For heterosexual couples on the "journey" together...



  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    aww :( that's a lot of "gay couples and single people" that are now going to be hurt :joy: actually most of the people here are either single or gay :/ most but not all! shame this wasn't left as open to "all" opinions of anyone. could have been fun :bawling:

    False... most are married, pretending to be single :joy:

  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    Maximus wrote: »
    I'm pretending to be gay.

    Back to back posts related to homosexuality.
  • determined_ella
    determined_ella Posts: 4,354 Member
    aww :( that's a lot of "gay couples and single people" that are now going to be hurt :joy:

    Well, I think (I hope) that the only reason homosexual couples were left out was because, if they weigh anything close to each other (which they might if they live together and share meals), they're going to have a similar daily allotment.

    Singles would've been valid though. I grew up with two male best friends - both of whom had to buy the smallest size pants and belt them so they would stay on. They ate EVERYTHING in sight.... and I was always on a diet. -_-

    Realizing you could've been joking, sorry if I killed the sarcasm. :\

    lol was half and half.. ;p but exactly! I too have male friends at the gym which I think hmm they are doing what I am ( or so I think ) yet they are dropping the weight and I'm gaining ( according to the scales! ) 0_oyest I can see with my eyes I'm slimmer! so I'm assuming my fat is turning into muscle and muscle weighs more? :/ lol I need to take up a nutritional or fitness course or something! confuses me lol :joy:
  • DaveAkeman
    DaveAkeman Posts: 296 Member
    A while back I started a C25K program and losing weight for BP control. After I started, my wife said she wanted to do it, too. My response was pretty lackluster. Yeah, sure thing, honey. She used to be an amazing athlete; however, since finding out she has Muscular Dystrophy 15 years ago, she has lost that. She has gained a lot of weight, and usually needs an electric wheelchair to get around due to leg weakness. She cannot lift her arms above her shoulders.

    However, she was insistent. She got a recumbent stationary bicycle, and did what she could. She got a fitbit and started pushing herself to walk more. At my insistence she consulted with her pulmonologist, neurologist, and cardiologist along the way – all are very supportive of her program.

    She has worked herself up to this, but she now does 2 HOURS A DAY on the stationary bicycle! Not at an incredible pace, or high resistance, but . . . 2 HOURS!!! She has also worked up to 2500+ steps with the fitbit, and generally doubles that on the weekends. That’s a LOT for her! AND she is losing weight – not as fast as me, but much more steadily. In the same time, all I have done is work up to running 5k.

    Yes, I lose 2-3x as fast as her (but I’m not as consistent as her). And when we compare our results, she does get frustrated. (I’ve lost 68 pounds, she’s lost 56) I try to keep my progress somewhat to myself so I don’t discourage her.

    The fact of the matter, though, is that SHE is MY inspiration! (Did I mention 2 HOURS A DAY of cardio???)
  • determined_ella
    determined_ella Posts: 4,354 Member
    edited May 2015
    Maximus wrote: »
    ^^^ cool story!

    (would have been cooler if you were gay)

    so let me get this straight ( no pun intended ) you're pretending to be a straight man, that's pretending to be gay? :/:joy: a little confusion here! ( doesn't take much! )
  • mxmakm
    mxmakm Posts: 1,166 Member
    Kind of. My husband and I are both on MFP and I don't care so much that I eat 1200 calories a day (maybe a bit more with exercise) and he eats around 2500 calories a day, but I hate his calorie burns! We both have Fitbit Surges so it calculates how much we burn daily (including BMR of course) and on a good day I burn 2500 calories. On a good day he's over 5000! I know it has a lot to do with the fact I am 100 pounds lighter and am 5'4 and he's 6'2 but it still kills me!
  • FlowVinyasa
    FlowVinyasa Posts: 6 Member
    _John_ wrote: »
    I have to ask the it infuriating how many more calories we men get to eat in a day and still get results?

    It has to be hard.

    Not just men. Pretty much everybody who are much taller than me!

  • determined_ella
    determined_ella Posts: 4,354 Member
    Maximus wrote: »
    Maximus wrote: »
    ^^^ cool story!

    (would have been cooler if you were gay)

    so let me get this straight ( no pun intended ) you're pretending to be a straight man, that's pretending to be gay? :/:joy: a little confusion here! ( doesn't take much! )

    On Tuesdays.
    What about Fridays?
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    How is this question even a thing? My BF’s TDEE is only about 300-400 calories higher than mine and we’re at similar fitness levels.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    Maximus wrote: »
    it's a thing because John made it a thing.

    Can we un-thing it?
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    Maximus wrote: »
    Oh, on Fridays I wear special underwear

    We are going to need to see those. Pics or it didn't happen, lol.

  • DaveAkeman
    DaveAkeman Posts: 296 Member
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    Maximus wrote: »
    it's a thing because John made it a thing.

    Can we un-thing it?

    Sadly, Emilia, no. In general, men are taller and heavier, and have a lower BF%, than women. That's just the way God made us. You and your boyfriend may be exceptions . . . perhaps you're taller, or he's shorter, then average, but, ON AVERAGE, men just lose weight faster than women. It might not be fair, but it IS.

    Also, sadly, once these discussions get off-topic and wandering, MFP does not appear to have an un-follow option . . .
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    I used to be totally envious of my husband who it seemed could eat anything and never gain an ounce. Then I realized that he did eat a ton at dinner with me, but he ate essentially nothing all day while at work - so he really wasn't consuming all that many more calories than I did. And on the rare occasions that he did really pig out, it was usually a weekend and he burned a ton of it doing yard work or going for a long run or something. And now that I've started lifting (and have a more realistic idea of what a healthy weight is) I very rarely feel deprived anymore, so it's really a non-issue.