Starvation mode with too much exercise?



  • PPumpItUp
    PPumpItUp Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks lemurcat12 and all the others that posted a reply. I think I have an understanding of it now.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    AshLittle1 wrote: »
    This quote infers to the answer I was looking for. As long as I do not deprive myself of calories I can exercise and have a high caloric deficit. My base metabolic rate is 3500 calories. According to MyFitnessPal, if I reduce my caloric intake to 2000 calories a day I will burn 2 pounds a week. 1 pound of fat is 3500 calories. This means if I take in 2000 calories a day but exercise and burn 1000 calories a day my net caloric consumption will be 1000 calories, meaning each day I am burning 2500 calories of fat, correct?

    "Only reduce calorie intake by about 500 calories per day, and increase activity level to offset the smaller calorie reduction. Different exercises burn calories at varying rates depending on the intensity levels. A 160-lb. person, running at 5 mph, burns 584 calories per hour. Lap swimming at a moderate pace burns 511 calories per hour. Slight reductions in calorie counts, combined with aerobic and weight-lifting exercise, results in steady and lasting weight loss."

    why did you start this thread if you already have all the answers?
  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    You're on thin ice asking that question on here :D ...
    You are funny! I was thinking the same thing.

  • PPumpItUp
    PPumpItUp Posts: 208 Member
    Yeah, I was looking at the wrong calculator. My BMR is 2600 calories. Which makes sense with how MyFitnessPal has my calories and cardio structured to loose 2 lbs a week
  • PPumpItUp
    PPumpItUp Posts: 208 Member
    I did not have the answer. I wondered if I reduced my calories and then burned off a lot of calories by working out, if that would lower my metabolism.
  • AndiDurall
    AndiDurall Posts: 17 Member
    In that article the op posted, it says that it slows the metabolism and stores any EXTRA calories as fat. Even if you take the article exactly as stated, you still wouldn't be storing fat if you are at a deficit, right? Because your body wouldn't have any extra calories? I don't get the whole starvation mode thing. That poor 40 lb anorexic woman on the news lately pretty much shows that it doesn't happen. Not to mention all the skeletal children in starving areas and the whole Holocaust thing. Where did that idea come from?
  • PPumpItUp
    PPumpItUp Posts: 208 Member
    I should have said, your body thinks you are starving with a lower caloric consumption and slows your metabolism.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    AshLittle1 wrote: »
    I should have said, your body thinks you are starving with a lower caloric consumption and slows your metabolism.


    But as many have stated, it's important to be eating enough to fuel your workouts and days properly, even when you are cutting calories.
  • JoshLibby
    JoshLibby Posts: 214 Member
    edited May 2015
    Yeah Lemurcat12 gave the best answer. Of course your metabolism will slow down if you don't get a certain amount of calories and this is "starvation mode". The problem is, it won't be a sudden starvation mode. It takes years of a drastic caloric deficit before you see it, but it's still possible. I know many woman (overweight) who eat around 1200 calories a day but are very active. Yet, their calorie maintenance is 2800, yet they won't gain or lose a pound. People will then say they are lying, but those people Don't understand not everyone is fat from overeating. It's not as simple as just eat less or exercise more. If it was everyone would be perfect.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    edited May 2015
    JoshLibby wrote: »
    Yeah Lemurcat12 gave the best answer. Of course your metabolism will slow down if you don't get a certain amount of calorie and this is starvation mode.

    No...that's not what lemurcat said.

    Metabolic adaptation =/= starvation mode
  • PPumpItUp
    PPumpItUp Posts: 208 Member
    So, if my BMR is 2600 a day and myfitnesspal wants me to consume 2000 calories a day with 600 calories of exercise, I do not need to worry about my metabolism slowing down over time correct?
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    If you starve, your body will reduce both fat and lean body mass. This results in less calories burn. That's it, no starvation mode.
    Starvation mode doesn't even make sense in terms of evolution. All life is fighting to do more with less energy, if your body had a high efficiency mode, why would it ever notbe in starvation mode? We started walking on two legs instead of lopping on forearms to save just a few hundred calories a year, but you think our body has a reduced calorie mode it just turns on because you cut a snickers or two out of your daily calorie intake?
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Starvation mode...
    I still come back to children in Ethiopia.....obviously they did it wrong.
    Or people that are anorexic....
    Or Christian Bale when he did The Machinist......

    The body is a machine, and looks for the most efficient way to do what it can with what it has, while preserving life.

    As long as you can "fog a mirror"....guess what, your metabolism is working as it should be.
  • PPumpItUp
    PPumpItUp Posts: 208 Member
    Evidentally its called metabolic adaptation
  • jazzine1
    jazzine1 Posts: 280 Member
    MityMax96 wrote: »
    Starvation mode...
    I still come back to children in Ethiopia.....obviously they did it wrong.
    Or people that are anorexic....
    Or Christian Bale when he did The Machinist......

    The body is a machine, and looks for the most efficient way to do what it can with what it has, while preserving life.

    As long as you can "fog a mirror"....guess what, your metabolism is working as it should be.

  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    AshLittle1 wrote: »
    Evidentally its called metabolic adaptation

    Right so it is not "starvation mode" or you damaged your metabolism
    It is the bodies natural response based on the environment it has been given.
    It adapted.
    You will lose weight being in may get slower to do so over time, but rest assured given long enough time, your body will continue to drop weight....
    You will not just get to some point and stop losing weight (unless you die) and the body just starts storing fat.....
    Doesn't work that way.....which is what people believe is "starvation mode"
    "Oh I stopped losing weight, and now I am just holding fat....blah blah blah"

    NOOOOOO!!!!! you stopped losing weight because you are no longer in a calorie deficit.