21 Day Fix?



  • kjdaniel06
    kjdaniel06 Posts: 13 Member
    raven56706 wrote: »
    kjdaniel06 wrote: »
    Oh wow this was so helpful everyone!!! I cannot thank yall enough! I've decided to not buy it because I didn't know it was that much. But like ladybarometer said, im not against it, I'm just a little cheap lol. and I know of don't have the money to spare right now because I am in desperate need of a new car before I start back at college in the fall semester.

    But does anyone have a website link or know of anywhere that can tell me how to portion control? I'm horrible at it lol. My husband is a super picky eater and I am not so it's really hard for me to decide what to cook and how much but if I need to cook a separate meal for him, I will. I eat anything except asperagus (sp?). I am also on adderall now so I don't eat much but my mouth is always so dry so I've been sticking to sandwiches, which in sure isn't the best but it's better than eating out for lunch everyday at work. And it's cheaper.

    Also, does anyone have smoothie recipes? I love smoothies but I'm not great at making them off of the top of my head. Ps. I LOVE blueberries. lol.

    blueberries and vanilla protein powder. With light Silk Almond milk vanilla. Thank me later

    Thank you! Where do I get the powder?
  • shpudem
    shpudem Posts: 7 Member
    I know what I'm about to suggest will probably make me look like an idiot....but I just download beachbody videos and meal plans for free when I want them. The quality is good as they're usually DVD rips...
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    shpudem wrote: »
    I know what I'm about to suggest will probably make me look like an idiot....but I just download beachbody videos and meal plans for free when I want them. The quality is good as they're usually DVD rips...

    Yup, that's how I got Insanity and P90x3. Burned em to DVD, perfect quality.

    That doesn't make you look like an idiot, it makes you look like a sensible person with an internet connection. Lol
  • ames1586
    ames1586 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm really enjoying 21 day fix. I've learned a lot about portion control and making more nutritious exchaanges. The workouts are fun and challenging. Shakeology is about $160 for a 30 day supply and extremely yummy. However I use GNC lean 25, it's only $39
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 304 Member

    This is the site I used to help determine how to label my ziplock containers and how many of which ones to have for the day.
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 304 Member

    That doesn't make you look like an idiot, it makes you look like a sensible person with an internet connection. Lol[/quote]

    Yep! lol
  • smendrin
    smendrin Posts: 3 Member
    I downloaded mine too and then just ordered the containers from Amazon for about $25. I did a couple days of just doing the portions with regular measuring cups too. There's a ton of info online and on Pinterest that you could easily do it without spending the money. Today is my official day 1 but above losing weight, I'm hoping to learn better portion control. I have a serious overeating problem and need to change my habits which is why the 21 day fix appealed to me. I did Isagenix before and lost weight, but gained it back (and then some) so I'm looking forward to teaching myself how to eat right. I also like that the workouts are only 30 minutes and hope to start getting up 30 minutes earlier to do them before work to start my day off. But that will have to wait until my body detoxes from all the bad food I've been eating and I'm not feeling so sluggish.
  • bjune5
    bjune5 Posts: 70 Member
    Oh my! So much misinformation about the 21 Day Fix Program mentioned in this thread. LOL
    You do not have to buy Shakeology for this program. It's an option. If you buy just the containers it's just under $60.

    If you are far from your goal, of course it won't take just 21 days. 21 days is just one round.
    I have personally used the program for 2 rounds and have lost 25 pounds. I'm on my third round.
    This works for me. Find what works for you.
  • dianaramirez1220
    dianaramirez1220 Posts: 52 Member
    I finished doing the 21 day fix. I lost 10 pounds. It's a great program. The work out videos are ok but I was having problems doing them. But I recommend that program.
  • lilmisssunshinekm
    lilmisssunshinekm Posts: 2 Member
    I've decided to do the Kendra's 365 24/7 plan. Lol....Fit & Fresh offer the same containers for 8-14 dollars or you can get colored zip lock baggies and measuring cups and a food scale. Get your own 30 minute workouts and look on pinterest for the main idea of 21 day fix plan. Save your $$$. No such thing in a free lunch, but you can use common sense and do the same thing for ALOT LESS!!! Frugal is a good thing.
  • chrisssam
    chrisssam Posts: 106 Member
    raven56706 wrote: »
    shakeology is a waste... just get a whey isolate protein and take a multivitamin. its exactly the same.

    Multivitamins are good they just don't break up well in the body cause they are to compact so your body does not get all the vitamins.. Just saying.. Good day
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    kjdaniel06 wrote: »
    Oh wow this was so helpful everyone!!! I cannot thank yall enough! I've decided to not buy it because I didn't know it was that much. But like ladybarometer said, im not against it, I'm just a little cheap lol. and I know of don't have the money to spare right now because I am in desperate need of a new car before I start back at college in the fall semester.

    But does anyone have a website link or know of anywhere that can tell me how to portion control? I'm horrible at it lol. My husband is a super picky eater and I am not so it's really hard for me to decide what to cook and how much but if I need to cook a separate meal for him, I will. I eat anything except asperagus (sp?). I am also on adderall now so I don't eat much but my mouth is always so dry so I've been sticking to sandwiches, which in sure isn't the best but it's better than eating out for lunch everyday at work. And it's cheaper.

    Also, does anyone have smoothie recipes? I love smoothies but I'm not great at making them off of the top of my head. Ps. I LOVE blueberries. lol.

    Portion control is something you learn. Read the packages of things you eat. Buy a food scale and weigh all non-liquid foods. 227g is a cup of Greek yogurt. 14g is a tablespoon of butter. 12g is a serving of chia seeds. My protein powder of choice is 28g. The scoop that comes with it usually comes out to about 32g, so I weigh it to get a proper portion. It's also great for fruit and vegetables since a banana can be anywhere from 80g to 120g depending on how big (and I try and purchase the smaller ones, the crazy big ones can be even more).
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Well you can buy it on amazon or ebay cheaper and you can buy your own containers.and then sub out the shakeology. Or you can buy beach bodys streaming thing where you can use any of their programs which is cheaper too.