Should I eliminate aspartame from my life? My Doctor says yes!

Hello Everyone!
I just got back from seeing my cardiologist with a glowing report that I am praising the Lord for giving me my health back. During our conversation, my Doctor noted that I had lost weight. I told her that I had been on Nutri System...and that I really LOVE the frozen food plan! She said that Nutri System was a good way to lose weight...but that I needed to watch the labels to make sure that there were no Aspartame in the ingredients. She went on to say that Aspartame usage will result in very slow weight loss...or NONE at all...and that I should stop the Diet Coke as it was full of Aspartame. Right then and there...I swore off "pop" for ever!

But when I got home...I noticed that almost all the diet foods and drinks have Aspartame in them. Now I am wondering what I am going to eat. And I need a second opinion. Any help would be so appreciated! Roland


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I don't touch Aspartame but it won't stop weight loss, there are some theories that it can slow it down. But common sense must tell you that as you HAVE lost weight whilst drinking it.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited May 2015
    Huh? I wonder how she figures it will "slow" or "stop weight loss". My average weight loss per week typically falls between 1-1.5lbs per week (not what I'd consider slow seeing as I only have about 7.5lbs to go). I drink way more diet pop then I should. I use sweeteners in my cooking.

    Aspartame gives my mom migraines, but doesn't cause any issues for me or my younger brother. For this reason my mom avoids aspartame, but I don't have any reason to avoid it.
  • flaminica
    flaminica Posts: 304 Member
    I'm pretty sure aspartame can't alter the laws of physics. The pop-culture studies linking it to weight gain are correlative rather than causative and are questionable at best, spurious at worst.
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    get a new Doctor one who understands science would be useful.
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    I don't consume aspartame or MSG because both of those make me feel like crap, not exactly sure why.

    There have been studies about aspartame and weight gain, and I've seen it blown way out of proportion. For example, here's an article titled "Artificial Sweeteners Cause Greater Weight Gain than Sugar, Yet Another Study Reveals"

    It states that aspartame makes you fat............. Then you look at the study they reference and the study is done on rats, no humans, and states:

    "It has been suggested that the use of nonnutritive sweeteners (NNSs) can lead to weight gain, but evidence regarding their real effect in body weight and satiety is still inconclusive."

    I see a lot of doctors get lazy and read these articles, but not the actual research and give a bunch of false information to their patients.
  • besee_2000
    besee_2000 Posts: 365 Member
    edited May 2015
    When at family get together I'll have a Diet Coke and grew up on Equal as a kid. I mostly avoid it though. Studies have been coming out that those that have diets with artificial sweeteners affect the body similar to sugar. You may not be getting the calories but sugar does more than have calories. It is being linked to metabolic syndrome, cancer in high doses, diabetes, and as we learn more about our gut ecosystem, malnutrition and brain wiring.

    Google studies on artificial sweeteners and make your own educated decision.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    edited May 2015
    sounds like your doctor is full of *kitten* regarding weight loss

    literally the only thing that matters for weight loss, aside from medical issues, is the number of calories you consume vs the number of calories your body uses (CICO)
  • flamingblades
    flamingblades Posts: 311 Member
    I believe Diet Pepsi uses Splenda. It is best to ditch soda pop all together, but my mom used to drink Diet Pepsi to avoid Aspartame. She had cancer and didn't want to make it worse with Aspartame.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    I believe Diet Pepsi uses Splenda. It is best to ditch soda pop all together, but my mom used to drink Diet Pepsi to avoid Aspartame. She had cancer and didn't want to make it worse with Aspartame.

    there's no reason to ditch soda unless you just want to stop drinking it.

    don't restrict yourself unnecessarily. eat and drink what you like and count your calories properly.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    The only thing I have seen is that the brain's response to that "sweet" (not getting technical or scientific here) reacts the same as real sugar, but it does note interfere with insulin, etc...

    You went to your doctor (a cardiologist no doubt) and she talks about aspartame and your weight loss and not aspartame and your heart health.... urggggghhh..
  • ahkennett
    ahkennett Posts: 15 Member
    Most doctors know little, if anything, more about nutrition and weight loss than the average lay person who has done a bit of research. In other words, their knowledge is largely crap.

    If you want sound medical advice on these matters, stick to a RD (remembering that anyone can call themselves a 'nutritionist').
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hello Everyone!
    I just got back from seeing my cardiologist with a glowing report that I am praising the Lord for giving me my health back. During our conversation, my Doctor noted that I had lost weight. I told her that I had been on Nutri System...and that I really LOVE the frozen food plan! She said that Nutri System was a good way to lose weight...but that I needed to watch the labels to make sure that there were no Aspartame in the ingredients. She went on to say that Aspartame usage will result in very slow weight loss...or NONE at all...and that I should stop the Diet Coke as it was full of Aspartame. Right then and there...I swore off "pop" for ever!

    But when I got home...I noticed that almost all the diet foods and drinks have Aspartame in them. Now I am wondering what I am going to eat. And I need a second opinion. Any help would be so appreciated! Roland

    If I had a doctor tell me something that I know isn't true, I'd be finding a new doctor. I've lost almost 60lbs while drinking diet sodas and eating foods with artificial sweeteners I've also been successfully maintaining the loss for over two years now, while still drinking diet soda etc. I'm also in excellent health.

    And this doesn't even make sense-you've lost weight while drinking diet soda, she congratulates you on your loss, and then tells you that you should change something because it will cause you to not lose weight?! Um, do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? Obviously aspartame hasn't been affecting your weight loss. Seriously, I'd be looking for a new doctor sheesh.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    If I wasn't on my phone, I'd link you to about it. The short of it is that there are no double blind studies showing aspartame affecting weight. Every single "study" claiming weight gain is placebo or correlation (imagine, overweight people more likely to eat diet foods, incredible).
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited May 2015
    ="Caitwn;32699965"]While I agree that the physician is misinformed about Aspartame and weight loss (I personally prefer not to consume diet sodas for other reasons) I wouldn't be so quick to advise the poster to find a new physician. She's his cardiologist, not his nutritionist, and he seems to have a good relationship with her. I think it's more important to offer good sources of information so that he can make his own decisions and discuss what he's learned with his physician later. If she acts like a complete jerk and refuses to dialogue with him, that's another issue. But I don't see that switching physicians is a reasonable suggestion at this point. Just sayin.

    Have to disagree, I have no problem firing doctors if they spout off nonsense as 'truth'. Been there, done that, have no problem doing it again in the future if the need arises. Especially if said nonsense goes against what is obviously happening ie. cut xyz out of your diet because it will cause you to not lose spite of the fact that you're actually losing weight while consuming xyz,. Really? That doctor would have lost all credibility with me and I wouldn't be able to trust her anymore. I just can't wrap my head around this one :p
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    ^^^ Yup, I've fired many a doctor and endocrinologist. No regrets.
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