounds or more to lose.



  • me_ona_diet
    me_ona_diet Posts: 71 Member
    I too want to lose 100+lbs. I'm doing low carb, down 26lbs so far, would still like to lose another 120 or so -limited exercise right now as I have a knee injury that makes it difficult to do a lot. Feel free to friend me!
  • lilc922
    lilc922 Posts: 12 Member
    The hardest part of the gym is the drive to get there. ;)
  • RaeB1013
    RaeB1013 Posts: 265 Member
    Hi! I have 157 lbs to lose all together....down 24 in 6 weeks! I started at 352 (my all time heaviest :neutral: ) and am now at 328. We can all do this!!
  • cmyers1188
    cmyers1188 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm trying to lose a total of 110 pounds! I'm right there with you (my ticker is set at a smaller goal, 80 pounds, as a start) - right now I am only down 5. I lost 20. Gained it back. Lost 30. Gained it back. Lost 20 again. Gained it back. And now, once I made it about my life and not just my looks, I'm struggling. Haha. My metabolism got sick of me, but I plan to keep fighting like hell.
    Anyone and everyone is welcome to add me! I'm always looking to gain and give more support.
  • mjohemme
    mjohemme Posts: 356 Member
    100-125 for me, too. Feel free to add me. I just took a couple weeks off, and am ready to start up again. I do fine on the exercise (zumba a couple times a week, lots of walking and starting back to water aerobics), but need to do better on the diet side.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    My original goal was to lose about 110. I'm down 100+. What you guys are trying to do is doable. It will require lots of hard work and dedication. But it's totally doable. I've been overweight my whole life. In October 2013, when I hit 310, I decided I have to get serious about losing weight. I started off with small changes. I went for a long walk that first day and haven't looked back. Having been overweight all my life, I never had any interest in sports at all. I now run daily and ride my bike several times a week. I've run half marathons and biked centuries. You can all be in the same situation in the next couple of years.

    Some tips:
    Don't make too many changes at once
    Don't do anything drastic or you'll burn out
    As much as you'll hear that food is the most important part of losing weight (and it is), exercise is very important
    All of you should change your goals before you even start. Focus on that first 35-45 pounds. When you get there, you'll feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment. It will give you the willpower to tackle the next 30 pounds. Continue from there until you reach the long term goal.

    Feel free to friend me and/or send me direct messages if you have any questions. I'm not a nutritionist but I can give you some tips based on my experience.
  • BKmkdct22213
    BKmkdct22213 Posts: 27 Member

    I need to lose 171 more pounds to be at my goal weight. I started my life change on 5/4/15 and 333.2 lbs, on Tuesday I weighed myself and I am down to 316.2. I cut out all the soda and drink only water and lots of it. I am following a 1300-1500 calorie diet. I just joined a gym today! The more buddies the better. Feel free to add me people!
  • lmxxox
    lmxxox Posts: 56 Member
    You are all so motivational and inspirational.. <3
  • Masyn88
    Masyn88 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hey there! I'd love to be the friend of anybody working hard to get to a better place! I started off wanting to lose 106 pounds - I've lost 75 and feel amazing! It would be great to go along for the ride with you and get some motivation for myself to finally reach my goal!
  • Deatsy
    Deatsy Posts: 133 Member
    180lbs to go.
  • Redmonkeydf
    Redmonkeydf Posts: 15 Member
    I posted the below in the 80 thread, it applies here too I guess:

    "Hi Folks. I opened an account here some time ago, set it up, and forgot about it. I finally reached my low point over the weekend, and I have been an active user since Monday. I have about 145Lbs to vanquish. I am a 44 year old father of two boys, living in Toronto. I have always been fairly insular, and figure that it would be helpful to have some folks for mutual motivation, as trying to do things on my own has been about as successful as a screen door in a submarine. Please add away if you like."
  • SarahRay660
    SarahRay660 Posts: 4 Member
    I am also looking to lose 100 lbs. Feel free to add me. I am a 28 year old mother of one who I is trying to lose weight and live life! In 2014, I was put into a medically induced coma for three and a half weeks to save my life from a deadly lung disease. When I woke up, I quickly realized that I no longer could use my muscles. I needed to learn how to walk, talk, and swallow among other everyday tasks. I was an extremely difficult and painful time in my life. Mentally, I am over it. Sleeping Beauty has awaken! However, my body is taking some time to follow. My lungs are almost 100% recovered but they need to be trained to endure exercise. So for now, I'm stuck on walking only :neutral: That is until I lose some weight anyways. Looking for some motivation and accountability. No more excuses!! Thanks everyone!!
  • EvEboEvie
    EvEboEvie Posts: 115 Member
    My goal is 100 pounds exactly. I've lost 30 from my highest already. Reaching my goal weight means I won't need a CPAP machine anymore!!
  • chrislee1628
    chrislee1628 Posts: 305 Member
    100+ to lose feel free to add
  • grannymeemers2234
    grannymeemers2234 Posts: 6 Member
    lilc922 wrote: »
    The hardest part of the gym is the drive to get there. ;)

  • missellesmarie
    missellesmarie Posts: 10 Member
    I'm trying to lose 100 pounds. I'm that much overweight. :'(
  • KimberlyArauz
    KimberlyArauz Posts: 10 Member
    Dont feel to bad. Im in the same boat. Maybe we can help each other out.
  • KimberlyArauz
    KimberlyArauz Posts: 10 Member
    I posted the below in the 80 thread, it applies here too I guess:

    "Hi Folks. I opened an account here some time ago, set it up, and forgot about it. I finally reached my low point over the weekend, and I have been an active user since Monday. I have about 145Lbs to vanquish. I am a 44 year old father of two boys, living in Toronto. I have always been fairly insular, and figure that it would be helpful to have some folks for mutual motivation, as trying to do things on my own has been about as successful as a screen door in a submarine. Please add away if you like."

  • src111803
    src111803 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm trying to get rid of 159 lbs

  • KimberlyArauz
    KimberlyArauz Posts: 10 Member
    Me too. Sometimes i dont even want to bother but then i see myself on the show 600lbs if i keep up living this way.... i dont even avereage out at a specific weight... it just keeps going up.

    Im 30 years old with three kids. I live in Miami fl. Where tje grocery store are filled with milfs.

    And im just here like yeah im a fat *kitten*.... people ask me where i come come from. You should see their face when i say im a native.